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Everything posted by carni

  1. That is a brilliant link David. I have it in my favourites and quite often just spend a while reading through it. So much information on Nottingham, not only streets but people, places and lots of other interesting bits of knowledge. If you want to know anything you can usually find it on that link somewhere.
  2. So that's where Chris was this morning? Oooh he int arf cute when he's angry...........don't you think.
  3. We had the top one and the third one. No idea where they are now?
  4. Congratulations Den and Margaret. We wish you all the best of everything for the future.
  5. I love that Gem. Sounds like the kind of thing I might do myself.
  6. David, Absolutely brilliant link. I have just spent half an hour scanning through it and the information is great. When you click on the little 'Read More' links it just leads on and on with more information about specific items. I have had to stop now, but saved the link for later, so I can read it properly. Best find for ages. I'm sure it will be enjoyed by many.Thank you for not letting us miss that one Miduck.
  7. The sun is shining. Three hours sleep! Time to get the day started. Two mugs of tea and one cup of coffee already. We are off down the canal before the sun gets too hot. Hopefully get some photos soon to show you., if we can work the camera out????.
  8. I have just got home and picked my laptop up. Dash, I see I am too late for a singsong. Sorry Fellas, You did alright the pair of you.
  9. 10 miles cycle ride this morning, 3miles walk home from town this afternoon, 9miles cycle ride at 6pm.....................Pillow.
  10. I must have walked past this building countless times from being a child holding mams hand, walking from Huntingdon St bus station going to Vicarage St to visit my Grandparents and relations living around the area. After leaving school I did the same journey most mornings myself whilst working at Raywarp on Alfred St North. I have closed my eyes and tried to imagine the building, one so large, but can't for the life of me remember it. This makes me feel sad because, it makes me wonder how many more places and people have slipped from my mind. I do enjoy the pictures and it does take me back t
  11. We lost a lot of pictures to Photobuckets little tantrum, but from February this year I noticed that some of my pictures on the ''Nottingham Falcons' thread had gone and been replaced with the same jumble as Jonab had. They were posted through 'Post image'. Shame intit.
  12. Benj, the queue to send you a PM is endless, you have such allure all the ladies on the forum will end up falling out if you don't choose them.
  13. Erm, never tried one, but there's time.
  14. 'Jam Fritter' Sounds scrumptious, especially topped with a dollop of icecream........................Pass the Rennies
  15. Mmmm, love Haselet sandwiches. I have Fruity brown sauce and Hubbs has Daddies . We had some from ASDA last time, it is hard to find round here and not quite as nice as we used to get at Nottm, but we have to have what we can get, I just put a bit extra sauce on and use my imagination. You have set me longing now, it looks like a trip to ASDA tomorrow. Hope they still sell it.
  16. Here you go. I just happened to be watching when Archie knocked the egg about a bit, then picked it up and took it off somewhere!
  17. Thank you catfan. I haven't reported it because it could be one of at least three different routes covering about ten miles each, taking in three different canal routes and roads, not even sure which days we went on each route. Actually, you spured me on. I think I will make a few phone calls.
  18. You know that feeling 'Lost a bob and found a tanner', well sometime last week on one of our towpath cycle rides my Rotary watch escaped my wrist undetected and now it's gone from me forever. I always take my jewellery off for our rides because sad to say sometimes we pass some scary people and you just never know. Occasionally I forget to remove my watch, and now it's removed forever. Sentimental value, we treated ourselves to matching ones when hubbs was made redundant. Only material things, but made me feel sad anyway. BUT. The sun is shining and you never know , I wont get my watch back,
  19. Me too. I used to really enjoy Bygones on line. I wasn't aware of it until its last year, which I paid to read. Really enjoyable, hope I can do the same with 'Nottinghamshire Past'. Good Luck.
  20. I have been watching the Falcons with sadness this year as they have not been successful in hatching any eggs for whatever reason they have lost them all, a few minutes ago I watched again with sadness as one of the Falcons removed the final egg from the nest. As with all aspects of life there is sadness and happiness. For people following the Falcons, I have added this final image of the Falcons from me for this year. I hope this is appropriate, even though upsetting as it is all part of life.
  21. Just got to find my tuning fork Commo? Might need some back up this time of the morning though.
  22. There's something calling me from way out yonder.....It's just the gypsy in my soul.
  23. I love my nostalgic thoughts about my childhood, whether it is because I moved so far away from the place I grew up in I don't know, but not a day goes by that I don't wander off in my thought to myself as a child living in Hardys Drive. I feel as though I have been two people in my life. The one I am now and the person that lived in Gedling, who left all her friends, family, surroundings and basically everything, when I married. I do definitely feel as if I have been two people? No regrets, well perhaps a little one. I wish I could have bought mi mam and dad with me. I often resea
  24. Just missed my chance there! But I sat in my armchair and performed a thought Harmonise with Margie. Our Boomerang never came back either. The closest we got to it returning was when Chris threw it and it did a form of half circle, landing about twenty foot to his left. Mind you the competition between the men was impressive., I can't imagine how many attempts it took to get even half a circle. The children never got a look in.
  25. We do benj, I have one sister here in West Mids, she married a Black Country fellow as well. The twins were only six when I left Nottm, but mum bought us up to be very loving and it stayed with us. Phone calls and Texts always end with 'Love You' and kisses. We are a very sploshy lot. xxx