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Everything posted by Waddo

  1. I can think of a few Cruise's where the passengers would have been glad of some scuba diving experience!
  2. Phew, well that's got that sorted!
  3. Not a bad return for a 15 Bob outlay, just think how much you would be worth if you paid for everyone to get in !!
  4. Sensible diver's yes,but we were young, foolish and not very experienced
  5. Scuba diving under ice is a bit scary, especially when you only have 15 bar of air left and can't find the hole in the ice that you entered through. That tends to get the heart beating a bit quicker, and that has the effect of breathing harder and using your air quicker!!
  6. Tool no2 is a jig, to hold two bit's of wrought iron at right angles ready for welding. Think gates,railings ect. Tool no1 would appear to be some form of medieval back scratcher or nose picking device.
  7. Hope we ain't wandered off topic too far!
  8. Did 2 1/2years down gedling, you would be referring to the roadway to the top hard seam. Most of the others, a10, a17s were quite a bit lower.
  9. No, they had simple drum brakes similar to other transport of the time.
  10. Don't need to go that far, papellwick pumping station has a great beam engine. Worked on that stack too. I remember them, but never worked on them. If I remember rightly, it was Elliott's steeplejacks then worked on those.
  11. Thanks for that plantfit, that's exactly how I left it. Also, just remembered, we applied a waterproofing to the stack,quite unique in it's day. Seems to have done the job though. Nice to think that I have helped in preserving something instead of destroying it. Knocked a few stack's down in my time.
  12. Yes, I think now you must have at least two lifejackets each, and four manned lifeboats in tender and distress flare's. Oh and show certification of suitable training before being allowed to think about getting into a boat.
  13. Cruising round Highfield's boating lake with the missus was good enough in my day.
  14. Worked on the chimney at Middleton top many years ago, pointing the brickwork and painting the band's, never got to see inside though, that's was the problem with price work, get it done and get onto the next job. No to think that after all these years, the old place is still standing!.
  15. Do you mean below the waterline, not before the watershed, ?surely it would be behind the watershed,.
  16. It seems like the council have now decided that getting into the Guinness book of records might be some kind of achievement. That way they won't lose face, ie, look how good we were!!
  17. I take it then that you don't fancy a jolly rodgering! Aye aye captain, it be your turn in the barrel Jim lad, fetch me another boy, this ones split.
  18. I was amazed about 3 yrs ago, when I took the lads to the thurland arms on a stag night, it seemed to be the same as it was 30yrs ago!.
  19. That's all very well having a decent judge but when the loonies start crying, there will be, " neutral gender" jails, mark my words.
  20. He / she will either have the time of it's life or regret going wobbly. Either way it will be true justice.
  21. How can we ever forget them, they're everywhere.
  22. Like I said before, too many left wing lesbian do-gooders!!. Just need to edit lesbian to sanctimonious wouldn't like to offend any lesbians, live and let live. Whatever that means!!
  23. Might be able to help with the latter, but will need a couple of days!.
  24. I think you will find he was hanged not hung! (Just saying)