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Everything posted by tomlinson

  1. Just think! If we golden oldies had kept our toys in pristine condition, we would have been rich beyond the dreams of 'Dinky Toys' by now.
  2. Yes you are quite right. I once saw a training film for air hostesses advising how to tell an awkward passenger what they thought of them without offending others. The 'Hostie' knelt before the awkward one in a very petite manner with head on one side and let him have it. No one else was upset and the 'victim' was too embarrassed to do anything about it. It's all down to body language. Mind you, I don't suggest you try such a thing ------1945!
  3. It's around 50 years since I left Nottingham. i have offered what I remember of it but much has been previously discussed, so now I enjoy being up dated as to what is happening now along with other discussions. Nottstalgia is an interesting and valuable asset; long may it continue.
  4. In which case nothing is 'rubbish'.
  5. There was a carpet layer who having finished a job found a lump in the middle of what he had laid and discovered his cigarettes were missing. Rather than take up the carpet to retrieve his fags, he flattened the lump with a hammer. Later, he found his fags in a coat pocket. The house owner asked later still if he had seen a hamster, as theirs had disappeared.
  6. 20 oz steak? I find that hard to swallow!
  7. On the board outside St Mary's church Attleborough is a sign reading, 'Get married here 2015 from £441.00'. Are there similar signs around advertising the services of the church and is it enterprising, or a bit commercial? Doesn't really surprise me, I must admit.
  8. I remember helping make rugs out of hessian and rags late 40s early fifties. The tool used to do the job was a clothes peg, not the rough wood one but the smooth manufactured item. As I remember it, you put the bit of rag in the fork of the peg, then push it through the hessian so the two rag ends stick up. No charge for the info'.
  9. Oddly enough, there is a small corner shop in a nearby town of Hingham which for years has traded under the name 'Harrod's'. It's run by an Asian. 'Harrod's' of London tried to get them to change the name. Insecurity or what!!!
  10. I find it crazy that the big supermarkets have offers, loyalty cards and the rest of it in the guise of 'bargains'. If they can afford these tactics why can't they afford to lower the prices over all?
  11. I remember Redifusion as a very good service. Our first radio was an attractive wooden speaker controlled by a black rotary switch on the wall nearby. During the 50s a television was bought in a Bulwell shop but was very unreliable, going back for expensive repairs several times. We went back to reliable Redifusion for the next tele' and never regretted it.
  12. A loss of a great chatacter actor. RIP
  13. Child abuse has crept into this subject which began with PC and all has become lumped together. Of course our children should be protected against all abuse, sexual, bullying from peers or whatever; I would like to think we all should be protected and that we protect each other. My point is that under the guise of child abuse, some school teachers for instance have been pillaried and careers ruined without any abuse taking place; the accusation seems sufficient prove guilt and a cloud of suspicion remains.
  14. P.C. has developed into a weapon which is used by all, including children.
  15. Miserable look on the face - "You'll stay that way if the wind changes"!
  16. All very sad. Just think of the freight to be carried, the water able to be moved around in case of drought and the leisure facilities made available if canals were to be re-instated. Our planners should have gone to Specsavers.
  17. Just remembered another one which has probably been mentioned elsewhere. When surprised - 'My Giddy Aunt'!
  18. If someone understood something, 'The penny's dropped', reference I think to when viewing ended on the old 'What The Butler Saw' machines.
  19. I think the Daily Mail in search of 'truth' went to a factory and asked, " How many people work here"? and was told, "About 30%".
  20. Count me in! If I could afford it, I'd certainly go but I doubt I'd pass the age limit, let alone the medical! All kinds of theories have been put forward as to why the accident happened but in ventures like this, there will always be danger as the American shuttle has proved. The Russians had a plan for a capsule mounted on a Foxbat to take people up but I don't know if it was ever developed. Still, I left Nottingham and maybe that was far enough.
  21. It was Acker Bilk (referred to as 'Utter Bilge' in the Daily Mail cartoon, 'Rufus & Flook') who started the traditional jazz revival of the 50s - 60s. Saw him at the 'Dancing Slipper' and in concert at the Albert Hall. Always entertaining and a fashion icon of the fancy waistcoat and bowler hat. Another talent who will be missed! R.I.P.
  22. They call the Norwich City forward line 'jigsaw' because they go to pieces in the box, but I suppose it's said about most teams sometime or other.