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Everything posted by Beekay

  1. CT.., further to your above post, Nottingham was also a hotbed for providing the occupants of said prams. Might be the case next year, with folks not having owt else to do during lockdown. (Not all areas though).
  2. Were they like the Nissen hut that were at Colwick woods? My Auntie Evelyn and Uncle Mark lived there afore they moved to Clifton. Must have been mid 50s.
  3. Thanks for the pic CT. I see the equipment is still there. Noticed a sign referring it to "The Forest sports zone". I assume the car park at the side is for that area, including football pitches etc.
  4. A few years ago when we came up to visit Goose fair, we had to walk from Mansfield road end from parking our car. After crossing the island we walked on the forest side of Gregory blvd., past where the greens were and if memory serves me right, isn't there some outdoor gym/fitness equipment there now. The play area was at the back of pavilion(?) which was on the road, (can you still drive a car through there, from Mansfield road to the other end, is it Mount Hooton road? Cant remember. Had some smashing trolley races on those steep paths at the back of the play area. Small wonder no-one was ki
  5. Can't agree Nonna, I reckon it's a beautiful example. Keep it up!
  6. We had our first telly from Wigfalls. I think !
  7. As an aside, I don't know if it was an urban legend, but many years ago I was told that there was a place in China that changed its name to USA. That way they could make jeans with the labels saying "Made in in USA (U.S.A.,)" folks would then think items were made in America.
  8. Thanks for the update Piano Man. It's the three smaller gauges I'm interested in, although wouldn't rule out the big stuff. I used to be the secretary of the 'Tonbridge Model Engineering Society Ltd'. back in 89/91, (posted a picture of my lad driving a 040 diesel shunter). Alas, I sort of lost interest after my son died in 1990. Stayed for a couple more years then sort of faded out, no more enthusiasm. Still love steam though so will visit the centre when I can eventually come up. Cheers mate.
  9. 'Er indoors just said, " we're not going to drive very far on a pair of bloody binoculars "! That was back in the late 60s, the thing is, I never used them. At the moment I'm trying to decide on a new laptop, whether a windows or chromebook. Too much choice, absolute total bewilderment. I know, not relevant.
  10. Just had a look Den., can't see much worth going out me way for. That's when I eventually do get up to Nottingham for a visit. More interested in the one at Ruddington, they have steam trains there, three gauges.
  11. That's the one I meant CT., after somebody told me that's where NSMEE, (steam trains from Valley road) moved to, I often look on You Tube to look at their film clips. Don't know exactly where it is in Ruddington. Obviously I got it's name wrong, AGAIN.
  12. Nice to hear your news Nonna. Very best wishes to your mum and yourselves.
  13. I once went out to buy a cheap car and went home with a pair of binoculars from Anderson's pawn shop.
  14. Why do you reckon they do it Pianoman? Is it a herd instinct or are folks just desperate to get a wardrobe, along with meatballs and spaghetti.
  15. Welcome Jomino, there's quite a few folks on here who will no doubt answer your queries. I don't know if you've visited the Nottingham transport museum, but it's somewhere I would love to visit, ( being an ex NCT bus driver). Once this CV19 nightmare is over, it will be on my to do list when I visit Nottingham. Hope this will start your search off.
  16. I must be getting really stir crazy. I've just finished painting and decorating a baked bean tin ! My next project is going to be one of the Fray Bentos flat steak and kidney pie tins. Sad or what? Still, should make a halfway decent plant pot tray.
  17. Not all us people are that bad, little sis. Daft maybe, but not bad.
  18. It would appear that some people cannot cope without their shopping fix. It's been on our local news down here as well. It must be the modern trend. And another thing, what's with all this kneeling and fists in the air when on demonstrations? It's seen on tv from America and all the Lemmings follow suit. Just as contagious as CV19.
  19. And to that Margie, you can add a friend in darkest Sussex. PP, who is going to incubate the egg, or have already had it on toast.
  20. We've seen, on different occasions, Howard Keel, Robert Goulet (spelling?) and pretty sure that's where we saw Norman Wisdom, in the show, "Roar of the Greasepaint and smell of the crowd". Also I believe, Des O'connor, Freddie and the dreamers. Had chicken in a basket too!