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Everything posted by tomlinson

  1. My favourite type of shop is a secondhand bookshop; after one of these, I can't stay out of a shop selling fishing tackle. Last week I wandered into a secondhand bookshop in Cromer and found a 'Toby Twirl Story Book'. I can honestly say I remembered most of the illustrations from when I had my own childhood copy. Has anyone had a similar experience? And are there any secondhand book shops in Nottingham these days. From living there 50 years ago, I remember a couple; one on Broad Marsh and one on George Street - I think it was George Street.
  2. Yep! A message from the grave! I suppose if these insurance people were to be sued for miss-selling or whatever, Parkinson (a pen name? Oh no. That would be Parker) would be free from any action but I don't see why. These celeb's use their celebrity as a selling point, so I think they should be liable. Oh well; I don't suppose they'll listen to me.
  3. Where was it taken from? Someone must have been on a high! I was myself once in the Palaise. There I was, doing a swift Palais Glide, and I swear the floor started to move! Happy days!!!
  4. One of my favourite expressions I heard from the television. "You're as useful as an incontinent trapeze artist"!
  5. Dressed up to go out. "Will I do"? or someone looking at you ready to go out. "You'll do".
  6. Interestingly enough, an experiment was done re- a spiders' legs. When told to move, a spider was seen to move and then a leg was removed. When all the legs were gone in a similar manner, it was told to move but did not do so. It was deduced from this that when a spider has no legs, it's stone deaf.
  7. I made a comment to demonstrate my 'dipstickedness' to someone who passed exams in sign language. "Well done", I said."Is this to help in your work with the blind"? Not a physical thing but definitely careless!
  8. The bit in 'Gone With The Wind' where it said, 'The End'.
  9. This needs thinking about. You ever know who's on Nottstalgia; if details are given, the rest of us may have to be killed, and I'm too old for that sort of thing!
  10. The poetry of Bilbraborn on the whole is not forlorn Like that one posted up by Carni, her grandad made quite a barnie, Unlike writings done by Chulla, of romance they could not be fuller. Lines of youth by Michael Booth are not the sort of thing to sooth, As those transcribed by Hippo Girl, who went and gave the art a twirl. Offerings by one Dave N, they edify us now and then, Karlton lent artistic grace, (is she named Karlton for the place)? And to the pen these poems call us, as they do with poet Paulus, And as they do indeed to me, and call they do to Mick2me. So all these poems D
  11. Outside our house I often pick up coke cans, takeaway meal boxes and sweet wrappers and such. I don't think these were left by our generation ( the older one) but I think some parents today instil the chuck away habits of their children. Melissa #4. There's nothing new in youngsters getting a lot of stick and blame for everything. It happens as sure as oldies get blame for everything. It was the generation before ours that devised the atom bomb. Personally, I think we should blame the government!
  12. If he was from Yorkshire, the Sheriff of Nottingham failed in his duty!!!
  13. I spend so much precious time Trying to find a proper rhyme To round off every precious line. I find one, then I say 'That;s fine', But when I check it, I say 'Strewth'! That don't rhyme, and that's the truth'! Then I turn and sadly bin it, And that's the best thing really, i'n it!
  14. What is not mentioned is the usual request by whoever performs the service and this request was backed up by the happy couple who said they had no intentions of starting a family and didn't want to leave a litter.
  15. I think my question may have been understood. My fault. Obviously children cannot be banned from hotels and the great majority of accommodations do not do so; indeed many offer reductions for minors with additional facilities for them. Let me put it another way. If you were planning a holiday and there were childless and with child options, which would you choose, assuming of course you had no children yourself?
  16. I have no problem with well behaved children myself but I do with badly behaved children. We can react to 'grumbling old moaners' but to react to kiddies in the same manner is certainly frowned upon by indignant parents.
  17. Increasingly these days, hotels and other holiday accommodations have within their advertising the condition, 'No Children'. For myself, having had kids and holidayed with them and seen the behaviour of some, I'm with the 'No Children' 100% and look for this 'facility' in the brochures. What thoughts does everyone have about this barring of children?
  18. I suppose like any conversation; it drifts from subject to subject.
  19. It seems to me a bit like body language in reverse. The tone of the threads leads to an impression of what people are like, perhaps even as to their appearance, even without a suitable photograph, which by the way I don't know how to place. Lucky for you! Yes we have different interests and views but also different characters lending more colour to Nottstalgia. How many of us are willing, or able to change their character?
  20. Here's a point for discussion. It has been said that the lions at the council house roar when virgins go past. Anyone heard 'em? Seriously though folks, I for one have not lived in Nottingham for nearly 50 years. I've put forward my own memories, some of which had already been discussed and there are posts which mean nothing to me whatsoever. I do find it interesting to know what's going on at present though and I enjoy a chat as much as anyone else. Keep it up friends!!!
  21. When out and about, I often contribute to tin holders collecting for what I hope to be a deserving charity and this includes, 'Help For Heroes'. There recently opened in a relatively new shopping centre in Norwich a charity shop - 'Help For Heroes'. This brings up some questions for me. 1. Why should such things have to be for wounded members of the armed services who certainly deserve assistance? 2. How many of these shops are there in expensive outlets such as in Norwich? Are there any in Nottingham? 3. Who is employed in these shops and who takes the profit? As with other charities, som
  22. I'm sure not but there are plenty around. For instance, in speaking to a 19 year old girl, I mentioned the word 'untenable'. "What does that mean" ? she said. "Indefensible", I replied. " What does that mean"? she said, and so on. Not all suffer the same thing it is true, but I certainly come across a great deal of it. Having produced and written bits for an Am Dram group, it is a sobering experience.
  23. I find that teenagers and some in early twenties have great trouble with personal contact and the use and meaning of words.
  24. I use one for what I need to write, otherwise I'm a bit of a reactionary. I prefer books to kindle any time; communication is too good, causing all sorts of abuse of the system; verbal communication and inter personal skills are suffering but I will admit to being on Facebook to keep in touch with friends, while it used to be 'phone or a hand written letter, to which I wouldn't mind reverting if I had to. A common excuse for problems today is, 'computer error', which is a euphemism for, ' crap in - crap out'. It is a tool but in many cases misused. And what happens if you haven't got one? You
  25. Being a total Philistine, I must admit that genealogy is more or less a closed book to me. I take the view that whatever your ancestors and history, you are what you are. My wife has spent many enjoyable hours looking into the subject of her family and I have spent a few boring hours visiting churches etc. looking at grave stones and such, so I know little about either side of my own family and to be honest, I don't really see the point. My grandfather on my mother's side worked at a pit in Derbyshire, which gave me a love of the county after many enjoyable visits. That's about as far as I can