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Everything posted by Stan

  1. How many of us know it is the bard`s birthday today(23rd)? There are some pretty interesting photos of the celebrations on google.
  2. and;Rupert Bear Popular children's character. A bear who had many fantasy adventures. Lived in Beddgelert, Snowdonia (as did his creator Alfred Bestall). The local landscapes feature in his books. Incidentally,was once given a couple of tickets to see Terry Hennessey play after fixing him up in 1969!
  3. He is the president of a resurgent superpower. She is a rhythmic gymnast less than half his age. Now all Moscow is ablaze with rumours that Vladimir Putin, 56, and the flexible 24-year-old Alina Kabaeva have decided to tie the knot. There are increasingly frantic rumours of a wedding between Mr Putin and Alina Kabaeva, the rhythmic gymnast and model The whispers of romance are particularly scurrilous because Mr Putin has not officially announced any separation from his 50-year-old wife, Ludmilla. !inthebin!
  4. Not half as rough as some of the Becket mob were! A school friend from junior school days went to Becket after the 11+ and was so rough/tough was expelled and sent to Mundella! He later became leader of the 1958 race riots in Nottingham.
  5. Which years were ayou at BBH .,Ayup. I was there from 1945 to 1951.
  6. Just wonderin` which of these two is gonner sue, Ayup! Frank Wootton; 1965/66 Ald William Derbyshire; 1966/67
  7. Hello ,Richard, are you still in North Vancouver?
  8. Ah,very interesting,but is any ship/boat with the name `Nottingham to be given a wide berth? Six ships of the British Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Nottingham, after the city of Nottingham in the East Midlands, or alternatively after Lord High Admiral Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham, who commanded the English fleet against the Armada in 1588. The first HMS Nottingham (1703-16) was a cruiser that formed part of the fleet that sailed to attack the Rock of Gibraltar in 1704. The second HMS Nottingham (1719-39) was a rebuild of the first. Slightly larger, she was commissioned on 5
  9. Stan

    Rip offs

    Even worse , Beefy,it is possible to swap gas and electrity companies,and phone and all other similar enterprises, but WATER -NO!!! You are stuck with them.
  10. Ah ,so he must have had at least 3 yards.? Meadow Lane, Alfred St., and Alfreton Rd.
  11. Stan

    Rip offs

    Talking of water rip-offs. Severn Trent fined record £36m after misreporting water leakages Wednesday, 9 April 2008 Severn Trent, the Midlands water company, is to pay a record £36m fine and pledged to cut customer bills after it pleaded guilty yesterday to orchestrating one of the largest customer overcharging scandals ever perpetrated in the UK. The company's extraordinary mea culpa, issued yesterday to the City of London magistrates' court, was the culmination of a long-running investigation by the Serious Fraud Office into a years-long pattern of falsifying information that enabled i
  12. Ah yes, I remember it well!(apologies to French singer) Jackie Pownall`s main yard was between the bottom of Carlton Rd and Alfred St. Many of my mates and I made a fortune dealing with Jackie as young nippers just after the war. Alan Sillitoe wrote a novel based around the yard,(the Ragman`s Daughter). The various protagonists of Sillitoe's early fiction are generally restless young men from the slum world, who oppose the established order of things, but who are at the same time affected by consumerism and hedonism. Sillitoe rejected artistic elitism and instead of satirizing cosy middl
  13. Ah, but give them a chance! You are being cruel to the planning department at the councilwhere they only have 1000 people `working'. Your new noble leader(who was at one time their noble leader),Jane Todd(no planning qualifications),will soon sort out the chaos,when Nottingham merges into the East Midlands region.
  14. As it seems Nottingham as tunnels everywhere,how easy would it have been to have a mass transit system beneath our streets?
  15. All we need now is pictures of these beautiful ladies!.
  16. Could some kind person enlighten me as to which building this bust is on. Is it even in Nottingham? Could it possibly be George Edmund Street RA FRIBA (1824-1881)
  17. Here you are. Indigenous Students from Oodnadatta Head for the Snow Broadcast: 15/08/2003 Reporter: Tania Nugent Print Email IAN HENSCHKE: Last Sunday we had one of the coldest days in SA for decades. The ABC was flooded with callers telling us about scattered snowfalls across the State. In the driest State, even a dusting of snow is something we rarely see, so a group of 40 children from Oodnadatta area school on the edge of the Simpson Desert decided they'd do something about that
  18. So it did! I will have to find out whether it has ever snowed in South Australia,though. YouTube - Christmas [2007] 1st Snow [20 December 2007] Christmas [2007] 1st Snow [20 December 2007] ... *sigh* I ... Watch video - 2 min 3 sec -
  19. Oh for a bit of that snow! We(in Adelaide) have just had 13(yes 13) consectutive days of temperatures over 100degrees F. This is an all time record for March(autumn).
  20. The statue of Queen Victoria was moved to the Embankment Gardens in 1953. There is a picture dated 1905 on the `picture the past' site from a similar angle dated 1905. I don`t know when women started showing their calves but it must have been in the 1920`s,so the anwer must lie around 20`s 30`s I reckon.
  21. So we are developing a gang of wits with Rob`s and the above comment. However things are much more serious. Don`t you realise that poor Bip is in mortal danger once Heather Mills sees his renovations. She will be in like Flynn and strip his remaining coverings in no time.Pretty good effort so far ,Den.
  22. On a more serious note,Mick,I whandi,(oops) wonder if it was anything to do with his visit to University College?(Nottingham) On 17 October 1931 Mahatma Ghandi addressed a packed student audience in the Great Hall. The visit was arranged because Ghandi's nephew, J V Joshi, was then a student at the College.
  23. Another record for you ,Beefy. At 16.07 hrs ,South Australian time ,19th March. No guests No members(I presume until my name came up) Nil,None ,Zero. Never observed that before!(Bit of a change from the almost 300 the other day.