Jill Sparrow

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Everything posted by Jill Sparrow

  1. Archie Saunt 1890-1915 great uncle John Samuel Ward 1895-1918 great uncle Thomas William Sparrow 1881-1917 great uncle Never known but never forgotten.
  2. Where cats are concerned, one word from me...and they do as they like! Can't complain. I've always been the same.
  3. Doesn't work with cats! I give in every time! They've been to human training classes.
  4. Yes, sueB. Yummy is the word for them. I've had my fair share in my time.
  5. Those are they, CT. Individually wrapped in clear cellophane and utterly delicious. Bought mine from the VG Store, formerly England's, on Alfreton Road.
  6. As I recall, the film ended with the von Trapp family escaping from the Nazis to freedom. A happy ending for most folks.
  7. The only thing you can do wrong on here is prove to be more attractive to the ladies than Benjamin1945! The consequences don't even bear thinking about.
  8. That didn't take long, did it? Beekay must have a natural aptitude for it!
  9. Kunzle cakes were delicious! Wish they'd bring em back!
  10. For a number of years I always seemed to be buying curtains. Kittens are very hard on curtains and Tarquin was an absolute b*gger especially during the early hours of the morning when he and Crystal used to chase each other up and down the sitting room curtains and I would often come down in the morning to find the whole lot...plus the curtain track...on the floor. Thankfully, they grew out of it.
  11. This is one for our Ben who counts Bestwood among his specialisms! Welcome to Nottstalgia, SandraD. My family had friends on Leybourne Drive. Didn't realise the houses were built as late as that. Hope you'll enjoy this site as much as we all do.
  12. Raffles doesn't even wait until it's switched on! She disappears as soon as the vacuum comes out of the cupboard. Tarquin is getting braver but will keep a respectful distance between him and it. Crystal took no notice because, being deaf, she couldn't hear it. Once knew some people who had a long haired cat. He not only showed no fear of the noise the vacuum made, he loved being vacuumed with the upholstery attachment. Hilarious to watch and they never had to comb him!
  13. I'll bet there's cream oozing from Carni's mouth which is full of choux pastry and chocolate! It was on the news this morning that the entire stock of cakes in Birds, West Midlands, had been reserved. Not one in the shops. Cake news...makes a change from fake news... and much much tastier. Pleased it's all over Carni! Tuck in girl.
  14. As they say, it's the quiet ones you need to watch! Glad the bunny got away though.
  15. Poor Kai. Hope he's feeling better soon.
  16. It could only happen to Ben. The rest of you chaps who didn't spend your formative years wearing a liberty bodice have missed out, big time!
  17. Not at all...I'd spill melted cheese down me front! However, if I chose to do so, no one would know because of the trees!
  18. Only ever had sparklers when I was a child. I've always hated anything loud...including a few folks I've met in my time...so never had anything explosive. I really preferred the bonfire and jacket potatoes with butter! Yum. Still like bonfires and have been piling up garden refuse ready for a fire later in the year. Probably near to the winter solstice which is a psychological barrier I'm always glad to cross. There's something very liberating about a bonfire but I always sift through for wildlife first. Cats aren't allowed outdoors for the bonfire but I usually raise a glass of red to bid fa
  19. Me neither but I wear a poppy...just an ordinary one...every year out of respect for those (members of my own family amongst them) who died in both world wars. I, personally, would never wear the glitzy versions of poppies which have become common in recent years, nor display a plastic poppy on the front of my car. Something in me isn't happy about the current rash of poppies on lampposts. Yes, it is the centenary of the end of The Great War but I don't think that's any excuse to turn the symbol into 'bling' and neither of my grandfathers would have approved of that. I believe, as