Jill Sparrow

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Everything posted by Jill Sparrow

  1. I'd noticed that he had been active on here right up to whatever happened. It may have been sudden. He certainly didn't mention any illness to my recollection but he was quite possibly a person who wouldn't do so and preferred to keep it to himself. I had been wondering if something had happened to his wife because such was his obvious devotion to her, I don't know how he would have coped with that. Whatever it was, it has deprived us of a humorous, amiable and helpful fellow member.
  2. Dreadful news. I had a feeling something was wrong because it was so unlike him to disappear like that. I didn't know his surname so couldn't investigate further. He will be greatly missed. Hope he finds his way to Chullaspoons NS Emporium in the Ethernet. Condolences to his beloved lady wife who will be devastated.
  3. Welcome to Nottstalgia Beekay. I'm sure you'll enjoy the site. Knew Denman Street well as a child as I often visited relatives in Garden Street, also off Denman Street. Look forward to reading your memories.
  4. I use the local library's Ancestry facility...getting the most from my council tax!! Unless you're a professional genealogist, a more cost-effective way to access information.
  5. Loppy, Ben probably holds the world record for putting a smile on people's faces...mainly females! And we'll leave it there!
  6. Was never the case with the old school of solicitors of whom I knew many but, today, as you say, out for every bean they can get and to helll with providing a good service.
  7. When it comes to conveyancing, I've found no solicitor, male or female, can multi task. I'm determined I am not moving again. Hope you get the place to your liking. I'm still working on it!
  8. I've sent you some information by PM which may help.
  9. The ability to be in more than one place at the same time! Wish I could do that!
  10. Sounds a bit better than barmy Colleen at Manning and her bl**dy Tearoom!
  11. Bet the boys were doing an impersonation of Muttley!
  12. It isn't a common name which is why I wondered. Her name was Bernice Bond and when she left Berridge she went to The Manning with myself and another girl. Bernice lived, I believe, somewhere off Alfreton Road. When you're at school, you tend to stay with one group of friends and Bernice wasn't in my group so I don't know what happened to her after she left Manning. I have a photo of her in 1974 if you think that might help you establish whether she was the girlfriend you met. Yes, it is sad to lose touch with your siblings but it isn't uncommon, for a variety of reason
  13. A former colleague's father was prescribed those, Loppy. He used to say to her, " Where's me dog tablets?" Always made me laugh.
  14. And statins...and antidepressants if you're depressed about taking medication. And Oemaprazole if it upsets your tummy! And antibiotics if it gives you a cough! I take my thyroxine because I'd sleep all year if I didn't! And that's all!
  15. Do you know the surname of Bernice? There was a girl of that name in our year at Berridge. She appears on the photo with Peter from 1965/6 and is 6th from the left on the middle row. I was also born in November 1957 so we were all roughly the same age.
  16. Don't forget, "You are......" lengthy pause...."16th in the queue!" followed by a tinny electronic rendition of Mozart's 40th. He was only 36 when he died. Couldn't afford private medicine!
  17. I've certainly been more impressed by vets than certain GPs!
  18. She needed to be catheterised and, believe me, no one wanted to know! See your GP was the response from everyone I spoke to and you can't bundle an immobile and traumatised person into the car and let them sit in A&E for hours...well, not if you have any compassion, you don't. The GP didn't have much time for the elderly ill. I told him in no uncertain terms what I thought of his attitude. Apparently, he's now the palliative care lead! God help them!
  19. I would never belittle the NHS. It does a sterling job on a shoestring...a shoestring which might be a little longer if it could successfully address the thorny issue of wasted money. Sometimes, however, it takes too long to deal with a potentially serious problem and private consultation is the only option. I was forced to take this route with my mother who, as a result of a degenerative illness, could no longer empty her bladder. The GP didn't want to know but eventually agreed to refer her to Clay Cross Hospital to see a urologist. We heard nothing. The bladder was full and I wa
  20. 80 years young, PP. You've got at least the next 20 years to grab the world by the tail!
  21. Welcome to Nottstalgia, Bilborough Girl. Enjoy the site and I look forward to sharing your memories of Nottingham.
  22. Hope all goes well, Carni. Grit your teeth and then get them stuck into a great big cream cake!
  23. Congratulations, PP. Hope you've had a wonderful day!