Black holes & quantum physics.

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We are all led to believe that the Universe was created from the Big Bang, some 14 billion years ago. I have never subscribed to this theory  - I think it is a cop-out answer because the scientists can't think of anything else.

   So, our galaxy consists of billions of  planets, stars and suns, most of which have mass. We are told that there are billions of other galaxies just like ours. One cannot begin to imagine the amount of matter that there is out there, according to the experts all originating from the Big Bang.

   If this is true, then what size was the original mass before it exploded, and more to the point where did  it come from? There might be some way of finding some evidence to the Big Bang theory, should it be true - and if it has not been possible to have done so before now. If there was an almighty explosion, then the matter would spread out in a radial ball, like an exploding rocket firework. The matter that coalesced into our planets would have been on the same radial path, but other matter would be on a similar direction but slightly at an angle to us. This being the case then we should be able to compute the angle and establish a point of infinity where our path and the nearby one converge. If we can deduce the speed of the expanding universe then we should be able to work out when it was that the two lines met, and thus when the explosion happened.


Sleep tight Colly.

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Did you find out what is on the underside of this flat earth, Phil?  In fact it may be the 'topside' as there's no up or down in space is there?  


And #226 Chulla, if there was a Big Bang and everything radiated out from it and is still going/expanding then surely there should be a vast empty space where it all started?  (I know I've asked this before )

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#231. There must have been something there to radiate as matter. Nothingness would not explode. There could have been a nothingness before the great ball of matter, but how did it get there? Nah, the Big Bang theory doesn't hold up.

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Over the years travelling the country have often thought when seeing a view,when ive passed it,...the view is still there yet no one is seeing it...........but its still there............know what I mean Colly ?

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Does a tree make a noise when it falls down, when there is no-one to hear it?

i know that's an old question....

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We understand nowt really do just accept the 'All mighty'...........what else have we got ?

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51 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

I think probably nothing exists and everything is within the mind. 


That is essentially the doctrine of Christian science.  Ie.  You are not really sick its all in the mind.  I think a soldier who just lost a leg to a landmine would have a hard time agreeing with that.

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The old conundrum: if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it, does it still make a noise?


Even more complex, or perhaps not: if a man makes a statement and there is no female present, is he still wrong?  :wacko:

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I somehow don't connect the forming/making of earth to religion.... just hope that what i was taught as a youngster... still stands- in the sense of "Do good unto others"

"Be polite to the fairer sex"

...and the Wife is always right...LOL!!

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Ahv sed it before an I'll say it agen.  I don't like the word 'religion.':biggrin:  just seems to be a word that those who profess it like to use to have a war or lengthen some body's torso on a rack.


The RC church and others once subscribed to the belief proclaimed in the first chapter of Genesis, and John 1 in the New Testament, that God made the earth by speaking it into existence.  Creatio ex nihilo.  People have come up with lots of ideas since.  I have not read of one yet that is any more credible or provable than the one found in the Old and New Testaments.  That does not make me 'religious,' as such.  It is simply a matter of choosing what we believe.  ;)

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4 hours ago, philmayfield said:

I think probably nothing exists and everything is within the mind. 

There was an article in New Scientist sort of claiming exactly that: "If everything we imagine & experience is really a computer simulation we'd never know!" Of course it's a load of old tosh; I think, but, no one has been able to disprove it so it's in with a chance. I'll be thinking of these things when I go to bed in the next few minutes as I'm very tired as we've been at SWMBO's Auntie & Uncles all evening, & they yabbered us to death. They had the heating on full & I was drowsy & falling to sleep as they showed us their Skills coach holiday photo's of Loch Somewhere they went to up Scotland...

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Chulla #209.  Thing is that you seem to be imagining a journey from A to B where the distance to B constantly halves.


What you want to do is plan a journey from A to B to C, and stop when you get to B.  :)



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