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Everything posted by Gem

  1. Very smart Margie, I have been looking through my photos and up to now they will stay where they are. My guides uniform was exactly the same as yours but dark blue with light tie, we had days away but never camp those that are Brownies/Guides today would probably think we were boring. There is a Facebook page for guides in my area at the time I was there so will have a look see if there are any of my group.
  2. I found this today in a box belonging to my late cousin she was 5 years older than me, when i first saw thought it was a blouse but its a folded dress.
  3. Thanks Catfan, my memory of it was a lot nicer, i put Tudor Court in google search and found a picture nearer my memory. We are visiting friends " no relatives" in a few weeks who live at Mapperly Park so a visit could be on my list.
  4. Catfan, have just been told by hubby (know all) that i didn't take this picture, i remembered it from a vist to Bullwell and looked online and this is what i found. Evidently we passed the building on our way to somewhere but it stuck in my mind, tried to describe it later to family nobody knew what i was talking about. Probably 10 years ago and then it seemed to be nicer than this pic. Gem
  5. As soon as read your post Margie i remembered the name. As a Brownie i was a Sprite and in Guides a Swan stayed in that group and same as yourself became a Patrol Leader, i am going through old photos as they maybe some when i was Brownie/Guide. They will be carefully scrutinised before posting as the uniforms were not flattering.
  6. Catfan i'm sure that you will be able to identify this image and tell me about it, was taken a number of years ago. It caught my intrest as it looked old. timber style building.
  7. Like you Margie I was a Brownie then Guide, when I read your post a very odd thought popped in. As a Brownie we had to tie our tie at the back in a special knot "right over left and under left over right and under" did you do the same or was just my group.
  8. My mums saying is "a smile costs nothing" if someone on the bus smiles i return it and say hello you ok today. Some people will start a conversation others won't, i find that once you have had a chat the next time you see them they treat you like a friend. I will speak to anybody who speaks to me, as Ben says you maybe the only person they speak to that day.
  9. DJ that's not very nice, no mouse traps but a new member of our family keeps trying to sit on the little Pom.
  10. Mum delivered him !!! the ambulance arrived 10 minutes after he was born. Mum had also phoned my doctor who arrived same time as medics, they wanted to take me to hospital but doctor said no need he would look after me. Son's first night was in a wicker clothes basket as I had nothing at mums for him.
  11. I was born at home in the front bedroom of the house I live in now. My son was also born at home same bedroom as myself, my husband was way so I went to stay with mum. He was not supposed to be a home birth but he decided to make an early entrance.
  12. If there is a tax put on plastic bottles I will buy cans of pop, I do not throw my empty bottles on the ground so there is no way I will pay because others do.
  13. darkanza..some year ago a school where I was working decided to close their kitchen and bring in food from an outside catering company. Will save money was the reason given, it worked for a few month, till children stopped staying for dinner. They sent out a survey and most replies were, children were hungry as they would not eat the food, one mother said her son would not eat food that looked as if it come out of a dog food can. All staff refused to eat it they soon changed back as they were losing money. Nobody ever said how much it cost to re-open the kitchen.
  14. Old Gateshead tram to your new Nottingham tram, finished running between Gateshead/Newcastle 1951. This one is at the terminus at Saltwell Park, the road it's on looks exactly the same today.
  15. Wishing everyone a Happy Healthy and Prosperous 2018.
  16. Brilliant pictures absolutely breath taking, the south west face of Arkle looks to me like a row of faces carved in the rock and covered in snow.
  17. Lizzie, reading older post I noticed you had already mentioned how things follow on, as they say great minds think alike. Gem
  18. Did someone not say a while ago mention one thing (coffins in my case) and a whole new subject pops up, that's why this site is so interesting and diverse. Lets all make sure it continues.
  19. Odd as i may be getting, thats even to much for me. My coffins came with a shop so not as odd as just two on there own.
  20. Anyone else get coffins for Christmas.........
  21. I put my photo on using post image, went in blind but did my usual, which is pressing keys and hoping it would work. This time it did.
  22. All quiet Mum and Aunty have gone to bed very tired, gin can do that to you. After lunch I found the channel that has the old movies so t hey were happy, we had a quiet day spoke to my son when he called his wife nice end to Christmas Day. PP ..... pleased to hear your wife is improving, hopefully you can start your Christmas tomorrow.
  23. I have a pair of Dubarry boots had them for 8 years they just won't wear out, do a lot of walking they are so comfortable.
  24. I have only just seen this what a magnificent boy he is, we had a Johnsons american bulldog called Meg who was with us for 10years. They are unpopular in the Uk because of idiot owners, there are very rarely bad dogs only bad owners. Gem