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Everything posted by MargieH

  1. Don't like to think of crawling robots - hope they'll all obey Asimov's robot laws...
  2. Thank you, Phil, (but memory does play tricks sometimes)
  3. I would have liked to go on the tunnel walk, but I wouldn't know how to nobble the system (even if I wanted to, which I don't) x
  4. Ah thanks, Benjamin - you're very kind...
  5. make a sailor a pair of trousers was what I was told. I think I read it in an Enid Blyton book as well.
  6. That just happened to me on Chrome, FLY, so I tried on the 'ordinary' Google and it worked. But that could just be a coincidence...
  7. I remember the patriotic songs we had to sing at primary school - as well as those you've mentioned there was one called 'Hearts of Oak' I think, which had the phrase 'we'll fight and we'll conquer again and again.' I can still remember the words to 'The British Grenadiers' as well! Those songs belong in this thread I think as I am pretty sure they don't still get sung in schools nowadays. In country dancing, the boys were on one side of the hall and the girls on the other, and the boys had to walk over and choose a girl to be their partner. That was horrible as the girl was supposed
  8. Djb4, when I read the word Maypole, I thought of the maypole dancing at primary school - was there one at Arno Vale, Phil? I remember my own daughter dancing round the maypole at her primary school about 40 years ago
  9. Phil, do you live in a village, now? You said people don't acknowledge you these days ..... in our village, when I walk up to the local shop, it takes a long time because there are so many people I stop to chat to, and the ones I don't know very well usually smile. I agree with you about the tractors churning up the verges though - they are massive beasts - although with the large fields these days I suppose they're necessary. We can get a same day appointment with the doctor if it is deemed urgent because we are triaged, but otherwise you'll have to wait up to 3 weeks, by which time yo
  10. She just might have been lost and wanting directions to the nearest convent. Strange that she was on her own - don't nuns usually walk round in pairs?
  11. phil, I'm sure God DID know what the nun wanted, but because you turned her away, you still don't know! Perhaps you should have asked her when you had the chance?
  12. MapperleyMan, how far do you walk/run each day? What route do you take?
  13. Since the problems started, I can't 'follow' any more topics - is this something I can fix myself?
  14. Ian, it's good you feel you can share the experiences you've had within your family. Times must have been very hard for you sometimes, but it's good you were willing and able to support your mum financially when necessary. I don't know your brothers so can't really comment on their behaviour but it does seem that there was a side to at least one of them which wasn't all 'sweetness and light'. I like your attitude about taking responsibility for your own future, whatever may have happened in your youth. We all carry our early experiences within us and these are bound to shape our characte
  15. I got 8 out of ten questions right in the English test, but I guessed one of them! Did you do the Maths test? I got 8 out of ten for that, too, but probably would have done better if I'd written the calculations down instead of just doing it in my head..... Like you, Ann, I don't know why they need to know all that stuff in the English test. I learned it at secondary school but it's never come in useful in my life. I can write perfectly good English without knowing what all those parts of speech are!
  16. I've never tried to post a link before, so sorry if this doesn't work. The questions are for kids in their last year of primary school. No wonder there's been such an uproar about it!
  17. But now you only pas-de-deux with your lady wife, I hope
  18. #24/25 Before the Anglican church on Melbury Road was built, the church services took place in that hall. I remember going to a few of them there because that's where some of my friends went. When I was a young teenager, I started going to Mapperley Methodist again
  19. I went to my ballet classes in that church hall - bet you weren't there!
  20. I know we went to Primary School together, Phil, but did you also go to the same Sunday School as me then? Because you were christened there, you would have been on their 'Cradle Roll'. I presume you meant you were christened in the church, not the basement ....
  21. MapperleyMan, 65 years ago I used to go to the Sunday School in the old basement of Mapperley Methodist - way before your time!!
  22. Jill, I was the same as a child - always wondering if I was really here and how I could prove it! I still do..... On a different note, I had a friend who had one green eye and one blue and I clearly remember asking her to close each eye in turn to see if anything looked different when she did. (I didn't know then that the iris colour didn't affect sight)
  23. MargieH


    We've got a lot of yellowish moss on our lawn, too - some birds are pulling it up for their nests
  24. I still use 'lolling about' usually when someone in the family is sitting around doing nothing when there's something they should be doing!