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Everything posted by mary1947

  1. Hi Frog Small world my husband's grandma lived on Monk St which used to be near Pym St (I think) but I'm talking of the year 1929. If your mum or any of your family can remember the Haywood's or Dawn's. Then we are nearly neighbour's.
  2. Hi Benjamin 1945 Don't give up on what you enjoy just be pleased that you wake up each morning, even though you are reaching 80 enjoy life.
  3. It seam's that when you are a Nottm person and you get an Evening Post the first thing you do is turn to the Bereavements page. In last nights post in the memoriam section was a dedication to Raymond Larvin, now if you ever shopped at Sneinton Market the Larvin family used to have a fruit and veg store and were very well known. Ray and Sylvia used to drink in the Blue Bell on Robin Hood St. off Alford St. This is how we knew them. What was amazing was that it is 31 years since Ray passed away, how time fly's. I remember his Funeral if I've got this right there was a Black carriage with
  4. Hi Thefrog Welcome to Nottstalgia I to was born and bred in St Ann's I am sure we have lots of memories to share.
  5. Hucknall I loved Hucknall when I first moved their, I lived on Robin Hood Drive and was told by people who lived there that if I fitted in I would know. If Hucknall folks did not take to you, you would know. Going back to when we first moved there, people said that Hucknall would join up with Buwell one day, no no said Hucknall folk. Now let me see Robin Hood Line, Tram, housing yes it's true. Factories There was Verdonis, Viella, A.B Gibsons, Bodill (builders) who built Long Hill Rise. Dowtys, Rolls Royce, Jaeger, Fine Fare, maybe you can think of more, but now all Gone! Gone! never to co
  6. The good one's always seem to die young. The only lady comedienne who made us all laugh without any fowl language. R.I.P. VICTORIA
  7. We moved to Hucknall in the 70s I had the hairdressing salon on Robin Hood Drive. We moved out of the flat which was above the shop and brought a house on Long Hill Rise. The house still had a pantry and under some news paper on one of the shelves was a Coronation Program and it had pictures of most of the shops on the High St that you speak of. I hung on to the program for a long time not knowing what to do with it. In the end as it was part history of Hucknall so I gave it to the Library for it to be used and for people to look at, So if any of you want to see the Coronation 1953 progra
  8. Bendigo used to have a statue on top of the Bendigo Pub Sneinton, also there is something dedicated to him on Victoria park. If any statue's are needed I think it should be statue's of children out side school's. It make you slow down when you see them, if you have never seen any of these statue's then take a drive up to Rise Park. I think when you see them, they do make you slow down and think of children coming out of school.
  9. Who Care's Boots. Care I went to buy straightnes's from Boots asks if they could be taken out of the box to look at them. Sorry said the sale's lady if I take them out of the box and can't get the back in correctly no-one will want to buy them, but If I don't know what they look like and our long they are I won't be buying them either. Went to another shop.
  10. I'm still on windows 7 as it is only a laptop and get's a lots of use, the master decided to treat us at Christmas to new laptop with windows 10. After using it for 3 months I am now back on windows 7, each time I downloaded photos from my camera I had 2 of everything lost all my e-mails, still not found them, so master has the new laptop windows 10 and I have old laptop windows 7. Now I'm happy as a pig in s----------
  11. What do members think of the new look Victoria Centre? Went down Notts the other day to do some shopping, to my amazement the clock at the front had gone!!! this was hard for me to tack in as if I was to meet anyone in Notts is would always be by the clock. On going to catch my bus at the other end of the centre there it was now I don't know what you think but to me it's now in the wrong place. People just walk by and now never stop to look at the clock.
  12. I remember my dad going in the General hospital for an opp, he was in the round tower building right at the top, I believe it is now "THE PENTHOUSE" I wonder if it's possible to still visit? A friend on mine married a doctor do any of you know a Dr Bowmick? or a Dr Pollard?
  13. Was in Nottingham the other day. Around 6 00 pm it started getting dark, did not realise how many step's or up and down bits the square had until evening, thought of my mum who as getting older lost/ little sight left, thinking about this made me see how difficult the square is for people who have very little sight. Give Nottm back a real square where people can meet like we use to. FOUNTAIN'S If Nottingham want good fountains then the planner's should go and look at Antibes in France. Now that's what I call fountains.
  14. St Ann's yes a slum but also a community GONE!!! Central Market, pet stall, fish, pea stall, ice cream van, Harry's who sold material and many more. St Ann's Church, Griffin's flower beds in slab square, and many more.
  15. Hi Caroline I'm sure you will enjoy Nottstalgia lets read some of your memories "WELCOME"
  16. When young we had one dustbin. Pop bottles went back to be refilled, also milk bottles, fish chips wrapped in news paper so you could read while eating, also some people would use it as toilet paper, when buying veg it would go straight into brown carrier cost 4d when it fell to bits you brought a new one, clothes were taken to rag/bone man 1/- for cottons and 1/6 for woollens. You had jumble sale's in stead of Charity shop's, No designer wear C an A was best mum could do. Street lamps stayed on at night, jug went to beer off Sunday dinner to be filled with cheap Shipstone's beer or wine fro
  17. Getting away from the subject a little. When I first met the master every Sunday afternoon was spent at Trent Bridge, the master trying to impress me by taking out on a rowing boat, aahhhh memories. (Summer Only of course)
  18. We live in Ashfield and the bin men have just left a note in our wheelie bin, this is what it say's. We are going to bring you another bin for your house hold waste, you can still keep your black bin to put your garden rubbish in. Now that means that I will have 1/ Green bin 2/ Black Bin 3/ Blue Box (normally full empty wine bottles) 4/ NA OTHER BIN. Where are we suppose to put them? Having said that we live in grounds that have communal gardens and our garden waste is taken away by the gardener's. Next ADC are putting up Council Tax as all council's due and of course they all need money
  19. When we lived in South Africa each morning or night we would get the BBC world news on the radio, at the time we did not have TV. We kept in touch with what was happing thanks to the BBC. News good or bad we need to know, what doe's worry me though is how much are they telling us, are they only telling us what they are told we need to know? I still think big brother is out there.
  20. My mouth goes into gear before my brain. But I admit I will say what I think and blow what happens ex! When being served the assistant looks down in the mouth I would ask if she/he are happy in their work, and if not there are plenty out their who would like there job! also I had to go to the job centre a young girl behind the desk told me that I needed more training. Now not to be-out done Apprenticeship in hairdressing at 15, salon owner, 730 teacher training, d32 d33 to assessor, and many more, I ask the girl what qualification's she had and if she could not match mine then I would be plea
  21. Hi My hubby used to be a service engineer for fruits mac/ and jukebox's. Some off the jukeboxes were very hard to repair sometimes you would get a shock by just taking the back off. At the time of him working if the jukebox was not working it was a disaster when arriving at the pub's he would get lots of remark's but then if he repaired the jukebox everyone was all smiles.
  22. Friday Night Pay Packets small brown envelopes if any person out there doe's not know what a pay packet is.
  23. The first and only time I went into the Black Boy Hotel (I was around 15/16). What first I noticed was the large oak staircase in the middle of the foyer and each side of the staircase stood a blackamoor statue.
  24. If I could afford it Newstead Abbey Grounds, but my money will not reach that far, so I will settle for the council house in slab square. Middle of Nottingham.
  25. Fish and Chips wrapped in Newspaper and the smell of vinegar on the newspaper. Was this not recycling of newspaper?