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Everything posted by darkazana

  1. Loads of em around this year....yummy
  2. Perhaps this is why we do not live in wooden houses!
  3. I discovered one of the reasons the ladies withdrew from the dining table after a meal to the with-drawing room - later known as the drawing room - was not only so the men could smoke, play cards etc, but because in the course of the evening the men would need to relieve themselves, and to do this without disturbing their entertainment the chamber pot was brought out from a small cupboard and passed around under the table, it was then returned to its cupboard until the staff removed it when they had left the room.......Nice!
  4. It really doesn't matter what they try to claim, people from all over the world associate Robin Hood with Nottingham!
  5. You missed one off Enigma1st, particularly relevant to supermarkets. the bags they provide for veggies and fruit are still plastic! Nothing was pre wrapped in plastic and Styrofoam back then as it is now, We used paper, much more environmentally friendly. Is it so much a green thing as them trying to save money? Their "bags for life" are still plastic.
  6. Only when it was Bradbury day on a Thursday......mental arithmetic....aaaargh you fahnt me aht!
  7. There is a time and place for running around though, they should also be taught good manners and consideration for others when in such public places. To gain respect you have to earn it.
  8. oops now noticed Carni has mention park and ride too
  9. #12 Banjo48 You could always use the park and ride into town. There's one by the QMC that charges about £3.00 per car, don't know where the others are but I'm sure other Nottstalgians will tell you. As I remember it, Newark Markets are on every day except Sunday and Tuesday. Monday is the flea market Wednesday is main market with also cattle market and antiques market at riverside Thursday is farmers market and horse market last Thursday every month Friday and Saturday main market days again
  10. It's amazing how many of our campers come with their grandchildren. I often wonder what the parents are doing and where they have gone for a holiday, though I do realise it's probably because they are both working and have no holiday child care perhaps. Now we love our grandchildren dearly, but as you say mgread, we have been there, done that. It's taken us 23 years to close the door behind our last daughter leaving home and now it's time for us again. Which is why our caravan is a two berth! They can visit us at home and they are most welcome.
  11. Benjamin, this seems to be the best idea for folk who don't want their holidays "spoilt" by the presence of children. August has been relatively quiet for us at Poolsbrook as families have gone for bucket and spade holidays, but the retirees have kept away because it was the school holidays, whereas this week has been manic with the return of the older campers, and just wait until the mid week discounts start again......
  12. A lot of these posts are referring to children in pubs, the original post was not allowing them in hotels and holiday accommodations, there is a big difference.
  13. We were all young once! If they are well supervised and well behaved why should they be barred from such places. How about "No grumbling old moaners allowed"!!!
  14. What Michael Said - totally agree. Sadly it is always the minority who spoil it for everyone else.
  15. I originally got a computer for my girls as it became an essential piece of kit to help them with their school, college and uni work. I avoided the internet for several years but eventually succumbed to that again due to the need for schoolwork research. I know they could have used school computers but think that homework should be done there...at home. Eventually the girls introduced me to the internet, and following the breakdown of my marriage I met (or remet) John on Friends Reunited! One of the best things that came about through the computer for me. I eventually learned enough to build
  16. And just as important, Engineer, You have kept us updated and taken us step by step through all the phases of removing it from Victoria centre to rebuilding, restoring, and I should imagine it's long awaited return to it's home town in time. It has seemed almost as if we have been at your side throughout the operation, something which many will not have experienced. To some it will simply be, it was there, it wasn't, it's back "look how shiny it is"....but we know all the intricacies too. What a privilege for us Nottstalgians.
  17. Indeed you did Fynger, sorry I missed you off my thank you's It is lovely to see it restored to its former glory.
  18. Thank you for the photos Carni and Enigma1st. And well done on a most fantastic restoration job The Engineer. It is marvellous to see it as it was and should be. I look forward to seeing it back home in Victoria Centre next year. Perhaps people didn't seem to have much regard for it in the latter years, but it was still a main focal and meeting point in Nottingham. I remember when it was first put in, and waiting for the music to start. On many occasion I'd be in Jessops (as it was then) hear the first strikes of the hour and rush out to watch the clock perform. I would imagine it will b
  19. #9 I use the computer for most written things but still keep a handwritten diary, and for applications of any sort I may do the main part on the computer but I always include a handwritten cover note.
  20. Just think, we would have to write letters!!!
  21. Having just read and watched the Death of A railway on the Nottingham Post website I thought about all the magnificent buildings of the past, from Stone Henge, all the cathedrals and old churches that we have and places like the V and A museum, Think about the time and craft that went into planning and building these monuments, then I look around at what is built today, and wonder what our descendants will make of our taste, and will they truly stand the test of time? What will be our testament to mankind? Something like this maybe.......? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-29044927
  22. That happened at our wedding, Bilbraborn, when a friend asked one of my work colleagues when the happy day was, she was not amused!
  23. No sign of extra policing in Staveley
  24. You just finish preparing chillies and have the urge to rub your eye!!!!! Ouchy!
  25. Well he had me believing in Santa Claus in the later version of Miracle on 34th Street! He always came across as a lovely person and from the tributes paid he was. RIP Sir Richard.