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Everything posted by Brew

  1. HP = Torque x RPM รท 5252 As you can see HP varies with engine revs.
  2. A wunt bother gel it's a load of ...
  3. Thinking about the PC brigade, Facebook(I'm told I don't have an account), now have a drop down list of gender options. It was 58 and is now 72 titles long. Here's the first 15 :- Agender Androgyne Androgynous Bigender Cis Cisgender Cis Female Cis Male Cis Man Cis Woman Cisgender Female Cisgender Male Cisgender Man Cisgender Woman I have no idea what most of that means. I also think Bigender should be hyphenated. Bi-gender
  4. Her indoors has just called me a 'bloody idiot' when I told her Denshaws B&Q joke... can I be in charge now?
  5. I thought marriage entitled the foreign national to citizenship but if you need a visa I hope for both your sakes I come through quickly and you can be reunited.
  6. I did it once on nightshift when I shattered a molar. It must have been virtually hollow and I pulled it out bit by bit with a pair of needle nose pliers. I was quite surprised that it really didn't hurt that much.
  7. What of those roads in Basford that refer to the time of the empire? Isandula, Zulu, Egypt etc.
  8. I remember Dr Killinski, (sp) he was almost revered in our family,
  9. A processional way along London Rd is an excellent idea Ben. It's wide enough and quite straight so statues of the great and good of the city could be quite impressive
  10. William Thompson (Bendigo), was black?... As you say two wrongs don't make a right but I think the point is to raise awareness of the hypocrisy and hidden agenda of some protesters. Both Arab and native Africans indulged in the trade and had done so for centuries but I don't think anyone is suggesting it absolves participants - nor do I think the mores of the day have any relevance. They were, in their customs and practice, doing no wrong. As you say 'everybody was doing it is no defence', but at the time it was not a crime and nunc pro tunc does not apply.
  11. It is whataboutery but none the less a valid point. Why are there no protest about black slave traders if not for inverse racism?
  12. I dislike them almost as much as I dislike txt spk.
  13. Failed, you're a dib and dob short...!
  14. And an article without the left wing Tory bashing bias:-
  15. I agree decimalisation (1971) accelerated the rate of rise in inflation, no argument we wuz robbed. But, you knew there was a but coming didn't you From just after the war inflation, with the usual dips and troughs inflation was reasonably steady. A line of best fit gives a figure of around 3.5%. It stated to rise in '67 under Labours economic policies, this is the start of the period when 'boom 'n' bust' was attached to Labours economic performance.. It slowed, slightly, under Edward Heath but hen rocketed to it's second highest ever level under Labour. Searching newspaper archi
  16. I could give you a long history LL but put simply we had good engineers but no one who understood how to run a business in a free market.
  17. You're always welcome to chip in mate, the more the merrier. When the government sold off, privatised a public good, they liquidated it. They did not take anything away they simply turned something tangible into cash to be used for the public benefit. And gave everyone the opportunity to share in the process. In most cases they turned a liability into an asset. By getting rid of the white elephants they freed up millions for the benefit of all, money that would have gone to prop up badly run enterprises. In the case of water I agree but I see no reason why the governme
  18. Yeah yo tellum fog... I want the Colosseum torn down! Trash Hannibal's statue for animal cruelty. Mount Rushmore with Jefferson and Washington has to go....
  19. I'm not going to rehash my argument about the period in question but '79 was as you say a major re-alignment. The term 'Thatcherism' had not been invented and she had earned the somewhat disparaging soubriquet 'Thatcher the milk snatcher' - yet she won a crushing victory in the general election. That fact alone clearly demonstrates the depth of feeling and dissatisfaction among voters about the previous 11yrs of Labour and 4 yrs ineffectual Tory rule. The cause of inflation is complex and it's too simplistic to blame a single party/union/industry. The strikes, th
  20. And clear the bill every month, it was a charge card originally not a credit card.
  21. All and any like the top two you find I'll get rid of them for you CT - and at no charge!... how good is that?
  22. In her first term she was greatly admired by many, the subsequent years went south though. I voted both for and against her.
  23. You have got to be joking! I was travelling the length and breadth and saw and experienced a fair bit. Don't say Merseyside did not have power cuts, I know they did. The cause of what? we started with government funded businesses, moved to a suggestion that 1979 was worth revisiting and now seem to be well on the way to the financial status of the NCB and Maggie was a monster. Proving causality after so long would be difficult so we must agree to differ. Suffice it to say Jack Dash in particular was causing mayhem quite some time before he and Robi