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Yes after the first few songs I said to myself "why bother". There wasn't much of interest anywhere on tv so I amused myself on iPad. 

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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I wish I could've nonna. It's all decided by money, bribery and backhanders. As for Madonna..... Well !  Way past her best.

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2 hours ago, FLY2 said:

, the freaks, exhibitionists, wierdos, perverts and other assorted cranks,


Sounds like a political party Fly



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Peace reigns at last!


Yesterday in a few moments of peace I dug over a neglected corner plot, put up some canes and planted 8 litle pots of Sweet Peas. They're labelled as 'Spencer Mix', which is evidently a traditional old strain with strong fragrance.  Sounds a bit like me...  :wacko:


Shortly after my son in law delivered my Granddaughter for a sleepover.    She'd already been up since six, been to swimming and dance Iessons and was still bouncing. So walked her down to the shops to buy bread and some peaches because she'd asked for peaches after tea. Also two bags of sweets and a kids sticker book. I'm a pushover..  Next round to the park where ickle Grace completed the obstacle course before I gave her some lessons into how to get a swing going by moving your body weight.  She's beginning to get it.  Then back home by which time I was shattered and Grace still bouncing.


We'd previously been invited to a Ruby Wedding celebration last night and had organised Taxis with neighbours.  Mrs Col decided to drive herself and Grace down separately for a bit and take her home before it was too late.

Instead of the Eurovision tripe, I got better music, better company, a few drinks and free food.  'Result!'


Grace woke us at 6:00 am today to tell us that her Teddies were hungry....  but by mid morning she was shattered.  She perked up considerably when her Dad arrived to take her home....... via MacDonald's  :)


After Grace left I planted the remaining Sweet Peas in a shady corner to see how they do. If they survive they'll brighten it up a bit.  Apparently they last longer if not in full sun.


Time for feet up and a bit of mindless telly now..


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Well, we had a great time fishing in Ireland and caught sod all - well, nearly sod all. The weather was just too good. Sunshine and calm. Worst conditions possible on the crystal clear waters of Lough Mask. The Mayfly hatches started up just as we were leaving and the next two or three weeks will be brilliant fishing if the weather gets worse.

The new roads are brilliant over there, thanks to euro money. The Republic got it right about Europe.

Back home and nice to see that the veggie patch has developed well over the past week - especially the weeds. Also nice to go to the local this afternoon for real ale at decent prices (Sunday after 5 = £5 for 2 pints).

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My trout fishing career has been a total failure. I had a casting lesson on Rutland Water and my hook impaled on the back of my hand. I bought a Greys rod and the tip section snapped off on my first cast on Ladybower. I fished Lock Awe from a boat around ten times and I’ve never had a single bite. The last time the line got caught around the propellor of the outboard and had to be cut off. Not giving up I’ve just bought a new line and I’m going to have a final go. The closest waters are Notts Fly Fishers at Gibsmere or Trinity Lakes at Thurgarton but I think it’s ‘dead man’s shoes’ to get into those clubs. Perhaps Colwick or Rutland again. I’ve got plenty of room to practice casting on the grass so I think I’ll start there - once my sprained wrist has healed!

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Don't think you'll catch much on your lawn Phil. Have you ever considered bowling?

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Hope you had a good birthday Phil.


Went out today and bought three 'Outdoor Girl' Tomato plants.  She might well be an outdoor girl but she's going to need her fur coat the way the weather is shaping here.  I'm using grow bags made from two bags of B&Q compost I got for 20p each late last year. Stacked one atop 'tuther, obviously with a hole in top of the bottom one and the bottom of the top one.,  Tricky flipping the top one but worked OK.   Have looped strings underneath the bags and tied them to a horizontal pipe up on the wall, so I can grow them like vines if they live long enough.


Also bought three or four Dahlias, an Achillea, a Geum, Erigeron, Penstemon, Sidalcea and Delphinium. all for filling up a perennial border.


In 1972, I bought long spurred Aquilegia seeds and grew a dozen or so plants.  Brought some from Skelmersdale to Billinge and managed to keep them going until the last one died last year.  Not bad.. 47 years.  Meanwhile Mrs Col bought some of the blue  'common' Aquilegias, which have been going rampant despite my best efforts.  (Any that grow in the wrong place are quickly and silently 'despatched') They seem to have crossed with my large flowered ones so I've also now got assorted pink and white 'intermediate' plants, but I've bought some classy  Large Flowered Aquilegia seeds and will start them tomorrow. Also bought some Echinacea seeds.  Every plant I've bought had died, so I thought I'd try seeds and spread them around the garden to see where they are happiest.

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Below should be a blurry phone pic of a Clematis.  It appeared as a seedling in an abandoned pot in a corner.  By some stroke of serendipity, it is very close to a large flowered hybrid calld 'John Warren', which I also brought here from Skelmersdale, but lost last year when I had to move it for some drain work. Flower obviously not fully open yet, but about hand sized when it is.  Also just added a couple of pics of the self seeded 'crossed' Aquilegias.






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Shame about British steel,, and Scunthorpe in particular,,,done a lot business there in my VG days,,some great clients,,Brumby corner,,Scotter,,etc,,

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It was in a village just outside Scunny that a lady in shop heard me talking to the owner,,it went,,

Scuse me are you from Nottingham? 

Yes duck

Would that be Bulwell? 

Yes duck,,how did ya know?

Heard your voice,,thought you my husband,, 

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Terrible shame about the steel works,bad for Scunny and bad for the country and bad for the employees



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Worked Scunny   for VG and the Coop........if youv'e never been you probably have a bleak place in your mind,,,its far from that.......iv'e always liked the place and the people.........full of characters.....i was canvassing for VG 1986,,,when the owner i was talking to was arrested..... He must have been innocent i saw him regular for about a year after that,,,

              Another time i was sat in a van waiting for a store to close (10pm) so me and a colleague could do a staff search,,,we were on the main st in Scunny and it was a friday night,,,just before the store closed a Lady (shall we say of the night) came knocking on the passenger window where my colleague was sat,,,he repeated to me what she had just said to him     ''you looking for business mister''...........loved

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Spent a bit of time lurking around there about 1970/71.  Can't say I was impressed or otherwise by the town centre.  A lot of redevelopment made it a bit too much like a lot of other places I thought.  Not the character that Bulwell still has even now. Didn't have much to do with locals so can't really comment, but they didn't have two heads or owt.


I remember visiting a pub with a disco but no licence for dancing, so this guy did a sort of John Peel, playing lots of rock stuff and giving his opinion on it, while everybody stood about trying not to dance along.  Weird. 

In my head it was called the Everest, but I can find no reference to it, though all the streets round there are named after Everest type stuff and there was a 'Sherpa' pub at one time, so maybe I got it wrong.

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