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On 7/22/2020 at 10:08 PM, nonnaB said:

it left me feeling that I'd been unkind for abandoning her.


Nonna.. Please don't beat yourself up over this. You did all you could.

I remember feeling guilty that I left my Mum a few hours before she passed.. but she wasn't responding and was just in a deep sleep. I held her hand and told her I'd see her later..


Probably not true.. but a well meant white lie. even if she heard it.


She's OK now.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Thankyou DJ. I'm getting there, I still think she's in the care home as it's been so long since I saw her. Time will heal but it won't forget.

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This creature was knocking on the Dining Room window next to the PC last night.  Went out and captured it in a pint glass.


A quick look in the books showed it as a 'Poplar Hawk Moth'.  Quite common evidently.. though I've not seen one before.


Pic taken with my phone through a pint pot.


Obviously I let it go after its photo opportunity.


Also... my daughter took her Pup 'Pika' to see his brother 'Humphrey' the other day. They seem to have remembered each other well..  :) Pika is on top..

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I went out today.   No big deal as I've been going out for walks and socially distanced stuff for months... but I was feeling brave. so I decided to do the Pharmacy.. then B&Q.. then the Petrol Station..


Started by going into the pharmacy for my repeat prescription.  Just me in there with my mask on when two young lads just charged in.  This is a small pharmacy close to a GP surgery and the Pharmacist immediately asked them to wait outside.. and they apologised... and finally saw all the signs telling them to STOP and WAIT..etc.  But really?  This stuff has been constantly on the Telly for at least 5 months and people STILL don't get it?


So next.  B&Q.  I only went there because closer builders merchants didn't have what I needed.


The place was HEAVING.  I nearly came home but decided that since there I may as well stick it out.  Half the staff weren't wearing masks. Almost all customers were.. but there were a few 'builder types' maskless.  It was scary.


Short trip round to Tesco for a tank of fuel and home...





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Thankfully my doctors pharmacy is a hatch..

Regarding builder types not wearing masks, 'understandable' that staff let them in. :(

I don't have social media, so left wondering isn't there some form of photo & shame, if they were made to feel like leper's they might conform.

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Here's the other one. Not sussed out how to do two at once. Enjoy . B.x

nb.Hope you don't mind me taking liberties Col.

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10 hours ago, katyjay said:

Colin, I clicked on your links but both were blank. Am I doing summat wrong?  Can anybody else see the photos?


I don't know Katy.

These pics were taken on my phone, then saved to Google Photos, then I made a link and copied it to here.  I'd much prefer to put the pics 'in line', so they are actually visible in the post, but I can't figure out how to do that.... unless of course I upload them to Flickr.. which is a helluva faff... for pics which are hardly outstanding examples of the photographer's art.


For some reason, I'm also finding that I can't always get Youtube links to open up 'in line'....


Must be the way you hold your face...


Any tips BK?

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The pics did open on my phone. I had a problem with my tablet last week, for 2 days some apps disappeared that are always there, like Firefox, which I use for the internet. I left the tablet alone, thinking my son will sort it when he comes down, and I picked it up several days later and everything had come back again. Magic! Whether that's why I can now not see Google pics, who knows. 

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Today I finally cracked.....

There is no power socket under the open plan stairs in our living room. The landline phone base lives there, powered awkwardly from  round the corner.. and I'd also like to power a small lamp. This minor domestic detail has been annoying me for years.  So.. since I'm engaged in what will be my last ever redecoration of the ground floor, stairs and landing.. I'm 'picking up' little jobs like this along the way. Any future decorating will be achieved by 'getting a man in'.. as I can no longer be '****d'. :biggrin:


The nearest power socket is in the dining room.. just around the corner only a couple of feet away.  So...  I drilled through from the back of that socket, to access the gap between the dining room wall and the kitchen cupboards.  When we finally got the new kitchen I discovered that they always have gaps around and behind them.. which makes life easy for the kitchen fitters and electricians who can just dangle wires down the back to power under cupboard lights etc. I decided to copy their tactic. 

