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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. Had the worst year for potatoes & the best for runner beans.
  2. The allotment at the moment can only be described as SOGGY But all that is growing there at the moment is red cabbage & spinach
  3. I have been trying to delete that post but I dont know how
  4. There were some "disturbances" during the 1874 general election. "History of Nottingham Edited by John Beckett page308"
  5. What about Winston Churchill?
  6. When I ate something too quickly(usually chocolate) my father said it was "like giving pigs cherries".
  7. What about Stilton & mango chutney? or Salami & Brie?
  8. About yes, but about 20-25 feet above ground levelI meant to make this comment about post number 9
  9. Went to a Panto there in 1960 or 61 the main act was Lonnie Donegan
  10. Making this one was more fun :)
  11. Lower Parliament street photo taken after 1960 but before building work on The Victoria Centre was begun 1968 The building with Payne on it was demolished along with The Miltons Head Hotel at that time. I believe Burtons became a "Fine Fare" supermarket in later years.
  12. Going through the posts on the N.S.R. I could see no mention of David Birch's history of this line at the moment it runs to two volumes available from Book Law publications with a third volume to follow in the new year.
  13. I don't know if this site has been mentioned before? But looks interesting http://nottinghamhiddenhistoryteam.wordpress.com/
  14. If you like good beer one or two of these pubs would be worth a try. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tynemill
  15. I think the picture could even be late 40s as the "Walter Fountain " is still in place(demolished 1950) It looked a "little" wet too.
  16. My father bought my set of "double nine" dominoes from Redmayne and Todd in the late 70s . I still have the dominoes but my father died in 1992.
  17. I'm sure there was a rope walk at Lenton(on th canal bank) in the 1880s.
  18. That's the one thank's for that Stu it's put my mind at rest.
  19. Some years ago there was a toy/games/sports shop on the corner of Carrington Street/Canal street, I have been racking my brains & have asked my mother(83) & we can't remember what it was called can anyone help. This shop in recent years has been a pine furniture shop and until recent times a restaurant.
  20. Christmas would be alright and bearable if it was for two days but it seems to start at the end of August. I enjoy Christmas day & Boxing day(may be) but after that I want to get back to a "normal" life.
  21. My mother always said the main reason I liked soup was I didn't have to chew it!
  22. I miss read Kelly's Granby & Victoria Villas before Holroyd Avenue & situated after number 11 Sneinton Dale (Dale Street end) resident Albert Porter chimney sweeper.