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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. In our village it seems to be the older people who install solar panels. Most of them won't survive long enough to recoup the installation costs.
  2. OK - you were a blonde - but still pretty!
  3. A pretty dark haired girl as I remember.
  4. Use the vote to democratically elect a government - yes definitely. In or out of Europe - yes as well. To have police and crime commissioners foisted upon us and expect me to vote for something that I didn't want in the first place - no way.
  5. Margaret - we've just got a village maypole. The children were dancing around it last Monday in the pouring rain. My wife went to watch but I stayed indoors. I remember maypole dancing at Arno Vale. The country dancing was quite good fun in a boisterous sort of way. Stripping the willow and all that! I also enjoyed the singing with Mr Turner at the piano. The Ash Grove, British Grenadiers, Kitty of Colleraine etc. It's all flooding back!
  6. The man from the Pru. I think our parents used to pay a few coppers a week for a policy so that you could be "put away decently" I honestly don't care how they put me away as I won't be watching.
  7. Yes Margaret, still live a rustic life in the middle of a field. People don't talk to me because I'm a grumpy old git. When my wife walks up to the box to collect the morning paper she takes ages because she chats to everyone!
  8. We used to have a baker that delivered daily. A van with ironmongery and hardware came once a week. The railway station had magnificent displays of flowers in Summer. There was a coal fire in the waiting room in winter. After 11pm you had to ring a bell at the railway crossing for the gates to opened and a grumpy person in a nightshirt would come down and open them. The vicar used to visit regularly and drink your whiskey. There was a village policeman who did the rounds on a bike. The milkman never asked for money, you used to have to chase him to pay him. The pub closed at 10.30pm on the dot
  9. Yes they walk around in pairs to ensure the other nun doesn't get nun
  10. Yes, it might have been a second coming in a different incarnation. We've been waiting for one in years in this troubled world. I might have been responsible for it not happening!
  11. We did have a nun come up our drive some years ago. God only knows what she wanted as I made a "turn round and go back the way you came gesture". I've often wondered what she was doing.
  12. I didn't vote. I don't agree with the idea. Also the candidates were standing on political footings and I don't go with that.
  13. I will have met him. Bill lives in the next field to me - well, we don't actually live in fields but our houses are there! They've played a few gigs in Bill's field some years ago. The Beatmen actually all originated at Mellish and back in he 60's they played on the same bills as many of the big groups. They also spent some time in Hamburg just like the Beatles.
  14. Bill Brazier of The Beatmen lives in my village. We were at Mellish at the same time but he was 3 years ahead of me. He became respectable businessman after his showbiz career and now drives steam engines on The Great Central Railway as a hobby. He still has the original Gibson guitar.
  15. Crystal chandeliers! Now that's posh. The butler does ours.
  16. Skinner & Rook - that was an unfortunate choice of name for a shop!
  17. The vicar/ curate at the the time was the Rev. John Congdon. (You can guess what we called him!) I was inveigled by my rather religious girlfriend at the time to attend his confirmation class. I went once and decided that the religious life was not for me! We went our separate ways.
  18. St. James Porchester. Woodthorpe's own church, St. Marks, I think, was built later at the top of Melbury Road.
  19. No idea. I was too young to notice! I think my first Sunday School was held at Arno Vale School but this ultimately moved to the new church hall between Arno Vale Road and Wensley Road (behind the butcher's shop.) I remember this being built and seeing the Bishop of Southwell turning the first sod. I think it's now a library.
  20. Yes, it is John. Used to know him many years ago when he was a part time instructor at the Sherwood Flying Club. He used to own an ex RAF Jet Provost! That's probably scrap metal now!