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Everything posted by Beekay

  1. Here I am, sat outside drinking my coffee and as you can see, it's rather quiet here where I live. Yet we have a neighbour who wanders about the site with a mask permanently on, even when she's sitting in her car. It's like a western ghost town, almost with rolling tumbleweed. Who on Earth does she think is going to infect her?? It's like Charity flag Day in Aberdeen !
  2. You can still buy them Jill, in some souvenir shops. It was possible to make collection sets. I remember one set consisted of musicians forming a band. There was all different sorts, sports etc. All were very popular.
  3. Thank you to all reacted to the above picture. Said it before but it is very much appreciated and inspires me to continue with the brushes.And just for those who want to know...They are in Rise Park, and that's in Nottingham.
  4. Nice thing about working for the Corpo, ya got a free bus ride home for ya cuppa tea.
  5. This is one for Pevril Peril. Just found the picture. These were done a few years ago. They now live in Rise Park, a few doors down from where Chulla lived.
  6. A bit like the Morons who climb Snowdon etc., wearing only Jean's and teeshirt , then rely on some poor sods bailing them out when they get in trouble.
  7. They're the ones CT., thanks. You have clarified the name of the road. I'd forgotten about Carrington street. Arkwright street must have started at Canal street. So, so long ago. The Walter fountain was before my time, but I do remember the Alms houses. Also turn left into the old Broad marsh bus station, where one caught West Bridgford and Clifton buses.
  8. At the back of my old grey matter, I vaguely remember before all that, when there was a row of Alms houses on, would it be Kirkwhite street., or the start of Arkwright street? I could have only been a toddler at the time. Don't know what I'd be doing down there or if I was with a parent. Wonder if CT has a picture of that time.
  9. Probably got fed up with the moaners LL.........Abandoned ship.
  10. Ta very gladly Phil. Much wiser but much obliged.
  11. Can some bright egghead tell this dinosaur, who still uses a gas powered mobile what 5g is? ..Come to that, what's 4g!
  12. Thought for a minute Pianoman, you were going to say, ' the only way to distance was through another store'.
  13. When at Bilborough depot, first out was no.55, Bilborough to Camberley road, Bulwell. Sign on time 04.59. Next, first 60, then 62/30.
  14. Similar thing for me too Phil. When I used to drive bulk coal tippers, in Bulwell, I used to start at 3 or 4 am if I had a long way to go. Remember the A1 being a 3 lane road, especially after Colsterworth crossroads. Used to go early as it could be a bit of a slot uphill, dropping down to crawler gear. Roads were quieter then and I'd be done by dinnertime, after reloading for next day.
  15. Brilliant Den. When we watched it, I thought "what a load of rubbish". I couldn't help noticing that the actor seemed to spend the whole of the film trying to keep his teeth in place, as if it was a battle of gravity. Has no'one head of Dentofix? Freddie Mercury never looked like he was wrestling with a large pickled onion.
  17. I repeat M'lud, you can tell it were done wiv arrysoles. If it were me, Id'a painted Rose's n castles. Is anybody open to a bribe?
  18. I swear it wasn't me your honour. I've not bin in that area for donkeys years and I've never used an aerosol. When I were last in that area, there were no such thing as aerosols. Any road! I plead diminished responsibility.
  19. Are we talking cup size here ? Your mask is very similar to what my s.i.l. made us.
  20. Filters sold separately, paper or washable cotton... [url=htt
  21. Thanks for the link CT.,it made interesting reading. Was it written by Enid Blyton? Just goes to show, how naive some people are.