Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. I know what you mean about photos of meals, but you need to dig a bit deeper. There are a lot of Facebook Groups dedicated to specific subjects, in which you’ll only find posts on that topic; and they’re moderated, which hopefully cuts out the moron element. I’m in a number of Groups on various subjects, and you can learn a lot there, without having to scroll through idiot posts. In your quest to find ‘old mates’ there are several Clifton-based FB Groups where you would definitely find familiar names. One is dedicated to old Clifton School Photos, and the other is spec
  2. I was around Clifton a couple of weeks ago and noticed how many large mature trees there are now; far more than when I was living there in the 1960s. It's become a surprisingly green place. Everything that was planted in the 50s and 60s has grown and become established.
  3. It's now 3 years ago (late March) since the first lockdown started, and we all wondered if we'd ever go anywhere again. It all seems like a bit of a dream now.
  4. And Brian Epstein - in his plan for world domination - initially got the Beatles out of leather and into suits. At least for a few years. It worked.
  5. Combining this subject of solo male singers with another thread........when you see these singers on television in the 1950s/60s they all wear suits and ties, looking like they've been for a job interview. Not a hint of shorts, t-shirts or denim.
  6. As well as clothing, I'm not impressed by a lot of current hairstyles on men - with footballers demonstrating the point perfectly. I spent my early days having a forced short-back-and-sides because there was no choice; it seems I was 50 years ahead of my time. Men now go out of their way to have the style-less asymmetric slash with strange floppy bits, bizarre colours, extremely cropped or very long....all on the same head.
  7. Dr Lavelle gets mentioned a lot in this old thread.
  8. That is something which never ceases to amaze me. Do those people never look at themselves in the mirror; and if so what do they see ? Nose and ear hair can be difficult to see unless you are very friendly with the person, but exploding eyebrows stand out a mile and can make you look like a circus clown.
  9. I personally find that look comical and bizarre..........but everyone is entitled to their opinions. We should be grateful that anyone can wear whatever they choose, regardless of the reaction it may generate. The alternative is something like China back in the 60s with everyone wearing a Chairman Mao grey suit.
  10. As they get older, many people tend to dress in the style (casual or formal) which was popular when they were in their teens & 20s. i wonder if today's teens & 20s will continue to dress like this when they get to 60 - 70.
  11. Trivia. Nothing to do with Nottingham, but might be interesting nevertheless.
  12. Some people can carry off the casual look - but many can't. The problem is that those who can't are the majority who walk around like that. They think they look cool...but they don't.
  13. A Youtube video of a guy walking round the former Porterhouse.
  14. For anyone who wants to see the source (and many other Bulwell photos).....
  15. Just seen your reaction to where you found it on FB
  16. I'm not seeing any cut-off. All the words are there with complete sentences. It doesn't help that it's a bit of a rant, which might make it appear something's missing.
  17. Aren't you going to also tell us that the lady in the foreground is Beryl who you took to the Palais in 1962 ?
  18. To me this perfectly evokes growing up in the late 50s-early 60s more than just about any other piece of music.
  19. Doesn't really answer the question but there's an NEP feature on old Netherfield which includes a few photos of Victoria Road.
  20. It's this stretch of Victoria Road, with arrows going right to left.
  21. I can see now where the misunderstanding has happened. Victoria Road isn't mentioned in the original post, but that's the length of road in question. It's one-way in an easterly direction. It's not immediately obvious on the map but Chandos Street extends down onto Victoria Road - it's semi-pedestrianised and marked as a thinner line.
  22. Opposite Brewhouse Yard, near the Trip to Jerusalem.
  23. This may be the one you'd found; described as Adams Cottages from Adams Street - with Lindsay Street in the distance. Lindsay Street is marked here; the road on the left is Radford Road, and St Paul's church is still there. The narrow road between Lindsay Street and Forest Street is Adams Street, but not named on here.