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I really don't miss much Col, I even note when there is a gleeful - and totally bogus report Boris fired Cummings for speaking out against him. Perhaps he's confusing Trump with Boris and Cumming with Krebs. An easy mistake to make when racing to get the jibe in before anyone else...


"It gets better! Breaking news is he was sacked on the spot and told to leave immediately for briefing against boris! "


As for the  humour... I hope they don't give up the day job.

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True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant. To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family

HSR: Col is given a 'free rein to spout his opinions' for exactly the reasons you are, only he does so with more civility.   Recently there have been a couple of attacks on the validity of t

Why do you feel the need to influence others? What is your motivation for so doing? Is it because you think you know better than they? Is it because it feeds your ego if and when you succeed?  Is it b

2 hours ago, DJ360 said:

You still seem to miss the broader base of PFM opinion.. and the humour


I've just spent some time reading PFM political content, regretably it's time I won't get back. After the umpteenth  page of puerile blather, misinformation, 'fake news' and conspiracy theories I feel more than ever justified in maligning the foul mouthed ravings posted there.

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20 hours ago, Brew said:

I've just spent some time reading PFM political content, regretably it's time I won't get back. After the umpteenth  page of puerile blather, misinformation, 'fake news' and conspiracy theories

I spent a little time reading the comments and like Brew I gave up after a couple of pages of utter garbage and infantile commentary. I did not see any humour in the content or any thing that would make me return for my further education on anything.

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Firstly, I'd like to point out that though I am a long time poster of PFM, I do not agree with everything said on there.  I just find the discussion lively, diverse and frequently very entertaining. In addition to much very insightful posting, there is also much levity and more than a little wit.


Also worth pointing out that just as on NS, there are those who allow emotion to run wild at times.


I'd be interested in any specifics that either Brew or Oz want to quote.



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22 hours ago, Brew said:

I really don't miss much Col, I even note when there is a gleeful - and totally bogus report Boris fired Cummings for speaking out against him. Perhaps he's confusing Trump with Boris and Cumming with Krebs. An easy mistake to make when racing to get the jibe in before anyone else...


"It gets better! Breaking news is he was sacked on the spot and told to leave immediately for briefing against boris! "


As for the  humour... I hope they don't give up the day job.



:laugh:  That would be good 'ole Jez Arkless. Yep.. He's a very passionate sort and pulls no punches, without always aiming too well.  I can think of at least one equivalent in our company on here.

Still he's on the right side of the political divide in my book and also by all accounts a very talented Audio Engineer.



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I can see where you are coming from PP, but I do not read any newspaper.

I watch the BBC (and occasionally ITV) news.  I don't take either at face value, because they simply don't probe or question enough.


So.. I tend to look at the reported news, but apply a little critical thinking and healthy cynicism.




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Priti Patel.


I'll refrain from expressing my own views on the woman, her character and her suitablity for a major office of State.


However.. She is now the latest in a series of people who have variously flouted The Law, Convention, Accepted Standards or Norms within Govt. and whom the Dictator Boris Johnson has chosen to support by simply uttering the phrase 'This Matter is Now Closed'.


Of course Johnson set the tone with his own law breaking as Tory Leader even before he became Prime Minister.  He's emboldened by his current majority and is basically acting as a Law unto himself.  Sadly, most of our population seem blissfully unaware of the very real threat to Democracy that these crooks represent. Famously, we do not have a written constitution, but we do have a range of conventions etc., which have served us well for hundreds of years by ensuring a fairly orderly conduct of our political processes. Johnson and his crooked band are flouting them routinely.


I've said numerous times on here that I do not agree with Conservative political thinking, but that I accept it is genuinely held by many.  I do not extend that courtesy to criminality and the undermining of Democracy, such as is rife in the present excuse for a Government.

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Just looked at the BBC page reporting Hancocks speech to Parliament. It's good to see that our glorious leaders are taking the Covid situations so seriously - of the six MP's in view three are playing with their phone and one  looks like he's having a kip!


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Speaking out is fine but it's a pity he didn't have the nerve to speak out when it counted... still better late than never.

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Not sure.  As Secretary of State for Georgia, it's arguable that his Republican leanings take second place to his responsibilities as the official in charge of managing free and fair elections. So.. in a sense, he has to wear two hats at once.. which may have influenced the timing.

However, it also highlights once more, the effects of politicising so many public offices under the US system. Local Police and the Legal System, up to and including the US Supreme Court, are all effectively political appointments and, in my view largely responsible for the US' abject failure to deal with the massive and perennial problems of race discrimination and other inequalities which have existed since the Civil War. I'd argue that, at least until recently, we have made more progress than the US on these issues. Sadly, the present UK Govt. is driving our political system more towards the US style and it will, if allowed to continue, end in tears.

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Came across this very interesting and informative article on the subject of public borrowing, and the way that money works.

Well worth a read.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just read that the wonderful Mr Nigel Farage will announce a plan, a scheme. to improve every man, woman and childs financial future for years to come - his words not mine.

He' seems to be calling it  'The Great British Wealth Revival' and you can only take part by invitiationn. I hope no oil or snakes are harmed.


I suspect, given the abject failure of the Reform UK party, he is now going to re- wrap it  in nice Christmas paper and present it as something 'new and exciting'. There is no truth in the scurrilous rumour David Icke will be deputy leader...


Set your alarms - this dramatic annoucement will take place 2pm tomorrow.

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2 pm came and went..

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