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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. Great that you remembered may remember some of the lads i went with....all off Andover road.......Colin Pettit...whose back garden would have pretty well nearly backed on to yours,,,,Richard and Pete Robinson not forgetting my life-long friend Harry Fewkes who sadly passed 6 years ago....
  2. made my day this..pinched from FB......have mentioned Beeston lads club on here a couple of times....from 1961 ish...
  3. Loved a smoke with my black coffee ....especially with my favourite girl.....then maybe a slow dance Still have my coffee...
  4. When i was about 5 ....went on a day trip with ''Ode English'' to Wickstead Park...along with lots of Cousins..and Aunts.........nearly drowned in the Boating lake...lad i was with kept rocking the boat and laughing like a maniac...i was scared so very cleverly dived in the lake as i went in the daft lad also went in backwards.(stopped him laughing).... Luckily i was pulled out by a man with a boat hook pole.........still recall being under water and seeing the undersides of other boats.........later that day a girl called Lilly also had to be fished out.......she's still hilariously know
  5. Anyone recall the ''Ode English'' ? Old English Old Basford.......all my Old Basford relatives drank in there.....1950s cant remember what street it was on...between Wicklow and Cowley i think...........
  6. She seemed a truly lovely lady in every way...
  7. Another travelling song.....from such a long time ago..................Cliff has been here forever...bought all his records back in the 60s... No comb and no true no 'Hair' or Teeth''.........but loads of Baggage...and dreams and love weigh nothing at all.......
  8. Beautiful morning for a bike ride...........didnt go far but was well worth it...........Lady at the end of my avenue was stood at her gate taking the early morning sun.........not really spoke apart from a few 'ey-ups' and the odd wave...but today i had a lovely chat with her.... She's 84 lives alone....basically she gave me her life story....think she enjoyed doing so and certainly well worth listening to........ Divorced in her 40s and only fell in love once (not her ex).......served many years in the Army and in a few 'War zones........born in Grimsby but lived all over Europe...
  9. Loved the old Cowboy TV series........
  10. There are ''8 Million'' naked people in this City''
  11. I was in love with ''Little Weed''.......
  12. If you look on the ''Day Trips'' thread there's much more on this subject.............
  13. What a brilliant picture of the area in which i was to be born and raised in.............thanks Kev.........
  14. Lovely building and great Pub in its day...........
  15. The photo is of the old terraced houses that we called the ''Jitty'''in the late 40s and 50s.. which ran from Paton road off Hucknall road.....over a railway bridge the down thru Allotments ''' that are now where the houses of Gayhurst green/road stand...then down to Park Lane past the terraced houses... I had a friend whose Grandparents lived in one of them.........turn left onto Park Lane and the ''Standard of England'' was about 100 yards on the left... The standard'' was very popular with many people off the old Bestwood estate and the Jitty'' was the regular
  16. Could have been somewhere off Park Lane...where what we called ''Dobby Bridge is?
  17. Oh no Jill...........another chance please.............
  18. Reckon ''Hows your day'' is my favourite.........i like to relate 'My Day'' when its been either 'Funny'' or Interesting..........and 99 per cent of it is Nottingham related or even sometimes ''Bulwell''.............
  19. One for Catfan and Jill.........
  20. Dancing is the best medicine for ''Feeling good''......move with the music........nice to have a partner...but ''Solo'' is good too... Nice at a Party with lots of Friends...or alone in your room......
  21. Always liked Herman...even though he was cheeky enough to Kiss my girlfriend on Parliament street....
  22. Grew up on Bestwood estate about 4 miles away...and remember hearing the Testing'' in the 50s and 60s........we used to sit on Bulwell common back then to watch the Air displays...