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  3. And they've now also detected the oldest and furthest away galaxy in the universe.
  4. Start the day........with a cherry pink...or even An Apple Blossom'' white..........
  5. Yesterday
  6. You can send me a couple of Cherry tom plants. I'd love some of them to grow, Mrs.Buttercup.
  7. A planet has been discovered that could possibly have Earth like conditions and contain life. The planet is about the same size as Mars and it is 40 light years away. Amazing how, even this basic data can be seen today as it was in 1984 when the light started it's journey to Earth! - or to the JW telescope?
  8. Lupins are so beautiful but you’re right the roots hate sitting in water. I have some spare cherry tomato plants (piccobella) if anyone coming to the Hole in the Wall needs some. I have an Acanthus in my garden which is now growing like a triffid with loads of flower spikes on it. It clearly likes the wet conditions. I think in the coming years we will have to resign ourselves that we’re just going to get wet conditions for at least 6 months of the year and plant accordingly.
  9. The RSPCA once told us that any cleaner which turns white in water, like liquid “Flash” for instance shouldn’t be used around cats. This might help.
  10. It would have to be something akin to that because no alien with half a brain cell would want to associate with the human race.
  11. It might be useful if one of those stars hit Earth with a hefty bang, and thereby knock a bit of sense into a few of the inhabitants here.
  12. My idea of the purrfect cat... let me introduce Phil.
  13. I'm mixing nothing and know what she said. You 'think' she said that being black is obvious, I 'think' she meant something entirely different and clearly demonstrates her mindset. There can be no watered down racism, or a be just a little bit racist, it is, or it isn't. "which is clearly NOT anti semitic, but simply sending up the way in which opposition to Israeli Policy gets classed as AS, whilst support for Palestininans is not the same as support for Hamas" Again that's your view and you're entitled to it. I don't see it as satirical at all, but I've never e
  14. You seem to be mixing up Abbot's 'offence' (She said that Jews, Travellers and somebody else..didn't suffer discrimination 'all of their lives'. She was I think referring to the fact that being black is pretty obvious, whereas other minorities may be less so. Still..she apologised.. a very long time ago... .. with Shaheem's alleged 'offence', in 'liking' the sketch I linked to..which is clearly NOT anti semitic, but simply sending up the way in which opposition to Israeli Policy gets classed as AS, whilst support for Palestinians is not the same as support for Hamas.
  15. Sunak's Rep was wittering on about giving students the info to make better decisions. I could write pages about this stuff. Way back, they used the 'Employment 6 months after Graduation' figures to condemn certain courses through a misunderstanding of the system and the stats. All of the correct and relevant course info students could possibly want was provided via publications such as 'Which Degree', and 'Degree Course Offers', which were widely disemminated by me and my collegues, alongside more localiosed info , visits, conferences etc.. before Govt. decided we were surplus to
  16. It's not rocket science Col, Abbot is calling it an attack on "people of colour", The Islamists are also in there chirriping away. Abbot was penalised for racist remarks. I never mentioned her alleged offence, but it's your interpretation and to judge it as a 'send up' is about the weakest argument you've ever presented in defence. I did mention it was Abbot who called it an attack against people of colour.
  17. I really don't think Rayner wants the job at this stage, but there will be others.
  18. There is data I've no doubt on the drop out numbers and relevant job take ups, it wouldn't be difficult to identity them. As for take up of existing offers it's hardly a government fault if nobody wants them. !00,000 apprenticeships? laudable but never going to happen. Gimmicks? Evette cooper 13000 officers to take back town centres from thugs, except it involves hiring only 7000 and the rest are from the increase under the Tories. Only 3000 of the 7000 will be full time and have powers of arrest. The Tories recruited 20000 since 2019. The policing of town centres has bugger
  19. I don't understand that. Abbot is not everyone's 'cup of tea', but what she said was open to interpretation and Labour took way too long to resolve it. Now she my be prevented from standing in defence of her own constituency under the Labour flag. Shaheen is a noted and respected academic and activist. And here is what she
  20. They have discovered orphan planets in interstellar space that don't have a parent star, they just drift around all lonely for ever. One speculation is that, their stars went supernova & blew them away, another is that they had a bumps a daisy with another bigger planet that knocked them out of their stars orbit.. They've also discovered hyper velocity stars whizzing through intergalactic space light years from their nearest galaxy. They speculate that a mega black holes gravity catapulted them out of their home galaxy.. Oh I so love science...
  21. And yet Sunak's representative yesterday was unable to name a single 'mickey mouse' degree, or institution. They really are just firing out soundbytes to the faithful and to the small minded. We already know that employing organisations are not taking up the existing offer of..what was it? 140000 apprenticeships? Thos only ever existed as 'approved places', which remain unfilled. There's no info as to how this latest gimmick will change anything.
  22. Of course they are, there is no need. Looking through the smoke and mirrors the tax rate does not have to increase, we will still pay more tax. Increasing the minimum wage, but not the threshold and more people will start to pay tax whereas before they didn't, also applies to pay rises. When the starting point stays the same and you have a pay rise. the taxable amount increases The cost of living so called crisis means there will be no need to increase VAT, as prices rise so will the tax take. We're not resining taxes....hooray... But you'll pay
  23. Thanks Jill we will have to check things and start eliminating things though we dont let him get into things like household cleaners though he is curious typical cat.
  24. @IAN FINN there could be all sorts of reasons but they can suffer from allergies to various household items, including cat litter!
  25. RE; the old photo.....this is the same location today.
  26. Same as our moggy. Jill our cat which is babied once in a while gets an eye infection which makes him squint or close his eye we brought some drops from the vet and they work but dont know what causes it he is an indoor cat have you any idea thankyou.
  27. He looks very like my Bruno. He was eight yesterday and is still recovering from his birthday bash.
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