The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. As an aside and as the original topic was to ID an AEC, I used to drive this one up until about 18 years ago when Phil Hodgkinson of Amber Valley Coachways who had it for a toy sold it. This description is copied and pasted from the AEC Society records as is the photo: The bus is 1953 registered 5 speed gearbox, synchro on top 3 and a cab heater plus de-misters! The body is actually an Alexander semi-touring body. Alexander bodied AEC Reliance RDB 846 is preserved by Tony Widdows of Gloucestershire and attends rallies in the area. It was pictured at the Gloucestershire Warwickshir
  2. They are all moving into redundant pubs. Two locally to Eastwood have done recently
  3. On a Camms Collapsible the dorsal fin would be there to keep the bus going in a straight line as the steering wheel was most likely not connected to the front wheels
  4. If not AEC Regal it will be an AEC Reliance.
  5. Why is that called Daybrook Square? There's not a square in sight!
  6. Tinypic which is run by Photobucket is no different to what it has ever been. I have always found it much easier to use than Photobucket anyway.
  7. You should be able to get the map from Central Library, Angel Row. Pretty sure that's where mine came from.
  8. They have informed me at the Library on Angel Row that everything appertaining to grave positions and burial info. for General Cemetery is available at Wilford Hill. There is also someone, nothing to do with Wilford Hill, that has documented all the positions and 'occupants' of all the graves. This person, whoever it is apparently will show to the grave at a mutually convenient time. I have gone no further with it yet due to shortage of time. I have a couple of family(?) graves in there that I can't find as of yet. If you walk down the path that leads down from the Canning Circus e
  9. He is currently in The Avengers in his early days on True Entertainment 'til 9 pm
  10. Do they still do them at Eckington Hall near Sheffield?
  11. I last saw Piggy and Babs in Lidl, Langley Mill 6 or 8 months ago.
  12. That's how I remember who the sculptor was!
  13. I can't see the point of following anyone. I just read the posts that I am interested in regardless of who is posting..
  14. I just went to my profile and looked in the panels on the left of your screen. The panel below 'Warning Points' at the top is 'Followers'. Now I have no 'followers'
  15. I had someone 'following' me. He/she had put no details about themselves, no idea where they came from and they had never posted. I found that rather creepy. I have now set my profile so that no one can 'follow' me.
  16. 1929 ish and they were sculpted by Joseph Else
  17. There was a Dame Agnes Mellors there in the 50's. It was me Dads drinkin' 'ole.
  18. Got it! No 264 Woodborough Road was on the right going up, just above Manning Street and just above Plowright Street which is on the left going up. So my first abode is on that picture. Am I right in thinking that the rows of trees running slightly diagonally across the top half of the picture (just above the solitary vehicle) are Corporation Oaks/Robin Hood Chase? Like Siddha, I don't see St. Augustines. Was the dome added later?
  19. That is the only picture I have seen that *might* show the place of my birth. Or at least the address on my birth certificate Is the Dame Agnes Mellors pub on that picture or is it off the top? Surely Shelton Street is the street running horizontally in the bottom right corner of the picture?.
  20. Well I didn't know about that! Must admit tho' I'd prefer to see it named Nottingham Forest!