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Everything posted by susyshoes

  1. Talking of keeping secrets . When my mum died in 2008 we were clearing out her house and found her metal box that she always kept locked. Dad had died in 1981 so she had been widowed 26 years. When we managed to prise open the box , we found in there their marriage certificate which states that my dad had been married before . Mum and dad married 1 Feb 1947, and it said dads marriage was dissolved the week before! Neither me or my brother had ever known he was married before and we were shocked to say the least . I spoke to my dads only surviving sister who was in her 90s who told us that wh
  2. Was only wondering the other day about Pixie. Does anyone hear from/about her? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. My husband is 7 years younger than me at 49 . It bothers me more than him but he's always taking the Micky when age is brought up Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Just wondered how old each of you lot on here are ? I bet there's some age gaps ? I'll start, I'm 56 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Can't remember , I was 6 and never liked footy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I had the misfortune to live in Ilkeston from late 2005 to 2011. Had only lived there 2 mth and someone let themselves in the front door took my car keys and drove off whilst I was sitting on the sofa. Saw my car drive in front of the window. Police never charged anyone and my 1 year old mini was found abandoned a week later in moor green reservoir . Couldn't wait to get out of Ilkeston . What a sh** hole Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. An old boyfriend of mine had a K reg (1972) mark 3 ford cortina 1600GT. He was only 17 at the time (1976)and had saved his pennies and bought it as his first car . It had 4x super cibie spotlights on the front which lit the town up when they were on. Great car but one day the electrics burnt out . My grandad was a retired auto electrician and showed him how to trace each wire and replace it with new wire and between them 're-wired' the whole car . Lasted until he sold it a couple of years later ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. We have a super King one too. It certainly took some energy getting it upstairs . We can never move house now as would never find a house with a big enough bedroom to take it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Thanks for the pics of Fulforth Street Cliff Ton and lovely history NonnaB thank you Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. I work on fulforth street now. Nottingham building society head office , frontage on Mansfield road but car park entrance on fulforth street. Not sure what was there before ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. How many different shops has the old Boots shop on Pelham street been since it was Boots? On here there's a photo of it as Boots, then Maples. I remember it being a cookware shop and now it's Zara. Any more? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. nah I was in the bell tower of the church ding dong
  13. We were in aldi last month and left the trolley to walk back down the aisle to get something I had forgotten. Came back, put it in my trolley and carried on shopping. It wasn't until we got to the checkout and I saw things in my trolley that I hadn't put in there that I realised I had wheeled someone else's shopping around the shop. I blamed hubby for putting biscuits in - it was when the nappies came out I started to worry. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. The new pub formerly Rhinegold Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. The road running horizontal across top pic is Albert street Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Found it Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Well I did have the pic but it's disappeared Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Annie holgate technical grammar. Bottle green skirt, turquoise blouse with a rounded collar because the girls weren't allowed to wear a tie . Grey or bottle green jumper or cardi , bottle green blazer. It did change as we got older, but only because we got braver. The lads had to wear the same turquoise shirt but with a bottle green and turquoise striped tie, dark grey trousers. They were very strict about uniform in the early to mid 70s and we were often hauled before the deputy head because we were wearing something not quite right. Think it's anything goes now, think it's black trousers, w
  19. Annie Holgate Technical Grammar School Hucknall. We just had red green blue and yellow. No fancy names. When we had our swimming gala, there was only me and Hazel Johnson in our house who were decent swimmers , she did breast stroke and butterfly, I did backstroke and front crawl and IVM. Even though there was only 2 of us, we each won our individual races. 'Twas about the only sport I was any good at Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. i upgraded to Win 10 because i hated Win 8, what with all those things popping out the side every time i hovered over the right hand tool bar. Must say its much better so no complaints here
  21. Boom Bang a Bang by Lulu. (Not my most treasured purchase) 1969. I was only 9 so I guess I can be forgiven Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. The start of the new Hucknall inner relief road. Top middle is the old Co-op Baker Street, cutting through Titchfield Street, Albert Street. Trying to find a photo of the second bit
  23. Didn't stay school dinners in primary school but when I went to Annie holgate tech grammar, dinners were brill. Roast lamb, roast spuds, veg, mint sauce - my favourite. Puddings were cornflake tart and custard or Manchester Tart that was my favourite pud Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk