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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. They are Clapper Gates and not Kissing Gates. Clippers are a double self closing gate. Kissing are a single gate.
  2. Well that answers the question. Perhaps the top of Woodborough Hill would be the best viewing point or maybe Dorket Head.
  3. Belvoir Castle you certainly can. Not sure about Lincoln Cathedral. You would need powerful binoculars as it’s about 40 miles away to the northeast. Having said that you can see both Lincoln Cathedral and Southwell Minster from High Cross hill above Bleasby. Apparently it’s the only place in the UK where you can see two Anglican Cathedrals. I can vouch for it as it was a very clear day yesterday and I stopped to look for the first time in many years.
  4. There are quite a few kissing gates around here. Their function is to allow people but not livestock to pass through. There used to be a few on the riverside path between Hazleford an Fiskerton. Difficult to thread a bike through though.
  5. So called 'bad language' is much more prevalent these days. In real terms they are only words that cause offence solely when directed at a person. I'm sure many of us use expletives as a norm when annoyed. I know I do but my wife never does. Perhaps after being on the factory floor for 25 years it just becomes part of normal conversation. My wife was a teacher so was not subjected to hearing regular swearing and had to put an immediate stop to it when she did.
  6. Blimey comes from ‘God blind me!’ Crikey is a euphemism for ‘Christ!’
  7. I don’t think that’s right. Someone has just invented the phrase to fit the acronym. There is no dictionary evidence to support it. It goes way back in time and no specific origin of the word can be found.
  8. I started at Mellish in 1954 and stayed on to do A levels in the 6th form as did most of my year. I also took 7 a-levels and then 3 A levels in the sciences. Initially I became chartered accountant but subsequently reverted to engineering, amongst many other things, when I ran a manufacturing company for my final 25 years. T
  9. When I was at Mellish in 50’s/60’s I caught the train from Daybrook to Basford North. Some mornings we would walk from the station via what we called the ‘Cutler Way’. We followed a path from the station that came out up some steps onto Park Rd. That joined up with St.Alban’s Rd. where we could see the Master Cutler as it came through the bridge over Kersall Drive. It was a long way round but we just managed to get to school before the bell rang.
  10. The Day Brook would seem to start from the top of Mapperley Plains. It does emerge along the playground beside Arno Vale Rd. but then is ducted underground at Arno Vale School and remains underground under Thackery’s Lane emerging once again onto Valley Rd. Rec. I think ultimately it runs into the River Leen in Basford. I’m sure it can be followed on Google Earth. I remember it well from childhood days when we lived in Woodthorpe. We used to play under the bridge by the Five Ways pub.
  11. It's a WW2 redbrick lookout tower on the old airfield.
  12. As Brew says. It’s up to the individual and the employer to assess the risk. There’s no right or wrong in this matter, it’s just a question of sensible judgement. It’s impossible for the Government to judge the risk for every possible situation. A degree of common sense has to be applied. If in doubt - don’t!
  13. But the problem is that no one in the Government has got ‘the final solution’. Everyone has got their own ideas and it’s impossible to condense these into a firm policy. At the moment there can be no firm plan because nobody knows which way things will swing. The ‘lock down’ policy does seem to be having an effect but the public need a bit of morale boosting from time to time as well.
  14. The full 50 page ‘roadmap’ is due to be published today. Let’s see what that has to say before we brand people as incompetent. The Tories won the election with a landslide. That was the democratic will of the people. Labour didn’t stand a chance as they showed themselves to be dithering and incompetent and the people didn’t want a hard left wing government. No matter how much you shout Boris down he’s here to stay for duration of this parliament. As I’ve said, the guy’s in a no win situation. All he can do is to try and keep up the morale.
  15. The guy’s in an impossible no win situation. He’s got to give people some hope without opening the flood gates. It’s so easy to criticise him but nobody seems to come up with a solution that will keep everyone happy.
  16. He specifically stated ‘avoid public transport’ so you can hardly blame him for packed underground trains.
  17. That goes back to the days when Kath Taverner was landlady. She had a bloke living there called Stan but I'm not sure what his function was! The Brom was a proper pub in those days, not the fancy gastropub it's become. We used to meet in the Bromley tea rooms on a Monday night for Young Conservatives in the 60's. It wasn't really political, just somewhere for the 20 somethings to meet. I'm still married to the girl I met there! After YC's we used to repair to the bar and drink bottles of Kimberley Special Brew. I've not been tempted to go there in years. At least my local, the Waggon has remai
  18. Yes, Miss Kathy's girls! I wonder what their function was? I believe they were known as hostesses. I think there were private rooms upstairs. The food was good though.
  19. We’ve just got another delivery slot at Morrison’s. It seemed churlish not to take advantage of it. This time a few little luxuries to brighten up the day. Fortunately since my hip operation I’m just getting flexible enough to do some proper jobs again so a little reward for my effort is justifiable!
  20. You tend to think that when you work hard to reap the rewards that efforts can bring that others think the same, but a lot of people are just not prepared to put in the effort and are content just to get by. Work has always been my passion. Evenings, weekends, holidays as necessary to get a job done or a problem sorted. Perhaps I should have devoted more time to leisure rather than the pursuit of profit. I don’t regret a minute of it though!
  21. I was curious about the ‘green’ gas. I thought they might have brought it in by tanker but I asked an old friend of mine who used to be managing director of Nottingham City Transport and he had a wander down there and confirmed it was from the mains supply. He is 86 now so has been retired for some years. No fancy gas buses in his day!
  22. Parkside Club. Yes I went there a few times!
  23. Agreed. A lot of people are happy to sit on their backsides and do nothing and with government cash rolling in they are quite content. There has been for many years a large underclass in the country who live off the state and supplement their handouts with a bit of dodgy dealing, petty theft and the growing and sale of drugs. Many people, if they can get by without an honest day’s work, they will. The furlough payments are like manna from heaven to a lot of people. There are, of course, a multitude of genuine recipients of furlough payments who can’t wait to get back to doing their day jobs bu