Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. Even Nadine Dorries has commented against Braverman. I never dreamed I'd be in agreement with something she said.
  2. I suspect the introduction of Lineker into this thread may be connected with his comments on the Israeli-Palestine situation.
  3. I'm pretty certain the man in the orange jacket is Mr Engineer.
  4. We went to Cleethorpes for a weeks holiday somewhere around 1963-64. I don't remember anything about the place, except that in those days Grimsby (next one along) was still a major port, so there was an endless stream of large cargo ships/tankers etc passing by, just off the coast.
  5. Yes; art imitating reality.
  6. I've been in that ASDA quite recently. It's very much like shopping in an aircraft hangar; and bloody cold on anything but a warm summer day. The staff must wear thermals for most of the year.
  7. As I've said're as old as people think you are.
  8. I realise that ! I find it amazing that something which looks so cheap and nasty can be so valuable. I've never eaten truffle (apart from the chocolate version) so I can't comment on what they actually taste like.
  9. If I found a truffle in the street I would have no idea what it was. I'd probably just kick it into the gutter as some kind of random rubbish.
  10. I suspect the weather may have played a part there; it was incredibly wet, cold, and unpleasant. On another local point, today (Sunday) ITV1 are showing the Chesterfield v Portsmouth match live.
  11. I can confirm I was nowhere near the scene of the crime.
  12. I don't have Sky so can't watch anything live, but the 1hr highlights (?) are shown on Channel 5 at 12 midnight. Shunting it off to that time may be because they think it could be embarrassing.
  13. I remember stamp collecting when I was younger, although I didn't keep it going for very long. And back then I also had a massive collection of Dinky/Corgi/Matchbox models....including many buses. If I still had that lot now they'd be worth quite a bit.
  14. The main thing I remember about it is the theme tune; instantly recognisable to people of a certain age. It's stood the test of time, even if the programme hasn't.
  15. Nottm City Transport's own website says they had motor buses.....scroll down to the relevant years. The webpage you've linked says the page was updated by Dave Root (whoever he is/was) in August 2001. Maybe he's learned a bit more since then.
  16. I've come across an old thread about Peveril which was buried under the main heading of 60s Nottingham. I haven't cross-checked to see if any information is duplicated.
  17. The mind boggles as to what you were searching for, which took you to that.
  18. When I was much younger, almost nobody did anything about Halloween. A few people had heard of it, and that was that. Now there's an increasing number of houses covered with the appropriate 'decorations'. In a few years it will be on a par with Xmas decorations.
  19. I honestly don't know. I've never watched it long enough ! It's full of irritating Americanisms, with the cricket getting pushed into second place.
  20. I don't mind some versions of one-day cricket, but there's too many variations and some of it has come closer to showbiz. I tried watching The Hundred on TV, but didn't like it at all. It reminded me of American Football (which isn't a compliment).
  21. RE: the title of this thread. The members of the England team clearly aren't.
  22. Up until earlier this year I'd not bothered with a watch for several years. My last one had various problems so I binned it; I'd always told myself I couldn't live without a watch but over the following months I learned to do that....and it was nowhere near as difficult as I'd thought. I ended up getting a Casio analogue watch for £17.95 from these people. and I'm perfectly happy with it.
  23. I've now realised that the confirmation letter is the winter fuel allowance. Upon receiving it, you are then expected to burn it, which will provide heat and lighting.
  24. Although I got the confirmation letter last week, I've not yet received the money.
  25. Could you have opened the watch yourself ? Last time I needed a new watch battery I took the back off the watch and got a battery off Ebay.