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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. My sil recently had an op in her mouth for cancer. She’s ok and is recovering well , she continually wears a mask even with us and close family and friends, which is very wise. She’s having chemo every day for 30 days, she only has about 7-8 days left. This morning she didn’t feel well and called her Dr. Tested for covid and she’s positive. The local Croce Verde( voluntary service takes her to the hospital, waits and brings her back home. She’s not been near anybody and as I said before she always wears her mask. She thinks she may have picked it up at the hospital. You never can tell. We are
  2. A bit how it happened to me years ago. We packed up in boxes and were very careful to protect all our crystal and glassware wedding presents . We sent them to Italy and hoped everything arrived safely. It did; not one glass or piece was broken or even cracked. After a year here we decided to return to Nottingham so everything packed up again. Even then nothing broken . But putting them all into a display unit I broke so many and was so upset. Returning once again to Italy nothing else was broken and even returning to Nottingham and again in Italy. Even now I don’t have any more broken glasses.
  3. Sorry to hear all that fuss just for a piece of plastic. Its unbelievable. I renewed my licence a while ago and its not that complicated here, in fact its so simple its ridulous. We go to , actually its a driving school but all applications are dealt with there. The owner of the school sees to all the applications and we go with appointment along with everyone else and one by one we are called to see the inspector who asks various questions. When we've finished we pay and sign , are given a permission to continue driving and we're told licence will be sent to us . All done and dusted. The only
  4. My nephew ex para would be heart broken about this disgraceful act he worshipped him.
  5. Tomorrow after 3 days marinating , the fruit will be added to the other ingredients and mixed ( anyone want to stir and make a wish? ) then baked. My grandchildren always liked to stir and wish but its a few years since i made Christmas cakes so i suppose now they are getting too adult to join in things like that but they did enjoy it especially when they got to lick the bowl out.
  6. Why ? Aren't the women supposed to drink on Christmas day. My parents weren't pub goers so neither were we. I think it was a selfish idea so i suppose it was the idea of women slaving over a hot stove and not being able to enjoy themselves. I remember Christmas day when everyone helped and then spent the rest of the day eating chocolates and watching TV the only alcohol we had in the house was sherry for the trifle and bottles of home made wine and then it was only a glass. Dad was brought up absolutely teetotal his parents were very strict. My grandad would turn in his grave if he knew I
  7. Ben you’d have been in your elements this morning…well not quite. My husband has to go back to Turin to see anesthesiologist. Keeping in mind that it’s pouring down, he was taking the car to Asti to get the train to Turin( he won’t drive it’s too chaotic). Then he thought leaving the car near the station and having to walk in the rain when he can hardly walk it was better to catch the bus from here into Asti. So I drove him down into the village just as the bus was leaving. Quick check on line to find timetable to Turin. Non of the times were suitable in the village for the next bus to get him
  8. Today or rather during the night we had a terrific storm so this morning it’s still raining and it’s cold. ( oh come back summer we miss you and we’ll forgive you for the extreme heat). Outside I found a little teeny weeny shrew all 4 feet in the air , obviously dead. I’ve only seen one before and that was in the hall sneaking through the tiniest crack in the between the floor tiles and skirting tiles.I waited for hours for it to sneak out again but as soon as I made a move it shot back to safety. In the end I filled in the crack and we’ve not seen one since apart from the one this morning. He
  9. Sinistra and destra in Italian. I always got them wrong when I first came here.
  10. Yes as we are limiting the number
  11. Yes mini ones to sell in Deborah’s restaurant .
  12. Today just mixed 6 kg of dried fruit 1/2 with brandy and 1/2 with gin for small Christmas cakes. Leaving them to soak for 3 days. I have enough fruit left to make about 10 jars of mincemeat.
  13. Keep safe and let us know you are safe.
  14. My nephew ( ex parachute ) was given a flask exactly the same when he was in Arnhem a while ago.
  15. Today we had invited my SIL, my niece and her son to lunch. The niece couldn’t come because her husband on his way to the airport for work in Belgium didn’t feel well and decided not to travel and went home. He tested and was positive for covid for the 4 th time. Don’t know if he’s been vaccinated or not but 4 times is too many. He could have got it anywhere as he travels all over the world. Next week he should be in India but doubt he will make it.
  16. RobL Good news and a happy recovery.
  17. Thankyou Margie, I wasn’t sure about posting here but thought it might interest any wine drinkers. We have been awarded “ one of the most beautiful villages in Italy” It shows the general layout , vineyards, the vendemmia, pallavolo and concerts we have in summer . The film was taken in the top part of the village which is very pretty and wasn’t shown in the film. The village is split in two, the newer part is in the valley and this is the historic part. My sons restaurant is glimpsed with 2 people sitting in the courtyard at the table drinking wine. Another piece is the chef plating
  18. Where I live
  19. What a day!! I accompanied my daughter to a hospital in Alessandria to have an MRI. We left home at 10.30 am to take the train in Asti. Then after looking at a few shops we headed for the hospital, appointment at 3.45pm We were still very early so sat in a small park opposite and hoped to watch a bit of the Queens funeral. No internet. As soon as we found which of the many corridors we needed and as soon as we sat down the lady next to us told us there was an hours delay because the RMI machine was out of order.We waited 2 1/2 hrs We had missed 2 return trains and hope to catch the last
  20. I agree Woody. I was unable to watch the funeral yesterday so Im hoping to watch it today. I was interested to see what the Italian thoughts were on TV last night when I got home. Of course as in everything there are mixed reviews but I was proud when one journalist said " yes the whole thing was long but it was beautiful to watch, nothing can compare with the British way of ceremonies like that and I think we have a lot to learn" Well done Britain.
  21. I'm catching up too, sorry Loppy you had ascare or rather your wife but you'd better take care cos we want more news from
  22. I feel old when i see my neices and nephews. It doesnt seem 5 minutes since we were all celebratings their births. Most of them are married now and have children of their own.
  23. Hoping because you heard a bit of English that it would encourage you to go in and spend. Its true when you hear your own language spoken in a foreign country you stop and reflect ( where are they from etc) Its called attracting potential business.