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  1. Mess


    I've just seen a report that says price inflation will hit 18.6% next year. That's scary. In common with many on here I well remember when it hit 24% back in 1974. I was working in my second job since leaving Uni and IIRC that summer I was awarded a 25% pay increase. Whilst I was very pleased I soon realised that I hadn't really advanced much at all because the prices of most things (especially mortgages) were much more expensive than the previous year. Back then I used to take it on the chin and just get on with raising a family. This time however I feel rather differently abou
  2. I lived on Russell Rd Forest Fields in the 60s and early 70s and remember great excitement when The Palm Tree opened at the top of the road on Gladstone St. It was a Home Ales pub and was initially quite busy. It was a nice alternative to The Carlton Hotel on Noel St which was a Shipstones House. The Palm Tree didn't seem to last long and the site is now occupied by new town houses. The Carlton became the infamous Frog & Onion which I believe is still there.
  3. Back in the late 60s me and a few friends used to frequent The Grosvenor on Mansfield Rd. Warm Home Ales bitter or mild was the drink of choice back then. Lager was an expensive German drink although bottled Carlsberg was catching on. We used to assemble in the smoke filled lounge which was a bit quieter than the bar where there was a jukebox. In the evening on a warm summer Saturday people would be out in the courtyard, the bar windows would be open and the jukebox turned up. I remember August 1968 when Union Gap's “Young Girl” was played many times. The atmosphere was complete with the
  4. I liked Olivia from way back when she released Bob Dylan' “If not for you” in 1971. It was every bit as good as George Harrison’s version on his debut album “All thing must Pass” At one time I thought she might marry her fiancé Bruce Welch who I also really like but it was not to be. When they broke up In 1972 after 4 years together Bruce tried to commit suicide. I'd forgotten that she represented the UK in Eurovision 1974. That was the year ABBA won it with Waterloo. I always thought she was Australian but of course she was born in the UK emigrating to Oz when she was 6. S
  5. This is one of the most enjoyable books I've ever bought. There are some very cheap copies on Amazon. I can't recommend it highly enough.
  6. I loved Johnny Morris as The Hot Chestnut Man. Shirley Abicair was a pretty Australian girl who sang as she played a zither. She also told stories about a boy called Tumburumba.
  7. This is a great website.
  8. Phil, I can just about remember Whirligig with Humphrey Lestoq. IIRC his catch phrase was goody goody gumdrops. He used to appear with a puppet called Mr Turnip. I think Annette Mills and Muffin were a separate programme. I saw an old clip of Humphrey Lestocq a few years back and he appeared very inebriated. Thoroughly at odds with the BBC standards of the 1950s.
  9. The theme tune for Robinson Crusoe was brilliant. My wife adored The Singing Ringing Tree and several years back went to the cinema to see the whole film rather than the TV episodes. It was in colour and she really enjoyed it.
  10. Yes Phil I do, just about. As a kid I was very confused between the 1950s celebrities Gilbert Harding, Philip Harben (TV Chef) and Robert Harbin (Magician). Took me a few years to sort that out in my head.
  11. Very sad news. Her voice was beautiful. She was a classically trained pianist too. RIP Judith
  12. Remember it well. A leg of chicken & chips IIRC. Only went a couple of times. Usually headed for The Ad Lib in the Lace Market after they stopped serving in The Flying Horse at 10:30. This was around 1970-1. I've been trying to remember the name of the bloke in the dinner jacket who used to stand outside The Flying Horse giving out the free tickets for The Ad Lib Club.
  13. I remember my mum calling in the “food office” next to the Co-Op when she took me into town in the early 50s before I started school. IIRC it was quite a narrow place with a small counter at the end. The stock was brought out from the back. My favourite childhood freebie was Delrosa. So fragrant and sweet. It got me on to Turkish Delight in later years. I really detested cod liver oil. I took some capsules a few years back to boost my brain power (didn't work BTW lol). The bleddy awful taste still used to come back when you burped. My sister loved Virol which I also detested. I
  14. Going off topic now. I used Cliff's Streetview link to checkout the University building. It really is magnificent, I hope the students and teaching staff for that matter appreciate what a superb piece of Nottingham's heritage they now occupy. I can't resist having a good play with Streetview when it's exploring my old haunts in Nottingham. I traced my way up Waverley St to Forest Rd crossings and proceeded down Mount Hooton Rd. I made this journey several times a week when I was on day release at Trent Poly (as it was known then) to and from Russell Rd. This would be 1969-72. Th
  15. I think the building's still there Cliff isn't it? Trent Uni. use it now I think. I had a quick look around when my daughter graduated a few years back. It hadn't changed much. I'm surprised the council haven't knocked it down or turned it into a night club. Perhaps it’s listed.
  16. Jill, I have very fond memories of Hyson Green Library too. My dad was an avid reader and visitor to the library. He used to get through four novels a week although I think he used to “scan” through a lot of them. I started going with him when I was about 10 in the late 50s. At that time we lived in Elstree Drive Beechdale and one evening a week we would walk up to Beechdale library at the top of Beechdale Rd near Western Boulevard. It was a small flat roofed brick building and because of their limited stock dad would order stuff in. We moved to Russell Rd in 1961 and the walk t
  17. I lived on Russell Rd Forest Fields 1961-72 and that had an outside toilet which was rarely used because there was an inside one too. My first wife however lived on Exeter Rd and their only toilet was outside. They also had a plumbed in bath in the kitchen.
  18. Jill, My dad always splashed on the Old Spice at Christmas. Certainly one of those aromas that takes me back. Avon's Blue Blazer and Occur do the same for me. Put on the right music and perfume/aftershave, close your eyes and it's the nearest thing you'll get to a time machine.
  19. Weren't Forest hit with a transfer embargo back in 2014 because they contravened FFP rules?
  20. One Saturday in August 1960 for my 10th birthday my mum and dad took me into town to choose a present. We spent several hours looking around the big Co-Op on Parliament St, followed by Beecrofts (Pelham St) and Skills before finishing up in Redmayne & Todd on Carrington St where I chose a pogo stick. It took me several days to master it, getting the insides of my knees very bruised in the process but thereafter I never looked back. Nearly all my friends who had a go struggled to stay on it but I became quite an expert and could climb stairs and jump over things. It all came to an end
  21. Brilliant memorial to the 97 fans who went off to see a football match and never came home. Well done Forest
  22. Margie, I knew an auburn haired girl called Stella Berridge who lived in The Meadows around 1966/7. She went to Roland Green School across the Toll Bridge in Wilford where my first job on leaving school was based.
  23. By that measure shouldn't Notts be in League 1?
  24. Time for my end of season predictions which are generally wrong but they make good talking points. I've supported Notts for over 60 years through good and bad (mainly bad sorry to say). Happily my dad, uncle and grandfather enjoyed some great times following the Magpies and never saw them out the league. I just hope Notts can return to the Football League before I expire. I think Notts might do it this season via the playoffs but I would say that wouldn't I? I believe Forest have a bright future under Steve Cooper but are going to have to wait another season for lift off. I thin
  25. My dad took me to that game. I've just looked it up and it was played on Saturday Jan 2nd 1960. The attendance was just under 16000. The 1959/60 season was my first experience of Notts as a 9 year old. Notts had been relegated to the new division 4 the previous season and bounced straight back into div 3 as runners up to Walsall. Tony Hateley made his debut for Notts in March that year.