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I can lend you some tin foil...

Me, I'm struggling to grow tomato seeds.

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Just seen on facebook that another of our pubs bites the dust    it's the                          Horse and Groom at Linby     if you never went in the pub well it was a real old fashi

Whenever I visited my mum I loved to go into Nottm centre but now I have to make do with local shops. The other day I went to a smallish retail park looking for clothes . I chose what I wanted and pro

Ajax worked just as well. They sell a brand of hand cleaning soap here called Solvol, similar to what we used to call "sand soap" which back in the day I think used to work by taking then first layer

The only thing I ever snorted was Benson and Hedges snuff also White Besorban ( I think). That was back in 1958 when I were at Bestwood colliery.

It were supposed to clear your nostrils I think. It were either that or stone dust.

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A few years ago the house opposite us was rented out when the owners moved elsewhere, locally.  Living just across the road we noticed unusual goings-on, particularly a transit van turning up regularly and reversing right up to the garage to unload.  We never spoke to the new occupants but knew they were all male ‘Eastern Europeans’ who spoke in a foreign tongue.  We and other neighbours were suspicious of course and  one neighbour who WFH in a front bedroom and had a good view of activities informed the police, who did nothing.  One day I saw a water board man there and it turned out that there was a leak very close to the property’s electricity meter! Still the Police did nothing.  
Moving on a few weeks and we were away on holiday.  A neighbour messaged me with photos of half a dozen police cars on the road, early in the morning.  They’d been caught?  No, but the hundreds of plants growing in every room of the house were taken away and presumably destroyed.  
A week later we were home and took our dog out around the block late one evening to see a group of men hanging around on a corner. When we got indoors I ran up to a bedroom (no light on) and watched as these men were running in and out with what I assumed was ‘growing equipment’. I dialled 999 and within a few minutes half a dozen police cars showed up.  Still the cops didn’t catch the offenders!  But I had to go to St Ann’s Police Station to tell them what I’d witnessed.  As it happened I hardly saw anything to help as it was dark, only one street light and there are lots of trees obscuring my view.  
I wonder where that gang of undesirables set up their new ‘grow-house’? 

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Looking at various local news websites, there are reports of police raids on a cannabis factories on a weekly basis.


The names of the people arrested are usually unpronounceable, with strange combinations of vowels and consonants.

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It's happening all over the place Lizzie



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I’ve never used it and have never been tempted. I don’t move in those circles. I find smoking tobacco offensive. It’s obviously very popular though, nearly everyone seems to be growing in their loft. I suppose it’s no more harmful than alcohol. The real criminal and dangerous part is the fraudulent abstraction of electricity. There was an old chap who used to offer his snuff around in my local but I thought that was disgusting. I lead a very sheltered life!


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You should have known one of my 'Grandma's' Phil........liked a drink (anything..but later years draught Sherry)...smoked everything...Parkies...Woodies...Roll-ups...even a Pipe....she also loved her 'Snuff''........and she was probably the first person to smoke Menthal Fags.....when she dipped the fag into her Snuff.........:)

Lived to a ripe old age...and was always Happy...God bless you 'Grandma.....

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4 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:


The names of the people arrested are usually unpronounceable, with strange combinations of vowels and consonants.

It was not unusual to be called out by the police to make a house safe after they discovered a cannabis farm. Not on my watch but I was told an officer had been badly burned by a booby-trapped door handle. The main incomer was usually smashed to bits.

There was often a young boy, nine or ten due to legal limits of responsibility, staying there to water and tend the plants etc. though they probably use auto watering now.

The strange names come from the fact many were Vietnamese.

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15 minutes ago, Brew said:

The strange names come from the fact many were Vietnamese.

Yes, it's either that or mid-European, such as Albanian/Poland/Croatia/etc etc.



And to prove the other point I made about the frequency of raids, only today.......

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The mob who took over the house near us were Lithuanian, a neighbour did get to have a brief chat with ‘the gardener’, (a young lad) who came out very occasionally to get food from the Co-op down the road.  

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Whenever I visited my mum I loved to go into Nottm centre but now I have to make do with local shops. The other day I went to a smallish retail park looking for clothes . I chose what I wanted and proceeded the the cash till handed over my bancomat. Sorry refused. Ok I realised id given wrong pin. Try again refused again with correct pin. Impossible…!!! Tried with another 3 cards all with the same result. This time I felt a fool but also confused ( had I given wrong pin to each card. ) Then the assistant told me that over € 70 needed a PIN number. Which is what I did. I was so annoyed I just told her to keep the goods and that she’d lost a good sale if she was on commission. Got home and exploded again saying that was the last time I’d go into a shop to buy. Got onto internet and chose Zara then ordered twice as much and it arrived the next day. I won’t go into a shop again.

I realize this is a bit out of discussion but then saw the cannibis item. My husband is no gardener but the other day he commented on a plant that I have in a pot outside the front door. He was worried it looked like cannibis but in fact it’s a herb called “ pineapple sage” and it’s perfume is fantastic.

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