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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. "They" would introduce a "quantum fluctuation Tax". Don't think you would get away with it that easily.
  2. Saw a few smoking chimneys on my drive into Newark this afternoon - not seen that in June before! (we're not smokeless out here)
  3. I think that's an outdated Google. I believe it was sold for redevelopment recently. Drove past there on the way to Northgate Station this afternoon. I parked outside what used to be the Bowling Green opposite the station. This is now a hardware and paint supplier. Prior to that it was a gym/fitness club.
  4. Might it have been the Newcastle Arms? No longer a pub but it was situated just off Appleton Gate towards the station end of the road.
  5. 36 Appleton Gate was Sheldrakes the Chemists. It then became Howes wine shop. It faced the old police station. The Bowling Green was at the Northgate Station end of Appleton Gate and is now a decorator's supplier.
  6. Some truth in this. My grass is growing at an unprecedented rate but it's too cold and wet to go out and cut it!
  7. It's not just me then! Back in the "good" old days heating would be off from April to October, cold or not.. Even the greenhouse was down to 5C last night and it's only 15C in there now.
  8. I didn't switch it on. It comes on automatically if it's cold. Normally it wouldn't switch on on June 1st. It's gone off now! My insulation should prevent any of my internal heat contributing to global warming. I do, however, appreciate the irony of your remark.
  9. Anyone experiencing global warming? As I sit at the breakfast table on 1st. June in my woolly sweater the only heat I'm getting is from the central heating which came on this morning. Is it any better where you live?
  10. Actually I was alleged to be the last words of George V - Bugger Bognor. Sorry but I'm a pedant!
  11. I remember at Arno Vale primary, when all the kids were mixing their jam into their rice pudding, we were admonished by Mrs Lockwood, a scary teacher, who said that we should take a spoon of rice pudding and add a little bit of jam. Still enjoy fine dining to this day!
  12. The Limes is still there. I think The Robin Hood is now a Chinese - Winner City.
  13. Remove these people and there would be nobody left. They've all got a right to their opinion. Let's hear it.
  14. Yes we have The Times everyday. It's delivered to a collection box in the village since the shop closed. It's a mile there and back. I used to drive to avoid having to get involved in inane chat with people but my wife has taken over and walks. She loves the gossip. Can't start the day without doing The Times crossword. As a subscriber I can read it on line but there's something about having a proper paper on the breakfast table. Freshly ironed to remove the creases of course.
  15. Had them all pushed down my throat at school. Weddings, funerals - I can manage without the hymn book. For a non Christian I'm pretty good on the bible as well. Childhood indoctrination back in those days!
  16. After being caught out in squall in Falmouth bay some years ago we sang "For Those in Peril on the Sea." I said to my son that if we got out of it alive we would go to church that evening. Sadly it was closed!
  17. "Somewhere else", after research, was Colston Basset but not at the cricket ground. Just a contrived set near the old church.
  18. Thanks for that correction. Now where was "somewhere else"?
  19. No it wasn't Wollaton. Just spoken to the Thurgarton CC chairman over a beer. It was Thrumpton. Boots farms owned the land at the time including the Priory and cricket ground. They didn't want the publicity as they had a large experimental animal centre nearby. Smoking beagles etc. They didn't want the animal rights people getting wind of it so they said no.
  20. Having thought about it in the shower, as you do, I think Thurgarton was first choice but the committee wouldn't give approval. It's a nearby village and I know the president so I'll ask when I next see him unless someone else comes up with answer.
  21. I thought it was Thurgarton. Prettiest ground in the country.
  22. We've got crystal chandeliers in the state dining room as well.