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Everything posted by nonnaB

  1. Our 2nd jab is 26 June. Az. Pfizer have theirs after 3 weeks.
  2. Did think about you the other day Carni but o so sorry that youve had so much pain . Not pleasant at all with what you've had to put up with. Here's to you getting better and staying well, we'll all be thinking of you. Take care.
  3. We live in the middle of vineyards so its pretty quiet. During the first lockdown it was eiry because there wasnt even a sound of tractors and the occasional moo from the cows. Gradually people started walking around and now at the weekends our road is like a thoroughfare for marathons.
  4. Luck of the draw From 26 April restaurants can open but have to serve outdoors, fine, but the forcast is rain. Thats Pandemia for you.
  5. Brew make sure you havent been charged for it. Im expecting a package from amazon too. It should have been delivered a few days ago but updated tells me its going to arrive between 16-20 april. If it doesnt i can ask for a refund. Hope it comes as its taken me ages to find exactly what I want. A small piece of furniture that is sturdy and has space like shelves and drawers for the kitchen to replace what is there already. Ive looked in furniture shops, Ikea, supermarkets with no luck and this was exactly what I wanted but its being sent from Germany so maybe its been pinched.
  6. SG you reminded me about a friend of mind who wouldnt hurt a fly by picking up the spider and telling it not to come back. She swore it worked. I shall have to try that as the weather improves telling the mosquitos, lizards and cimice not to set foot over the doorstep.
  7. Hope it wont be long SG. We heard tonight that restaurants can open lunch and dinner from April 26. Eating outside though. Hope the weather improves as the last few days have been freezing. Even our fig trees leaves have withered with the frost.
  8. OZ I was interested in your post about McVities digestives. I had a similar experience some time ago. I always buy them to make cheesescakes for my sons restaurant and of course have the odd biscuit. (I buy them for us too) This particular time they were bought from our usual supermarket , just saw MV digestives so popped them into the trolley. At home after making a pot of tea I started to eat one. They were not the same they were as you said they tasted stale and like sawdust. They went in the bin then I wrote to MV to ask if they'd changed their recipe. Meanwhile waiting for a reply ( which
  9. SG About you being a " guinea pig" for vaccine mixes. My sister in law is a voluntary ambulance service, in February she had the pfizer vaccine and the second dose she had Astra Zeneca. Shes fine , no after effects and nothing to be worried about. Now I've just heard on our news that they are thinking of changing the second dose with a different vaccine. They also said that UK was doing it too. Think I heard that right that they were already or thinking about it.
  10. I did hear a while ago the UK were facing Pfizer shortages, hope you all get them done. We had our first dose last friday and the second one is already booked . They are getting them done very quickly now. We both had like the rest of the village Astra Zenica. We were told ages ago that we were to have Pfizer or Moderna but they changed it probably because of the supposed shortage of Pfizer. We both expected some sort of reaction but neither of us had anything not even a sore arm.
  11. Tinned food does have advantages when you're in a hurry. Personally I dont like them but I do buy a few, baked beans is a must but without the sausages, I did buy some tomato and chicken soup fromBCS though.I buy also tins of chopped tomatoes but usually preserve my own or we are given bottles from Sicily. Treacle and syrup are never missing - Tuna and tins of salmon are useful too. Carnation milk we can't find here I sound very particular but Im not. When I was younger I went with my parents touring Europe. Mum made menus for everyday and packed the tins in boxes to be opened on the day
  12. Since this pandemic started I havent worn shoes , just slippers , sandals or barefoot and even non slip socks if my feet are cold. In summer I wear sandals or flip flops and go barefoot. Winter is a different thing I always wear boots. Shoes are a thing i need but cant get the ones i like. Good thing i dont have to go to a posh " do".
  13. Missing child. Russian girl is not her. Russia used the programme for audience. Tv showed photos of the russian girl , totally different to the girl who was looking for her mother. She looked like a call girl!
  14. Not really my day but anxiously awaiting a Russian programme to comment. 17 yrs ago a 4 yrs old girl disappeared from outside her grandmothers house whilst she was playing. The child or supposed child was photographed miles away with a woman who was begging in the street. An on duty security guard was allerted when he heard the woman call the child Danas When she asked where they were going. The child is called Denise. There have been many unsolved tracks even that of the step sister kidnapping her. Now whilst an off duty nurse who has worked in Russia has sent a video of a 20 yr old girl
  15. Jill i lived on Glendon Drive and our 2 houses ( semis) were consigned to police officers. My dad was in the police force. Unfortunately i dont recall Caroline Moore. Maybe the HMP houses were further down the road. Our was the first semi after the previosly built houses.
  16. BK spaghetti westerns were made in Italy with american actors as far as i know. I agree with foreign films dubbing. practically all the films on tv here are foreign ( english and american with the occasional french film so they are fubbed in italian and its strange when you know the voice of John Wayne and other famous names and the voice is totally different. I changed the tv to play in english so films are a bit more interesting and you dont miss anything.
  17. I can't remember being an avid reader but I will always remember being read to to finish our afternoon lesson. The book was. Worzel Gummidge. I loved it and when I had to have my tonsils out I was upset because I would lose some of the story. Fortunately the teacher lent me the book after my convalescence. When my grandchildren came along I found a collection of WG' s video and my grandchildren loved them too. When they were no longer interested I put them away with other videos. One day my eldest G son asked me about them and I told him I couldnt remember where they were so he came to look fo
  18. What a day. Trying to put up some screen fencing between us and next door. They have a 3 legged alsation and we have 4 small dogs including my daughters dog we look after when shes working. When all dogs are out usually they dont pay much attention to each other and at other times one starts barking and comes up close to the wall, then the others this side dont like it and start barking. One in particular goes hysterical and she carries on for a while then suddenley stops. So this screen is ideal so we'll see if it works. Its been hard because its so windy, anyway half is up and now we're wait
  19. Thanks for the explanation of pinada DJ. I thought it might be the same thing but i misread your post. I thought they were doing it to reveal it was a girl to the happy couple. I reread the post and understand they did it to rejoice it was a girl. ( sounds double dutch but im tired and have an excuse.)
  20. Yes thats how im looking at it. Every new person who joins them is under suspicion and you dont know who's the goodie or the baddy. Its a bit confusing when they keep going back and forward in time. Cant quite make out the "story " between 3 of the characters though but i have a theory. Probably be wrong.
  21. Not exactly on the box but on pc. I started to watch a series called " The wilds". That finished after 2 seasons and promised a third season but it never came. Now im on the 4 th season of "Lost". Basically its scifi but its got me hooked. Dont tell me what the ending is because i dont want to know. I did see "Fleabag" and thought of watching it but never did. So many series and films its difficukt to choose.
  22. DJ Congratualtions on the expected birth of your new gfad daughter. But what is a pinada? Here its a huge pot or something that is easy to break with a long stick. Its used in childrens games. The pinada is usually filled with sweets etc.
  23. BK no the view is still the same. We already have BBQ. The blocks have been moved to the side and is in the process of becoming a bench.