Ailments, Aches & Pains. (Let's hear them here)

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Being the newbie I am to N.S. I couldn't work out how to reach out to Physical Perfection to tell him to get on with life as you never know what tomorrow will bring. Obviously at the moment time

I'm a happy Bunny tonight Went for my oncology visit after I had the P.E.T. scan and T.A.C. a couple of weeks ago and all is clear after the scare I had. The next process is due in 6 months after I ha

Don't think I've posted on this thread before but maybe being admitted to Stoke hospital with a heart attack on Monday justifies it  No big deal really and not as dramatic as it sounds. Admitted

Thanks Margie,

 Feel slightly less 'fluish' but still rotten.  Been drinking diluted pure orange and lots of water. All fits in rather well with my new policy on the booze.  None whatever Mon-Weds and a bit less at other times. I'm almost a reformed character.. :)


Last night the longest of my life.  Just lying in bed with the same illogical thoughts going round and round.  Sleeping for maybe 20 minutes at a time.  Not great.  It all seems to be coming from my left ear/Eustacian Tube.  I get this several times a year where I get shivers running up and down my spine and into the nerves in my lower back.  As if the Bug is following my CNS.  Not normally too bad, but this is in another league.  

Oh well.. Worse things happen at sea...



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Col, not sure about the Eustachian tube link to your spine..... but sometimes, what happens in one part of our body seems to  inexplicably affect another part.   To quote from my favourite book... we are 'fearfully and wonderfully made'.   My favourite psalm   Number 139

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21 hours ago, loppylugs said:

Withdrawal symptoms?  :flyswat:


A logical thought Loppy, but I doubt it.  I've been having these '3 days clear' weeks for a while now.  While I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't actually prefer a drink on any given night, I cope OK.  Not quite so easy to nod off, but I just tell myself I don't have to get up for work etc, so it's not an issue.  The other night was efinitely an exception.  Very odd.

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Finally beginning to feel a bit better.  I've barely left the house since last Saturday.  Am literally 'coughing better' but still very little appetite and no energy.  Still losing weight.. but I welcome that.  Apart from a couple of little bottles of 'Bud' Thursday night, I've not touched the Booze since last Sat.

I was told last year that I have a bit of 'Fatty Liver' Disease.  Read today that it can be reversed by stayiing off the booze for 2 weeks.  Working on that.

I'm finding all this abstinence surprisingly easy.  Bit like when I stopped smoking.  Once you decide.. it's easy.


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Saw my Cardiologist yesterday, i have been dreading it since my last op Nov2016, problems didn't clear up and i was expecting her to say I needed another op. Well, it seems that the problem is sorted but I have been left with Atrial Flutter making me think the AF was still happening. I will have that for life, but knowing it isn't life threatening makes it easier to accept. An appointment for a seven day heart monitor is coming, Warfarin and meds for life and a cardiologist review in six months. Feel rather chuffed today. So every time my ticker flutters, I have to say to myself.....Its OK.  I'll just think of 'Billy Fury' slywink

Just waiting for results from CT scan on another problem, hope it's good, then I can get back to normal. So much poorliness around us these last few months, it has overtaken our lives for a while. Fingers crossed.:)

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Seeing my Cardiologist tomorrow.  Ages since my last Angiogram etc., so I'm hoping he has nothing too extreme to say.  Must say though that this bug has flattened me.  I've really wanted to go for  walk lately but just don't have the energy.

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Glad to see you are seeing some improvement Carni!  My brother had Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter.  They sorted one of them out with the Cardiac Ablation Therapy.  ( The fibrillation I think) and he seems much more stable.


My Cardio appointment went really well thanks Carni!

I had my only known heart attack almost 22 years ago.  It was probably a good ten years after that before they did an Angiogram and it was plain for all ( me included) to see that I had a completely clogged right ventricular artery.  The Medics at the time said there was no point trying to 'bypass' or 'stent' it because the muscle it was supplying with blood was now dead.  I had no choice but to accept that.  The remaining muscle of my right ventricle gets a blood supply of sorts from little 'collateral' arteries.

However.  Today the Cardiologist suggested that I have a 'Cardiac MRI Scan', which he said will establish just how much life ( if any) is still there in the muscle associated with the Right Ventricular artery.  Then.. if there is any remaining he will look into 'stenting' the clogged artery.  So.. it seems that I could get some improvement in my condition and the worst case scenario would be no change.


Which is nice... :)




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  • 1 month later...

I'm not very medically minded, but can some kind soul tell me why I always get a severe headache several times a day.

I think it only comes on within two minutes of madam starting to talk. More paracetamol !

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4 minutes ago, FLY2 said:

can some kind soul tell me why I always get a severe headache several times a day


Playing/Goggling them keep one/song stupid games wanna get yourself outside youth get some fresh air youth?

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Been in town this morning. No fresh air there ! A woman standing outside McDonald's on Parliament St, smoking, and standing directly above a pile of vomit, and a big splurge of dog muck. Marvellous !

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I don't think it was her mess on the pavement Ben, but you never know these days !

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On 24/02/2018 at 10:59 AM, carni said:

An appointment for a seven day heart monitor is coming,

Had my letter last week, so at  9am on the 5th (Thursday), I am at New Cross for the heart monitor to be fitted. No problem, I have had the  Holter heart monitor  so many times over the last few years, It doesn't bother me. The problem being that, having Paroxysmal Flutter, you can guarantee that it behaves itself while the monitor is attached and then sparks off again when it is removed. Only for three days and not seven as expected. 

Oh Doctor I'm in trouble. Well.................................Come on benj. :biggrin:

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t goes bum,,diddy,,bum,,diddy ,bum,,bum,,bum.......well goodness gracious me..........:biggrin:


ah but you dint get any bum diddy

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mentioned some time ago about having a small 'skin lesion'.........on a delicate part of my body,,had it treated at QMC,,and it dropped off a few days was my follow up appointment.......and was pleased to hear all ok discharged,,......asked the Doc 'what was it then ?   ''Actinic Keratoses''....which can lead to skin Cancer in rare cases.........and one third of men over 70 are likely to get it,,

                          He advised me to always wear a hat when out in the Sun........many on here are over 70, so thought i'd mention it,,any little Skin growth get it of Soldiers this getting older int'    

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