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Everything posted by mary1947

  1. I agree with every thing you say, the worst thing in the UK is upper class and lower class, to me every one should be equal. yes we had slums I was brought up in one of them but it doe's not make me any worse or better than anyone out there. I also agree that the kids now days get things easy, but are we adults to blame for it, I suppose that we had to work hard for what we wanted so when (baby boom 60ish) we just gave our kids every thing. Going back to education when I taught hair and beauty some parents and girls/boys thought it was a easy option for a job. One student who was with m
  2. I think it is very hard for school leavers now days, when we left school you could finish one job on the Friday and start another on the Monday. I would have loved to have gone to Uni but I just was not up to that standard so I did an apprenticeship in hairdressing later having two salon's and at the age of 40 taking my O" level English and teacher trainer course 730. Now days apprenticeships and NVQ s gave youngsters some thing to aim for even though they are not the same apprenticeships that we had. Not every one can go to UNI someone has to do the manual work. I don't agree wi
  3. Hi just saw photo of this washer, when I had cookery lesson at school we had a washer there just like this one, if I'm right did you have to use the handle to wash the cloths by turning it round one way and then the other way?
  4. Just read some sad post about us have to have our best friends put to sleep. When I was at work I myself lost my dog sadly hit by a car, any way I cried all day long, comment from my boss pull your self together. A few months after this my boss had a four legged friend about a year later she had to have it put to sleep. Sorry she said to me as now I know how you felt. No body no's how you feel till it happens to them.
  5. Hi Scive Each time people mention "Pretty Windows" like on TV the other night, they all say it's because of the pattern glass in the windows, but my father-in -In-law (long gone now) use to say that it was the poachers who after a night poaching would hang all their catches on the Pretty Windows railings. I know who I think is right. The boxer pub might be the "Bendigo" Sneinton Hollows.
  6. I think the other name for this pub was "The Starting Gate"
  7. Hi I think if I remember it used to be the 44 trolley bus terminus and to send the bus in the opposite direction this was the only way it could turn around. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
  8. If some "Pubs" are closing down why doe's "Wetherspoons" do so well?
  9. One to mention is "Dixies" in Lower Bagthorpe.
  10. I under stand about the kids but at least when we had a song and a dance you feel as though you had, had a good night out.
  11. Sorry about the butchers closing down, I think that its not only the tram but the big supermarkets that now sell every thing, my uncle was a butcher and he could not keep pace with them. Pubs closing down? Myself I think that a lot of the pubs lost trade when the drink drive laws came in. (not that this was a bad thing) Also when juke boxes came in and the old piano stopped playing, and people getting up to sing (as you could also join in). Now we have to watch it on telly not the same though is it?
  12. Went to "Theatre Royal" to see Million Dollar Quartet this was the story of Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, and Carl Perkins, it was brilliant, people were dancing in the aisle and the person who played Jerry Lee was just out of this world. This of course was also the story of how Rock n Roll started at Sun Studios, If it ever comes to Nottingham Theatre Royal again I would certainly go to see it, I would be first in the queue.
  13. Welcome Willow to Nottstaligia look forward to your post's. Used to go ice skating every Saturday morning/afternoon/evening, coffee bars had just opened up use to go to the one on Hockley Never did go to the "Juke box jury" show missed out. Went skating on Highfields lake one winter, I think it was the only time it froze over.
  14. Bottom of Long Hill Rise was Vedonis made under ware for M/S also Viella factory which made dress shirts and socks, Jaeger also had a factory in Hucknall , Dowty was an engineering factory. Also there was a well known furniture maker called Stag which also had a factory in Hucknall. Just a few that I can recall hopefully I've got the correct names and what they made. Can any one recall the Green Dragon Chippie the couple who owned it I think went back to Greece, if ever I called in for some chips the owner would always ask "how;s see boys they ok" as I have two boys (now
  15. My son lives at Long Hill Rise Hucknall when he moved in there was an Air - Raid shelter, bottom of the garden. He cleaned it out covered the top with artificial grass, and now keeps logs in it for his log burner, before that my grandson and his friends used to play in it. If any member wants a guided tour then I'm sorry but you will have to negotiate with my son, not me.
  16. Lived in a terrace house, but our backyard was shared by 6 other house's it was a large yard. To get to our back we had to go though an entry, great when in winter you had to say good night to your boy friend. Toilets were at the end of your part of yard, all the house's had there own, In winter most of the time they froze, and you had to fetch a bucket of hot water to thaw the toilet out. Don't for get all the house's had metal guttering and icicle's would hang off the gutter's you needed a snowball to knock the icicle off, then you would eat it like a lolly (how many germ's would their be i
  17. Sorry FLY2 master came up with the answer, must keep him on a tighter rope.
  18. Sunday is Ladies day at Southwell , What to wear, ask master for a loan of his credit card, reluctantly he handed it over, saying don't spend more than £20 on a dress. Came home with two dresses and a pair of shoes. Not bad for £20. Need help from members is there any member out there, who can give me any tips on which horse's will win, as I need to put some money back into master's account.
  19. you have missed out "Bill Hayley and the Comets" also came to the Odean
  20. Hi poohbear remember the Roxy well I worked there in the 70s after it was turned into Lucky 7 bingo hall.
  21. Sorry Benjamin can't cope with out big M and he doe's not wear a liberty bodice.
  22. Oh Dear!!!! my window's seven has just got bugged. Master trying to be clever tried to get rid of bug, guess what I'm now back to dial up connection, so have give up on my windows seven. Missed nottstalgia friends, so thought I would use master's windows ten. Surprise, Surprise, nottstalgia has changed again!! once more!! again. I'm sorry friends but can't cope will have to go in a darkened room to recover.