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Jodi last won the day on July 13 2017

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52 Exceptional Poster of Nottstalgia

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  1. Interesting conversation going on. I don’t look at this site much anymore, I was really put off by the negativity and moaning. When I first came across it, it was positive, cheery, interesting, funny and helpful in my ancestry hunting. I thought it may have been British weather, Brexit or just cultural differences, but the change in tone became noticeable. I hope things improve on the site, and that good manners and kindness prevail once more. Seasons greetings to all, that’s it from this outsider.
  2. Access to this has helped me find women who had remarried. Very useful, untangled a few mysteries.
  3. Thank you for adding this balanced view. Young people are growing up in tough times. Generational unemployment, no jobs, limited educational opportunities. They are young humans, tomorrow’s adults.
  4. Was your Uncle John born around 1910 in Hucknall by any chance?
  5. We have lost so many car manufacturers over the years and import most cars. The roads are full of big 4 wheel drives and huge tradie utes, not always used as work vehicles. Makes for parking spaces being very cramped. Goodness knows what it costs to run those muscle cars. I have just gone into a smaller car, such a petrol miser. We haven’t had that car removal plan yet, but I know it will happen. My first car was a 1956 Morris Minor, so collectable now!
  6. I like that idea, I dont think we have anything similar. I have driven for 45 years but find the roads so busy and full of selfish drivers. I joke that we noticed more courteous driving when driving around the US because other drivers may have guns. They are great mergers. I recently bought a car with tinted windows to break the obvious grey haired femaledriver that must be passed at high speed.
  7. I think most of my Jacksons were coal miners and unpaid domestics, but then, most of my information is before 1939. I think there may have been losses in WW1 and WW2, I have learned quite a bit about the Sherwood Foresters and the RASC. I have also found migration to the States and had contact with a couple of cousins times-removed. Just when you see the photos of those little kids from time past ( and that photo bucket issue) you wonder what happened to them. Such a big family becoming smaller. Another Jackson married a Pye, I have see photos of that as a business name, that may have been gre
  8. Just spent too much time looking through the 1939 Register. Filled a few gaps in my Jackson search. Confirmed some second marriages and married names of my mother’s cousins. Some of the married names were Radford, Somerfield, Bayliss, Comery and Ball. Still a few mysteries to solve. Anyone recognise any names from family trees?
  9. Bendigo! I saw it mentioned the other day, can’t find it now, I did not know that we have a city named for a bare knuckle fighter! True, perhaps the statue has migrated!
  10. Same here, beautiful autumn weather. Crossed paths with a snake yesterday, eek!
  11. At primary school in the 60s we played jacks with ‘knuckles’ which were plastic or real knuckles from the Sunday roast. I also remember French/German skipping with the 2 ropes and ‘elastics’. Swap cards? Coca Cola yo-yos?
  12. Just to express a view from afar, it is nice to come across local banter and community chit chat, with people catching up online. Being a distant descendant, I do, however, really enjoy the historical knowledge that is so often displayed. True community knowledge and day to day communication, I enjoy the mix. And......I have recently welcomed my 6th grandchild! Eliza is four generations from Pelican Street, as pictured on this site, thanks again Clifton. This one lives near the beach in a small coastal town, about 15 minutes away from the old mining town where her great-great-gran
  13. A sad indictment of modern times. What do we do with historic cemeteries? Monuments that no one visits, but so much history. I am currently watching the cremation of the late King of Thailand, a bit of a contrast!
  14. Just caught up on this topic, not my Jacksons, unfortunately for me, but lovely to see families reminiscing.
  15. Enjoyed reading this! By any remote chance, are any of these Jacksons related to any who lived in Radford, Mansfield or Apsley ( all before 1940)?