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Everything posted by Brew

  1. They really can't win can they? Whinging about a measly £10 then no doubt howling about cheapskate government if they stopped it. And I seriously doubt anyone here really needs it...
  2. I remember banger racing and Mr Onion with his big Austin and the giant plastic onion on the roof. His suspension was totally cream-crackered and he bounced rather than drove round the track. There was much moaning when it closed but to be honest it was a bit of a dump.
  3. Me too... Strange custom to say the least..
  4. Which is the point I'm making. Sunak raised it in a speech at the Granada meeting of 50 heads of government. Sadly i think it fell on deaf ears as did the Armenia and Balkan situation which were the prime reasons for the meeting. A point I missed. The Border Force did not come into being until 2012. Up to that point the there was a mishmash... From Wiki: In 2005, the border enforcement functions of HMCE were transferred (along with the organisation responsible for them) to HMRC; but in 2008 they were again transferred (at least in part) to the ne
  5. Certainly : : (In the year ending June 2023, there were 52,530 irregular migrants detected entering the UK, up 17% from the year ending June 2022. 85% of these arrived via small boats.) Which really doesn't fly. A greater 'vote winner' would be a working solution before an election. Voters will go for positive action rather than some pie in the sky promise they know may never happen. And I dispute people have a problem with workers recruited from abroad to the same degree as illegals. True there were a few doing things like creeping th
  6. Not so, 85,000 is the total of illegal entries for the year, I'm not counting legal entrants. My point its that 85% came by boat But they were actively recruited and not counted as illegals, i can't see how they factor into this discussion. Agreed but the need and demand for more did not become apparent for another nine years, in 2010 there were no boat crossings and therefore there was no requirement for the numbers or infrastructure we need today. In 2010 we were part of the EU and the Freedom of Movement mandate, why would we want a massive border force when illegal e
  7. Ignore the links above, my brain is having a stupid day... ------------------------------------------------------------ Is what it should resolve to
  8. Hope your knee heals soon and stops giving you gyp Col... The quoted site is somewhat ambiguous, a macro view if you like of all arrivals with scant reference to illegal entry. In the year ending June '23 0ver 52,000, a rise of 17%, 'irregular' migrants' arrived here 85% of those via small boats. It notes small boats have been the predominant recorded method of entry for irregular migrants since 2020 when entries via this route increased rapidly and detections on other routes declined (likely in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  9. Interested to see the UK windfarms ( over 11000), are only producing just over 3% of demand today, one of the coldest days so far this year. It's no wonder energy bills are so expensive when we're forced to buy costly electricity from the continent.
  10. It's ironic that they're blaming the rising cost of child and adult social care plus taking a swipe at the homeless when their mismanagement is the root cause of the problem. I know looking back with hindsight makes it is easy to start a blame campaign, but this situation has long been forecast and the loss making decisions complained about for years. Had they not had ambitions beyond their ability to deliver then perhaps the social services they say are to blame would not be a cause for concern. Had they stuck with what councils are supposed to do and not done stupid th
  11. A complex subject perhaps best discussed in the political thread...
  12. Viewing Mel Barret's (CEO), blurb on the web he may not be competent to run a burger stall but he is at least expert in gobbledegook... I wonder if any heads will roll?
  13. Was it busy? how many user were there?
  14. Rising child and social care plus homelessness did it 'onest guv. Nowt to do with prestige projects like a tram that's haemorrhaging money, failed electric companies or district heating schemes. No sir it's them there rotten Tories wot dun it./..
  15. I am, for a not so small fee, available for consultations, after dinner speaking, birthdays and Bah Mitzvahs ...
  16. Something I've never understood or agreed with is the meter standing charge. They were introduced back in the 30's for new supplies when installation costs were expensive, they never went away because customers simply accepted the charge as the norm. Todays excuse tries to tell us it's for maintaining the meters and the cables/pipes plus the statutory meter replacement (every 20/25 years). Why so much when even smart meters only cost a few quid, certainly nowhere the 300 per year they charge now? I don't know of any industries other than utilities that gets away with charging you
  17. They reckon his last words were "shopper, I said shopper not chopper"...
  18. Doesn't like a good day at all nonna. What were saying recently about taking care? Take it easy and get well soon...
  19. Marks n Sparks started in Leeds, not Nottingham. Marks started a market stall and Spencer became a partner, to form Marks and Spencer only after the opening of the first store.., Nowt to do wi us I'm afraid
  20. The EU rules are there for anyone to research, under said rules a quota system, based on population would mean 100k given the present levels of immigration. The Tories quoted it but the figures stand up. At PMQ Starmer could not deny it. Under the proposals the numbers (not specific but quoted as %), given are minimums! and mandatory (Poland and Hungary are/were holding it up) Though I must admit reading the commissions report is mind numbing with the amount of gobbledegook. However you're quite in that the figure is not reliable and as a non member state it could be much higher.
  21. It's an extrapolation of the suggested agreemant Stramer wants withy the EU. Labour has already said it will end the use of hotels for asylum seekers and consider accepting an EU migrant quota as part of a returns agreement - if it gets into power. Their words not mine... Labour would have to take 13% of all asylum seekers who arrive in the EU as part of such an agreement because they claim the EU has a policy of sharing asylum seekers between countries based on population size, which would leave the UK taking over 100,000 of them a year. So far no statemen
  22. I'm becoming increasingly convinced that it's not necessarily true. Johnson prorogued Parliament and created what was essentially a constitutional crisis. It was only after the fact it was resolved, but had he just a little more support there's every chance he would have carried the day. The law has stopped Sunak in his tracks, for how long? Anderson is calling for government to break the law although it's not necessary. Laws are man made and can be easily be repeal or new ones created. What Parliament makes, Parliament can break. The Guardian once wrote a piece on the