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Everything posted by trogg

  1. HP Fruity sauce with baked beans is a must for me or no baked beans eaten.
  2. One of my pet peeves on being retired is that no matter how you organise your day and keep busy and happy you dont get Bank Holidays off. Remember the joys of thinking its only 2 weeks to the BH and the pleasure of not having get up and to go to work and the time planning what you are going to do. That pleasure has been taken away from us, we should start a pressure group to bring about the end of oppression of our minority, well all others seem to find a reason to demonstrate and we are miserable old ***** with plenty of time to spare.
  3. Welcome to Nottstalgia AmFall if you want to know any thing about Notts this is the place , you will find the other members very friendly and have a great knowledge of Notts . I am sure others will soon be on here with information maps and even photos. Be sure to keep posting and tell us more about yourself such as areas where you lived and your memories .
  4. Beekay totally agree with you give YT my credit card details, NEVER.
  5. Thanks Lizzie I have already tried them ,out of stock and dont know when they will receive new stock.
  6. Thanks all for the information , I will purchase some from Camthorne Industrial supplies so I have some in stock as I like to renew them each year.
  7. Brew thanks I have tried both but no luck, I spent a morning on google and also on the phone but no luck at all, I put in on this thread because I was worried there may be political replies and we dont need that in other threads. All I wanted was ideas why it happened and more important any suggestions where to try next as it is spring and time to sort my pond out .
  8. I am posting this in this thread as the answer may be political and I dont want to start politics in another thread. I have been trying to service my pond pumps and require new O rings which I can normally purchase without any problem, this year I have been unable to buy them and the suppliers are having problems as well. I went onto the makers site and they have them, problem solved ,I thought, until I came to checkout and this message came up. I understand this is a German manufacturer .
  9. I am the same Ben, there are loads on utube , I can often be found looking at another western movie. Its a bit of bother cleaning up the arrows and cartridge shells afterwards.
  10. Brew and DJ I read the links you gave , thanks, I found them very informative and I might alter my system soon, but at the present time I am coping and reluctant to change anything. Mary I am at present on 14 different tablets a day and sick to death of relying on them when I try to reduce or stop taking them I suffer a lot. Eventually when I am in a better frame of mind I will slowly try again. I believe that taking all these tablets eventually makes the problem worse and I think if I can stop all or most of the tabs my body will learn to cope.
  11. BK I think I had that at one stage , have been on several but omeprazole at present time, still no full English or chips but I can dream.
  12. Margie I am on 0meprazole and loads of peptac when I eat or drink anything, as long as I watch what I eat and drink I can cope, no more bacon and toms cobs.
  13. I had hospital appointment today for results of scan following kidney op 2 years ago, all OK, but there is a problem with my stomach. I could have told them that I have had gastritis for over 2 years ,the nurse insisted she will report it to the consultant. They will not use a knife on me again, I am still waiting for a new shoulder ( 2 years) and I have doubts about having that done. The best thing is that I wake up of a morning and the sun is still shining , well between the showers.
  14. trogg

    Cats !

    Big Maude has a lot to answer for, fancy leading poor Ben astray.
  15. That feeling happened 20 years ago for me DJ , we moved to a bungalow to solve the problem, an added advantage is there is no Hall, Landing and stairs to clean and decorate.
  16. I find FB quite interesting, I have joined several groups on subjects and places and find them very informative. Other sites which have politics, religion, brexit and keyboard warriors also topics of which I have no interest I avoid them, its that easy. I visit FB most days and look forward to it.
  17. No music at my cremation just laughter. The wife has been saving logs for years , the place of it is behind a shed at the bottom of the garden, someone does not want to waste any money on me.
  18. Thats proper memory provoking music, I will not divulge the memories his music revives.
  19. I was due a haircut in the week the lock down started, my son cuts his own, with what I call the thug cut extremely short, so I asked him to TRIM mine. He did not understand the word trim , after the passage of time I am now able to go out without wearing a cap. On fear of death he is not allowed to bring his trimmers in the house again. I received an email from my hairdresser yesterday with a date for my hair to start to look normal again.
  20. Brew I never thought my bike was heavy, it was just my bike, until I felt the weight of grandsons bike, same size as mine, and the difference was amazing.
  21. Jill I will try and be serious for a change, all people should be able to walk about in safety , but we have to accept that we are not in a perfect world and act accordingly. As an older person who is less able physically I have concerns where I go and when, as for going out after dark its a no no for me. I hope I understand how ladies feel as I am married to someone who is scared of her own shadow , despite what I write. Women in general are more vulnerable than men and we should take there fears seriously, I dont think we will ever permanently solve the problem, but we must keep trying, b
  22. I still have a Raleigh Mustang which my wife brought me 35+ years ago , it now lives in the shed but is cleaned and oiled regularly and is in great condition. They certainly knew how to make them in those days. The only problem with them is the weight , my grandson used it one day when his was broke when he returned it, it had a new name the Tank, he never used it again. Raleigh was a great Nottingham Company that made quality products for many years , its a shame now that it has bikes made in different countries.
  23. Belated birthday wishes Margie may the next year bring you joy and happiness.
  24. Posted 4 hours ago Can;t believe hes in his 70s.......great singer..snappy dresser...and knows how to move...could listen to him all day.. Ben are you talking about Rod Stewart or yourself. lol
  25. My first grandson was christened Thomas and we were not allowed to call him Tom, we were reminded numerous times. When he started school it all changed his mother gave up as all his school friends and teachers called him Tom, we inwardly laughed as we then made every opportunity to call him Tom.