The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. This brings back a memory of the past. I should start by pointing out that my Father was Rex Harvey but NOT Rex Harvey of the Musters Hotel. My father set up in the motor trade with his own business and at the time we didn't have telephone. We had a telephone installed and BT (or whatever it was then) gave us the number 68591, Langley Mill exchange. After the phone was installed we were perpetually getting phone calls asking for the Musters Hotel. There were also other phone calls asking more specifically for Rex Harvey at the Musters Hotel. My mother was starting to have kittens wanting to kn
  2. Hmm. I had never heard of him. I have not found any Samuels in my family tree but I wonder if he was related.
  3. Well thank God for that. Someone on here younger than me. I was two months short of being 8. Can't really remember much about it until something jogs my memory.
  4. Rover 100, 1961. Must be 1960 built as it was registered 1.1.61
  5. I have one of those parking lamps on Evilbay at the moment. Not the easiest things to sell!
  6. I am led to believe that the current Shelton Street is not quite in the same place as it is in Cliff Tons map and it now finishes opposite Lamartine Street
  7. Am I right in thinking that Shelton Street would be behind and to the right of the cameraman?
  8. There was a Squire and an Escort. One had 'woody' trim on the side and the other didn't. Can't remember which was which now.
  9. I think its a bit sad when some people have got nowt else to do than sit on yer computer going through YouTube for stuff like that!
  10. I bet it'll go up in value. i was just wondering about these Rolf Harris EP's I have got that were bought for me when I was a wee bairn
  11. We have a hymn tune that is also the German National Anthem. Not often heard these days though
  12. Not quite my first car or how much it cost - but - that car on my avatar is a 1961 Rover 100, actually registered on New Years Day '61. It is a Nottingham City registered car. My father bought it in 1991, I inherited it when he died. I have quite a lot of history with it and it was owned for many years by one John Herbert who had a jewelers shop on Trinity Square. The shop went when Trinity Square went a few years back. John Herbert is now a jewelers on Wheeler Gate but I suspect that it is just a business name. John Herbert evidently sold the car in September 1981. I have invoices dating back
  13. Click on 'Carni' at top right of this page. A menu drops - select 'My Profile'. Select 'Edit my Profile' single button on right of page. Select 'Change my Photo'. The photo you use must not be bigger than 100K.
  14. Got two of them. The one in my avatar is a bit of a dog tho'
  15. 1959 Ford Anglia 100E. Paid a tenner for it.
  16. I've had a go too. Got sick of seeing me!
  17. No. Aliens don't make contact because they are already here. We just don't realise it
  18. August last year when I found my way here. Soon be my first year.
  19. There used to be Malcolm Street (Or was it Road) In Derby. Don't know whether it is still there or not. There is also Harvey Road in Derby too.
  20. I have upgraded my laptop to Windoze 8.1. The app based startup screen has now gone - unless you want it. I can see the point of getting the start button back as well tho'
  21. I didn't know that they were specifically off Melbourne Road. Me Dad lived at 25 Melbourne Road. If I think about it for long enough I might remember some more. I vaguely remember something about the firewood.