A sad day for Arizona today

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We have a wildfire southwest of Prescott today, with terrible winds whipping the flames every which way. 19 wildland firefighters lost their lives fighting the fire.


My son leaves for a wild fire tomorrow, it's scary out there.

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Down here in Oz, the fires have claimed many brave fire-fighters whilst out there doing their jobs during our bushfire seasons, protecting others lives and properties.

But, to lose 19 highly experienced troops in one fire is extremely tragic, almost unbelievable. Our heartfelt thoughts go out to their families and friends.

katyjay, just tell your son to take care out there - that's all that you can do.

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I've been trying to send you and Ian my best wishes via pm during this sad time but for some strange reason I'm unable to

Anyway send him my best wishes for his and all the other fire fighting teams out there

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I've just heard the news of the fires and sad loss of life and my first thought was for you, katyjay. I don't know where Prescott is, (#1), but if it's near you I hope that you and your family will be safe. I assume from your post that your son is a firefighter and will soon be leaving for a wild fire. Like Trevor S states, (#3), all you can do is tell him to take care. Keep us informed. katyjay and I hope things go well for you.

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I've also just seen the report of the fire in Smethwick, England. They reckon it's the worst fire they've seen in the West Midlands. There are over 200 firefighters at the scene. It's reported that the fire was started by 'Chinese Lanterns' that landed on a plastics recycling depot. I have always thought that these lanterns are dangerous because there have been many cases where they have landed in barns and killed the livestock or set fire to the hay. The photo is the fire in Smethwick.

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Watched a bit of the news this morning and the broadcast was from outside the fire station in Prescott that this Hotshot crew came from. All their vehicles are still parked there waiting for them to come back, how sad a sight. Hotshot crews are like the SAS in the army, they are the best of the best, but in high winds they can and did, get caught out. They had deployed their fire tents, almost like a fireproof body bag, but it wasn't enough. My son leaves this morning for A fire, he hasn't said which one, there are 3 right now in the state that I know of. I'm guessing it's this big one. Prescott is 1 hr south of us, and the fire is about 1 hr southwest of that town. Yarnell is a small town, approx 500 structures scattered around the area, half are gone.

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Keep safe out there. Its a tinderbox with that heat wave you have just like here.

4th of July soon & you always get some idiot setting of rockets even though fireworks are not legal around here

When the hills catch fire it travels so fast even in light wind & most people that live out of town are on Liquid gas (Propane)stored in a big tank you can imagine what happens when they go off, A well for water but if the power lines go down you cant pump it so you cant wet everything down.

Load up you stuff & leave ASAP.

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I am following this with great sadness,i can't find words to express the sorrow i feel for all those who have lost their lives and their families in this tragedy,I pray your son and all those with him stay safe,

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It's a difficult and dangerous job, my wife's cousin's husband worked for the California dept of forestry as a firefighter out of Lake County, he's now retired, but fought on many forest fire line during his many years doing the job.

We are lucky down here, it's mostly too green for fires to get out of hand, we do have our moments though!!

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It is a sad day indeed.

My son is a volunteer forestry fire fighter, and a lump comes into my throat every time he goes out to a forest fire.

Katyjay you have a brave son, and I know how must be feeling, Keep your chin up and keep smiling.

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It's believed the big fire near Colorado Springs just over a week ago was started deliberately, my Nephew and his family's house came pretty close to being lost, but for the professionals on the fireline, it would have been.

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A sad day indeed, the loss of these brave men who defend life and property whilst risking their own lives.

Saw the result of Santa Anna winds over in California.

Hope you and yours stay safe.

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been thinking of you all day kath hope you all safe i know you will not rest till your son home safe and wellkath we are thinking of you


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A sad day indeed. Apparantly, the greatest loss of firefighters in a single event since the 1930's.

My heart goes out to their families and friends.

Ironically, we are on our way home from New Hampshire and it has rained steadily all day.

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Hi carni, here's an update for you. When we saw our son on Thursday he said the fire isn't going anywhere, so it was pretty much under control then. The next few days are going to be heart wrenching, tomorrow they drive all 19 hearses up in convoy, from Phoenix back to Prescott. There are many groups escorting the procession the 80 odd miles.


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