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Everything posted by crankypig

  1. Anyone got any info on the pub called The Lamp?never been in ,I've always thought it looks haunted.
  2. The Engineer. #4 The jukebox is a nsm festival,it's now sold so you may be able to help the man who bought it,he's on this site.
  3. I have a jukebox to sell (almost give away) £50 .it needs fixing but it was working till I moved it 2weeks is a nsm festival.I am sure someone could tinker with it and bring it back to life.,but I don't have a clue about these will not come with any will need two strong men with a van ,it is heavy. Check on eBay they are not cheap even if not working.
  4. When I was a kid we lived next to a family who had a son called Bernard,I think that's pretty rare nowadays.
  5. jake. #87 I used to really fancy one of the big houses there but went off the idea when travelling to work when I worked nights as a carer,saw all the prostitutes strolling along looking at every car that passed in case anyone wanted 'business'
  6. Michael Booth #28 You are right Michael.I live in a so called posh area,but we have been burgled,first time they took hubby's car and our phones and bank cards.,second time two bikes were stolen.
  7. hippo girl #21 I used to work not far from there,at the convent(as it was then)as a carer locking after older nuns and also older people who were mainly catholic.Its now been made into apartments,never thought that would happen.It was on college street.
  8. BilboroughShirley #2 I have also been to the one in Paris,very nice but didn't buy owt ,too dear for me.
  9. I used to be a carer for a lady called Dorothea,I think that's a nice name,and I've never met anyone else with this name.
  10. Marks and spencer used to have cardigans and jumpers folded nicely on a wooden counter,if you fancied one they would look in a drawer for your size.So much nicer,I think and they don't all get mucky and out of shape like they do on hangers.A lot of shops were like this .Now some of them resemble jumble sales,stuff on the floor,make up on the clothes,bring back the old ways ,some of us would like that. P.S, went in marks the other week and walked by a trolley with reduced bakery items in,saw a woman opening the bags of buns/cobs and handling them then putting them back in the bags.yuk.You woul
  11. Not sure if the spellings correct,did anyone buy anything from here,I think it was on clumber street,.Anyway I saved for ages and bought a fur coat from there,wouldn't be allowed to wear it now though,my god it was so warm.I wonder how many of you have one lurking at the back of the wardrobe.
  12. I used to have a beautiful cat called fergal,after he passed away we got another one ,we called him kravitz,he lived to 15 (in human years)
  13. I may be wrong but was zhivagos sometimes used in the daytime for a kids disco called the annabell bear club?or was that somewhere else.
  14. My mams name is Florence,don't hear that often now.,it may have been popular when she was born ,she's 97 now.
  15. My mam had decided on the name Alan as she was sure she was having a boy,until the midwife announced ,you have a daughter,so I am Joan(glad they didn't call me Alan,would have looked a bit daft at school)
  16. Do you remember a shop in vic centre called scan? I bought a few nice bits of bakeware from there,I think the shop was on lower floor at the far end.
  17. I like flower names for pretty and girly.
  18. Dog walkers who let their pets s#*t In front of my house and don't pick it up.
  19. I lived with my parents and two sisters on Carlton hill until I married at 23 .My husband and I then lived not far from my parents ,we were there about nine and a half years,then moved to Burton Joyce,where I still live with my daughter(hubby passed away in 2012)son married and divorced after 3 years ,now living with girlfriend.
  20. Karlton. #63 I used to work at that factory,I made ladies dresses.some of the workers used to be working with a fag in their mouths,it's a miracle the place didn't go up in flames.
  21. My auntie uses chicken pellet manure,I can't stand the smell.
  22. Even though I live on a main road,I get up in the morning ,look out of the window and see people on the way to work,I look across the field and see trains and green fields.On the back garden ,the birds are singing,often see squirrels and other wildlife,even have a badger visiting at night.If I want to go into town it's not too far away.If I left I know I would regret it.Wonderful Nottingham.
  23. Potatoes,cooked any way,but jackets are best,fresh veg,and a bit of meat. For a quick meal egg on toast.