The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. In the row of shops in the first picture, there was and ironmonger/tool merchant by the name of I & O Chandler. Been in there many times for tools.
  2. We moved onto the adjacent estate in 1959. (I wasn't quite 3). I don't remember it being anything other than derelict.
  3. Some ML7's sell for good money. Super 7's sell for stupid money! Far more than they are worth IMHO.
  4. Stop braggin' I also use thyroxine. I went in the chemist and she just walked off with my prescription. I said "don't you want to see my medical exemption?" She just took one look at me and said "No, you don't need it when you are over 60". I didn't know my D O B was on the prescription! I don't go in Boots BTW because they have only ever got half of any prescription!
  5. Well eventually I got one and quite cheaply. It does need work, mainly one of the expanding pulleys for the stepless speeds is seized on its shaft. It will get new belts at the same time as that is put right. This one was new in 1952 and was actually made on Raglan Street rather than the later ones made on Raleigh Street. I have since I got it found out from the previous owner where it came from. It was originally supplied new in 1952 to Herrburger-Brooks, Long Eaton. For those who don't know, they make (or made) piano actions and keyboards. S
  6. Definitely NOT Rover. Jaguar is very possible.
  7. I reckon it is an MG saloon. It has an exposed spare wheel on the bootlid. Could be a Riley? The split screen Morris is an MO.
  8. No problems here but then I don't use it a deal because I don't particularly like it
  9. It is the Palace of Versailles
  10. I just got into it with a bit of faffing around. It works with and but I had to type 'postimage' in full rather than than I still prefer tinypic. Its easier to use. This is from
  11. That is normal in Long Eaton and in Beeston. Thing is you don't know the first hour is free until you have gone to the ticket machine with coins in hand to read how much to cough up.
  12. You may well be right. Late on Trent did paint their Nationals red with a broad cream stripe along the side of the roof above the windows but the stripe was painted to fit the panel ends. The one in the picture doesn't as they are cut of square at the ends. I don't remember ever having seen a national in MGO livery at all - but that doesn't mean there wasn't any.
  13. The picture of the MGO National above is not at Langley Mill. I think Underwood had closed long before NBC had appeared Stand corrected if proved wrong) The red National at the side of it is a Trent one. I feel that the picture is most likely Alfreton depot.
  14. I think more recent events with various branches of religion have proved you are correct
  15. On and off Nottstalgia I think. On the subject of Cropleys, when I was in the infants at Devonshire Drive we had one teacher, Miss Musgrove, one of the most popular teachers with us kids. She is still alive I believe born 1913. While doing research on my mothers family I accidentally stumbled across the fact that her Mother was Florence Cropley, who just happens to be my mothers great aunt Florence - or my 2x great aunt Florence. Also born at Waterbeach Cambs. She was the younger sister of mine and Gems husbands great grandfather William J Cropley.
  16. That I think is the Fred Cropley we are referring to. Would he be 117 now? I have a vague recollection of a Cropley in Belper but I have no idea which one.
  17. Only just spotted this post. You are correct. Fred Cropley born 1901 is my great uncle Fred. Fifth offspring of William and Annice. My grandfather George Cropley was the third offspring born 1896 (so the 1911 census says but I believe 1897). Small world. There must be more people around here related to Cropleys as there was so many of them.
  18. It is AX 201, the one and only Silver Ghost. The rest that are referred to as Silver Ghosts are actually 40/50's. That one was owned by Rolls Royce. I don't know whether or not one of the German tribe own it now.
  19. No Chase pub. Where was it? Plan next to do Corporation Oaks and out of Elm Ave. Today I parked van on the corner of Magdala Road/Zulla Road and legged it into town straight up Mansfield Road. Did what I had to do in town and then came out of the back entrance of Victoria bus station and walked up Woodborough Road until I got to the top of Magdala and then walked back down to the van. Think I am going to look for an old portapotti or similar to chuck in the back of the van for these events. I could also consider taking my bike in the van!
  20. My Mother (left) and her eldest sister. 264 Woodborough Road 1955. The table went with the chairs in the above picture. I also remember the teapot quite well!