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Everything posted by DaveN

  1. Yes the Grosvenor was definitely a Berni Inn - went there several times in the 60's
  2. I think the store on the Gregory Blvd/Radford Road junction was Beeches
  3. The trouble I find Melissa is that I've normally got the TV on when I'm doing a Sudoku and very often aren't concentrating so make mistakes!
  4. The Welbeck Hotel wasn't far from the Victoria Station/Hotel
  5. I like Sudoku and crosswords but it did take some time to get the hang of Sudoku at first
  6. #14 I put a Christmas poem in my cards
  7. I must admit that I buy the majority of the Christmas Cards I send in the January Sales
  8. No - none of us in the club (Outlaws) were mods.
  9. For Christmas? Well apparently the shops have with cards on sale already - see link below http://www.nottinghampost.com/Happy-Christmas-s-cards-August/story-22298745-detail/story.html
  10. I used to live near the Wheatsheaf when I was in my teens - a nice pub. Also in my teens I belonged to a scooter club and we used to meet in the upstairs room there.
  11. Boots throught the years http://www.nottinghampost.com/pictures/Boots-years/pictures-22130272-detail/pictures.html#1
  12. Secret passageways and rooms have been found in the caves beneath the Malt Cross pub http://www.nottinghampost.com/Secret-passageways-rooms-discovered-caves-Malt/story-22122394-detail/story.html
  13. According to the report in the Post the amount of senior council staff earning receiving in excess of £100,000 has increased http://www.nottinghampost.com/Council-pound-100k-club-grows/story-22073851-detail/story.html
  14. Aren't they building an Aldi store on the Sandicliffe site?
  15. DaveN

    Mike Smith

    Former Radio 1 DJ Mike Smith has died - he was only 59 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-28623367
  16. The Collins Warehouse (advertise in the Post alot) are on Ascot Road. The road was when Imlive near there a dead end and then there was a footpath alongside soem allotments and continued to a bridge over the railway line and then to St Peter's Gate. Speedo also had a building on Ascot Road.
  17. Nottingham isn't listed the 2013 list - see link below http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crap_Towns
  18. It's not what they EARN though is it? It's what they receive!
  19. Roll on Sunday Night!
  20. I remember when it was the Aspley Cinema then it closed for a few months in 1956 and reopened as the Commodore until 1958 when it closed as a cinema
  21. Like everyone else Carni, my thoughts and best wishes are with you.
  22. Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody. (Franklin P. Adams)
  23. He who knows does not speak. He who speaks does not know. (Lao Tzu) He knows nothing and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career. (George Bernard Shaw) It is impossible for an Englishman to open his mouth without making some other Englishman hate or despise him. (George Bernard Shaw) Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. (Will Rogers) Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are convinced beyond doubt that they are right (Laurens vander Post)
  24. What in place of grammar and spelling?
  25. I think swearing is part of life these days and the majority of people swear at some point albeit not to the extent of an increasing number and mainly in private with friends and family. I’m not saying it is right to do so, particularly the ‘f’ or similar words, in general public but these days these ‘swear words’ are included in dictionaries, on television after the watershed and in the media generally. Those using these words in public either don’t realise they’re saying them or, do it on purpose to aggravate others. They don’t realise they are showing a lack of the English language, manners