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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. You'd probably terrorise the terrorists Ben !
  2. I always ignore Government advice on travelling to Scotland each year and so far I’ve only been involved in one argument over independence - but being pursued along the High Street in Oban was not something I would want to repeat!
  3. Current Government info. still advises against travel to Libya - just sayin’.
  4. It’s all about money. When sport was amateur it was conducted in a gentlemanly/ladylike manner. Now big bucks are involved people will cheat to win. It’s just as corrupt as commerce and politics now. (Shouldn’t have mentioned politics!)
  5. We had one in our garden at Park Road in Woodthorpe. My father and I set about the concrete sides with picks and sledge hammers to release the corrugated iron bits which he sold as there was still a market for them in the late 50’s.
  6. I think the Red Cross building was on the corner of Abbey Bridge Rd. and Lenton Lane facing the White Hart but on ‘Streetview’ it appears to have been demolished.
  7. Probably rubbing their balls with sandpaper!
  8. Don’t take a hot dinner round to Jill’s house Rog!
  9. I’m fed up with going to restaurants and getting the meal served on a block of wood or a roofing slate. What’s wrong with a traditional plate? Last Saturday we went to the Old Volunteer at Caythorpe which used to be a pub but has now gone very restauranty. As it was a pub lunch I had a double beef burger. The bun was soft and soggy, the meat was dry and the hand cut chips were obviously thin skinny frozen ones. All for £13! At least it was on a proper plate. It made McDonalds look really inviting. This is the third meal out in a row that’s been a disaster. I can’t wait for Rog to set up his ro
  10. Lamb skin! Is that with or without the wool?
  11. Thanks katyjay. I thought there might be something wrong with me.
  12. Probably on her way to the gym - or the tattoo parlour.
  13. I presume a lot of us watch this. The quality of many dishes, predominantly chicken and fish, appears to depend on the crispness of the skin. Personally the last thing I want to eat is eat skin and I always peel it off. Have I been doing it wrong all my life? Have I missed a culinary treat?
  14. I’m thinking of getting a tramspotter’s book and an anorak. I’ve already got General Booth, Torville and Dean and Dennis McCarthey. Where’s the best place to sit and watch them?
  15. I think you’ve got it in for the trams. They always look very nice when I see one passing by.
  16. I've known two people of similar age in recent years fall when they were doing a similar thing. For around £100 you can buy an electric pole saw which you can safely operate from the ground. It's not worth the risk.
  17. 12th. July 1980. I could see it from my office window. They obviously didn’t have a sprinkler system. We’ve still got a few Sankey terra cotta pots around the garden. Probably collectors items now!
  18. It’s probably worth paying a few quid to get someone to cut that down and take it away. I hate having to pay people to do do do things but when you get past a certain age (I’m not being rude!) I think it’s better to let the younger ones do it. We’ve got a lot of trees but I would no longer climb a ladder with a chain saw and anyway the sort of single handed chainsaws that the professsionals use can now only be purchased if you can prove you’re qualified in their use. I do have a long pole type chainsaw as well so this will lop of some fairly tall branches. It might be worth getting an electric
  19. Margie. You preempted my suggestion. When I get out there with my chainsaw nothing’s safe!
  20. Wait for the three wheeled recumbent version!
  21. I new someone who went to see The Sound of Music at the Odeon every week throughout the duration.
  22. I suppose if you’ve never tasted it before ............................
  23. Radford Road. I’ve not sussed the other one yet.
  24. I’ve been in there. Reporting a crime, not locked in the cells!