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Everything posted by darkazana

  1. It's all to do with the magic of Christmas, and I do believe he can be seen passing over tonight at about 6ish....though some disbelievers and bah humbuggers (oops can I say that?) will have you believe its the space station passing over!! https://www.facebook.com/events/757206657690188/?fref=ts
  2. So pleased all went well catfan. Enjoy yersen at christmas now
  3. Carni we make chilli up in batches and use the pour and store freezer bags. You can get them at Lakeland and they are brilliant.
  4. Yup we're suckers for pretty tins and save them for "something".....trouble is when I need one those we have are never the right size!!
  5. Good Luck Catfan, Hope all goes well
  6. Teehee carni, The main one is the Reversed Diabetes Diet, which speaks for itself and is inspirational, the other one is Living Earth Devotional (365 green practices for sacred connections, just little things to do each day which bring you closer to the spiritual side of things) And Merry Christmas to you and your family too Carni. Have a goodun
  7. It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas! What? Over The Top....Us?
  8. Here we are at the Winter Solstice once again. Time to bring in your Yule Logs. This connection to trees goes back to the beginnings of our time on this earth. Soon it will be the first day of the Celtic Tree Calendar, an ancient system which catalogues the seasons and their corresponding trees, moods and energies. It was always accepted that a tree should be asked before removing something from it, and thanked for its gift. The first day is 24th December and the tree for this month is the Birch, or (Beith in the Ogham Alphabet) The Birch was known as the Lady Of The Wood, a tree of healing
  9. Yuletide Birthday Greetings Meltonstilton. Have a great day
  10. My eldest daughter had shingles when she was 11. Not nice at all.
  11. All the best for next Tuesday Catfan. We will all be thinking of you
  12. I felt quite well and healthy until I went for my 5 yearly MOT!
  13. Sorry to hear that several of our members have been going through the wars healthwise, wish you all, oldace, bibraborn and Dgbrit, a speedy recovery.
  14. Works particularly well on the Nottingham Post site where the adverts take over the whole page.
  15. Yup on reflection (don't know how I missed his piccie before) I'd say so Mick.
  16. I would go with albino siskin, going by the yellow on its back and it's definite finch beak. I think it depends on the extent of albino in the animal to the eye colour, Katyjay, and this one had some colour on its back so is not a pure albino.
  17. darkazana


    Hi Swe62, welcome to Nottstalgia
  18. Busy making a batch of mincepies to take to Quiz Night at Harby (the one near Newark) tonight. Having new health issues now (ie diabetes) I decided to check out the calorific value of my homemade mince pies, bearing in mind I use a rich pastry with high fat content, eggs and other very bad things!!! After an hour of beating my brains doing weighing and sums check out this.....each regular sized mince pie contains 180 Kcals (I won't bore you with all the other nutritional content). So I then compared it to a bought mincepie....brace yourselves folks....a minimum of 220 Kcals!!!! I shall carry o
  19. Welcome Ady, So sorry to hear about your brother. Our thoughts are with you and all his loved ones.
  20. Welcome back Michael. I'm sorry to hear of your sadness and add my best wishes to you along with everyone else. You have never been far from our thoughts during your absence.
  21. All ready for Christmas http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-30367658