The hunt for Reginald Molehusband?

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A classic of its genre, and quoted even today by people who fondly remember it, it featured a character called Reginald Molehusband.

He was a driver in an Austin 1100 who could not park his car properly. His name became shorthand for anyone whose driving skills were not up-to-scratch

Web discussion forums often mention Reginald Molehusband. But Reginald himself has gone missing.

The National Archives, the repository for all kinds of fascinating documents and files from the country's history, does not know what happened to the film. Neither does the Central Office of Information, which made the public information films

A spokesman for the National Archives said: "Anyone who finds a copy of Molehusband would be held aloft and carried through the streets by PIF [public information film] enthusiasts".

Someone somewhere must have a copy. With the promise of national hero status, now is your time to stand up for Reginald. Contact us using the form below, giving us your details, and we'll do the rest. (BBC)

Meanwhile here is the script...

This is the story of Reginald Molehusband, married, two children, whose reverse parking was a public danger (brakes and gears crunching). People came from miles just to see it. Bets were laid on his performance. What he managed to miss at the back, he was sure to make up for at the front. Bus drivers and taxis changed their routes to avoid him. Until the day that Reginald Molehusband did it right (sound of reversing). Not too close, far enough forward... come on Reginald... and reverse in slowly... come on.... and watching traffic... (applause from watching crowd) and park perfectly! Well done Reginald Molehusband, the safest parker in town.

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A classic of its genre, and quoted even today by people who fondly remember it, it featured a character called Reginald Molehusband. He was a driver in an Austin 1100 who could not park his car properly....

That's buggered up my forthcoming quiz question for the forum.... :angry:

"What make of car was driven by Reginald Molehusband?"

From the same series of Public Information films, I saw the "TV licence detector van" earlier in the week.

Featuring a superior manager type (complete with slicked hair and a smart suit) sitting within the van peering at screens and dials, who announces "House No 5, front room - pronounced 'rum' - they are watching Bergerac!" whereupon 2 of his minions leap from the vehicle in a sprint to the house.

The use of 'Bergerac' clearly having detection implications.....

Funny how the London based BBC website now has great fun in poking fun at the plummy accent so evident in these old films, as the 'Beeb' was the bastion of this type of speech!


Robt P.

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Was even funnier to Rob, that the early vans were just scare tactics and couldn't detect a Morris Minor in front of their van, let alone tell whether a house had a set on or off!!

Nowadays they do detect the local oscillator of the unlicensed tv, which will also tell them the channel your watching at the time.

Real easy to screen that section of your tv too so as they cannot detect it's on or off ;)

Glad we don't have to license our tv's for the privilege of watching or listening to free speech!

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I know an inspector for TV licensing, its all done from address records.

They visit all addresses that do not have a licence registered on the computer.

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I know an inspector for TV licensing, its all done from address records.

They visit all addresses that do not have a licence registered on the computer.

This is how it would go if we had to have a license over here Mick.

Good morning, my name is Spcial Agent Smith of the tv licensing authority and we found you don't have a tv license in our records.


Yes Sir, could I see your license?


Oh, then may I come in to inspect your TV?


Oh, then I must remind you that I have the right to enter your house and search it for an illegal TV.

No you don't!

Oh, and why not?

Cuz I said so!

Thats no answer Sir, your breaking the law!

No I'm not!

Yes you are Sir, your operating a video recieving device without a license!

Prove it!

I will Sir when you let me in!

Your not coming in!

Yes I am, if necessary, I'l bring a police officer to assist my entry!

Make sure you get a search warrent issued on the probability that I've been breaking the law!

I will, and I'll be back in half an hour!.

Oh by the way!

Yes Sir.

I don't own or have a tv either. smile2

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The film was broadcast hundreds times during the 1960s and 70s, but while Reginald Molehusband made Mr Gardiner a household face, it didn't make him a fortune to match.

"I was paid the princely sum of £10," says Mr Gardiner. "It was the only one I did and it went out for years, my agent tried to get repeat fees for me but I don't recall getting anywhere.


I'm so cross they have lost the film, it would be fantastic if it did turn up

Ian Gardiner

Images & Information courtesy BBC

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  • 7 years later...

A little mention here of the proficiency of the TV detector van :-

When SWMBO moved me in with her (I was still out in Ibiza working at the time) She took my telly over too, she didn't have one, she had been back in the house (She tells me) for all of two hours, and had just finished putting my bits and bobs away, when she decided to connect my telly up to the built in house aerial.
Less than 5 minutes passed whilst she was trying (Unsuccessfully) to tune it in, when there was a knock at the door!

Yup My TV detector van man was there already !

Fortunately he was a very nice man and as long as she bought a licence there would be no more said .

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  • 5 years later...
On 2/16/2006 at 11:25 PM, rob237 said:

"TV licence detector van"


Whatever happened to the TV detector van? Did it even exist? Did it even work? Anyone remember seeing one apart from on adverts. Was there really two blokes in the back of a van twingling their knobs trying to find signals? 

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Image result for tv detector van  I have seen one these many moons ago ( though it was white and a Sherpa van). The guy driving told me the gizmos on top were actually directional microphones (they could swing out) and picked sound from the TV and thus could tell which programmes you were watching. Never knew if he was pulling my leg or not.


Edit: The BBC have confirmed NO evidence from a TV detector van  has ever been used in court, make of that what you will.

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  • 1 month later...

I am unable to see that this has anything at all to do with Nottstalgia.

It should be reported and deleted forthwith!

(I hope your irony and sarcasm detectors are in full working order and if you think I post too much, send me a PM and I will cease).

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Still see loads of drivers around here who don't wear the seat belt and they're the ones usually talking on the mobile phone, speeding and  cutting the corners short, trouble is, it's the innocent that pays the price when it all goes wrong



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2 hours ago, jonab said:

I am unable to see that this has anything at all to do with Nottstalgia.

It should be reported and deleted forthwith!

(I hope your irony and sarcasm detectors are in full working order and if you think I post too much, send me a PM and I will cease).

I suggest jonab, you read the previous umpteen posts regarding TV licenses etc. This "Mr Blunders TV You tube video was broadcast at that time so is relevant to this thread which incidentally was started by mick2me in early February 2006 !!

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I own up. I can't park, never could. I wasn't taught how to parallel park  and never had the nerve to try, so I will drive until I find a space that I can reverse into, (which I am very good at). It's good exercise anyway, all the walking.slywink

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1 hour ago, catfan said:

I suggest jonab, you read the previous umpteen posts regarding TV licenses etc. This "Mr Blunders TV You tube video was broadcast at that time so is relevant to this thread which incidentally was started by mick2me in early February 2006 !!

Obviously, your irony and sarcasm detectors have been disabled.

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Sadly, my attempts at humour failed in the posts here, even though I did add the riders regarding irony and sarcasm - which were completely ignored.

Perhaps I have lived overseas for too long and lost the je ne sais quoi of English, more specifically, Nottingham humour.

There is no point in explaining any further as all that would do would be to deepen the mire of misunderstanding.

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Bit too deep for me a'nall catfan..........i'm just a poor boy that grew up t'other side of the tracks,,

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