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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. She must have her reasons 'Colly'......
  2. #32 David,................I must add,the Ladys looked 'stunning'..........touch of the 'Roaring 20's'
  3. Well said 'catfan' with 'Crumpet' like Cliff tons family,who needs California,Arizona and Nevada.,!!!
  4. Nice pics. David, the collar and Ties,even on holidays,oh yes and double breasted suits,brilliant.
  5. Anyway denshaw; Don and Johns' Basford, you can get sumat similar,........Haircut and Coffee (if you insist and no other customer waiting) £4.80, Mind you the coffee is awful,............but you can buy a 'Clothes line and a set of 'Screw drivers' on your way out.
  6. I Like liverpool and enjoyed working there,.............but i must say its reputation is well deserved,.........we had a chap working on a site in the Sefton area and after his shift,he slept in his TENT by the Mersey,so he could also do a bit of fishing ,................He woke up one morning 'under a bright blue sky' Tent gone.
  7. OR Gran smoked wonder Grandad left her .
  8. My thoughts are with you Michael.
  9. I liked the 'Leather elbow' patches' used to match my briefcase back in the 70s ,as for turning lights off the wife gets on to me for always leaving em on,but she complains most about me turning the Heating up,i just can't stand the cold as ive got older,........she's even requested i turn the Telly off when we go to bed,......tut tut she'll be asking me to go to bed with no socks on
  10. The other night i noticed only 2 members posted whilst 'corrie' was on,Michael Booth and Mercurydancer) makes you wonder about all those who say they don't watch it,........... .....just a could have been doing summat else. I don't watch it.................but int' Tracey a bugger.
  11. Enigma 1st,you are not kidding,just spent best part of 2 hours looking at them,and still not seen em all...plenty of Marsdens even rarer a couple of Farrands in main st.Even found one of my cousin Barry Hopkins when he played football for Bulwell Forest Villa in the 50s.....ta for that mate.
  12. IVE seen dirty sods everywhere doing that..................not least footballers. #2775
  13. Quite right fly2, in top pocket.............and one in trouser pocket.
  14. Most of my Ex's emigrated,..........can't think why,
  15. Bet i knew you Blondie,but you always prefered my mate Frank Smith,
  16. At the risk of boring everyone about Farrands' grocery stores,i have to add after seeing this thread for 1st time,that there was one in Hucknall high st,next to Johns clothes store,i did a couple of stints there early 60s and used to buy shirts from John,always remember the Manager at Farrands,Mr.Sweetman an Arthur English lookalike. There was also a Vernons store in hucknall on Derbyshire lane,did a bit there as relief manager and remember a nice girl called Dorothy working there. Did a bit of business with Mike Slaney,Spar,Watnall rd,and the Shentnalls family i believe marrie
  17. Home brew shop just closed down,............its all good news innit
  18. Kentucky chicken now compo....yes you are correct.
  19. ME an'all Robbie,even tried bribery,all to no avail, lol.
  20. Ah,thanks again Cliff Ton,.....30 yrs after that pic.i was in there with Jack the manager and some lovely lady staff,.....June,Ivy and Christine,weighing up Tub butter,Sugar in blue bags,loose Lard,Currants,Sultannas and mixed peel,........wearing my white coat,apron,shiny shoes and white shirt with a 'slim jim tie'.i was a happy 15 yr old,