Next up, I chopped out a hole in the breeze block wall between the living room and the kitchen.. under the stairs. I drilled though from that into the gap behind the kitchen cupboards. Finally I fitted a 'double' steel back box.  Actually, I glued it in place with 'Evo Stick Strong Stuff'.  I'm a big fan of these adhesives.

Result.. I can now easily connect the new double socket to the existing one in the dining room, routing the wire behind the kitchen cupboards and accessing the job by removing the kitchen unit base board.


When the glue has cured I'll fit the new double socket in the living room.  It's a 'Varilight' product with the additional benefit of two USB outlets.. which should also help to minimise the number of assorted USB devices found draped around the place on charge. It also has a remarkably low profile.and a 'screwless' coverplate.  Nice...


Given another couple of decades I'll get this place sorted.

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Morning Col., I did something similar when wanting to run an ethernet lead to my pc,which is in what should be our second bedroom. But as we're not allowed guests to stay with us, I've made the room my man cave cum studio/office. I drilled a hole straight through to where I know where the pc sits and connected at the hub then just pushed the other end through the wall and plugged into said pc. There are nowhere near enough power sockets in our apartment, so I  just use 4 or 6 port extensions and put them discretely out of site. But I make sure never to exceed a safe load

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15 minutes ago, Beekay said:

But I make sure never to exceed a safe load


Same here... though I expect the new consumer unit with all of its safety devices should deal with most issues.  The most current draw that gets plugged into any power socket (apart from washing machines etc.. all on new kitchen wiring) is the vacuum cleaner. That's rated at 900W which by my calculations means a current draw in the region of  900 W/230V = 3.91 A...  I think...:blink:

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Quite right Col., just sat here looking at my tv unit and I  have a 6 gang extension from one socket, but that goes for, tv, little dvd player, micro hifi unit( used as a sound system for crap tv speakers), and bubble tube lamp, leaving two spares, one of which I use for charging my ereader and tablet. Should imagine if I had 'em all on it would be less than 3 amps.

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37 minutes ago, Beekay said:

I've made the room my man cave cum studio


Wow! A cum studio, the mind boggles :Shock:


37 minutes ago, Beekay said:

I drilled a hole straight through 


Crikey! You must be having some fun in this studio cum cave :biggrin:

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On 7/28/2020 at 7:20 PM, BilboroughShirley said:

Wonderful day. I now have my new Kenwood Chef. The old one died on me last week, having given good service since 1976! It just had one new motor in all that time! 


That's had a good life - 44 years.  With many kitchen/home gadgets today, you're lucky if they have a working life that gets into double digit years.


My contender is a vacuum cleaner - made by AEG - which is still working with no problem after more than 25 years.

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DJ. I have the same problem. I take photos with my phone and they go into google photos and I can't post them on nottstagia but I can on FB. I sometimes send the pic to my email then save it to apple photos , sometimes it works others it doesn't.

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On 7/28/2020 at 8:20 PM, BilboroughShirley said:

Wonderful day. I now have my new Kenwood Chef. The old one died on me last week, having given good service since 1976! It just had one new motor in all that time! The new one has the good features of the old plus more. A binge of baking now. 


Youll enjoy your baking all the more with your new Kenwood. I've gone through two in 50 years and I hankered over getting a Kenwood cooking chef major when my old one started to scream when started up. I managed to get one a few years ago and the first thing I tried out was the cooking part. I'm not very into stews but as I had all the ingredients I decided to make some. Should have read all the instructions first as I got the temperature wrong and it burned. I haven't tried it again. It's in continual use and I love it. The bowl is much bigger so no problem getting 3 and 4 times the required recipe. Lockdown did me I was baking every day so loads of cakes and biscuits in the freezer.

Happy baking.

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No RR I try to post pics on nottstagia from google photos but can't select them. I post different ones to FB

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