Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. I remember Challand & Ross. They were on Canal Street towards the bottom end of Wilford Road, near what was the Canal Tavern.
  2. As far as I know Mary Quant had no direct connection with Nottingham, but she certainly influenced the way people of Nottingham looked and dressed. If it hadn't been for her, everyone in the 1960s would've been walking around dressed like their parents and grandparents.
  3. An interesting development at Sporting Director is now an ex-Director.
  4. I had a Firenza for a couple of years in the late 70s. Looked good, but had no performance or go. Got rid of it as soon as I could afford to.
  5. Currently 269. Half are Petalsearch, and the others an Applebot. Writing their names here will bring them back again.
  6. A blast from the past, digging up an old thread which was started by Ashley, who is sadly no longer with us. Whilst looking for something else, I've found the answer to his original question from 15 years ago. There was indeed a village in the location mentioned, named Holme Lane. It's marked on old maps, and some of the houses are still there. Proper old-school Nottstalgia stuff.
  7. Another.... the old car manufacturer Wolseley. Many people ignore the second L and say Wolsey - who was a side-kick of Henry VIII.
  8. One I've always been aware of is Anglia, usually in East or Ford. When I was young I remember other kids saying Angular, Angler, or other variations.
  9. Just been in Morrisons. Easter eggs are already half price or less, so now's the time to buy.
  10. What/where is the Park shown in the photo ? Your quote doesn't mention it, and the photo doesn't give any clues.
  11. A bit before the time of most people reading this, but it says Bestwood on the caption, so.......
  12. For some reason, I always seem to note and memorise car registrations of people I know or meet. I'm always surprised how easily I can think of someone and tell myself "they have a 55 Fiesta.....or she has a 62 Toyota".
  13. What is now Victoria Leisure Centre is part old building and part modern extension, but that's where the Wash House and Public Baths used to be.
  14. Maybe the previous post wasn't by MargieH......maybe someone used a Chatbot and said "Type me a reply in the style of MargieH". Maybe I didn't write this.
  15. The AI thing which I suspect Margie was referring to is called ChatGPT. You can look at it or play around with it.
  16. Logging in around 8.30 this morning, I saw what may be a new record. Of those 51 Guests, at least 45 of them were Bots and not real people.
  17. I've posted this before somewhere, but...... I first became aware of Harry Wheatcroft in the 1960s because a lady near where we lived at Clifton acted as child-minder for some of his children. He would bring and collect them from her house (in his Jaguar) whilst flashing his extravagant whiskers.
  18. I'd forgotten that but you're correct. I did indeed have the handlebars turned upside down. I never liked the normal racing bars, they were too awkward and uncomfortable for me so I carried out a few experiments and ended up with what you see.
  19. A bit blurry, but this is one of my bike rides. Me on a bike at Clifton in the late 1960s.
  20. When everything is going well, some sad news for Notts.
  21. I remember from my earliest days that you could use helium to get the squeaky voice effect. Sometimes balloons were inflated using helium, so you'd slightly release the knot in the balloon to let the helium out slowly, whilst breathing in what was being released. Instant amusement for a few seconds.
  22. I first became aware of him with the Lily Savage character, which was clever and funny; a sort of update of the Les Dawson women. He seems to have been a genuinely nice bloke - and obviously did a lot for animal welfare charities.
  23. Another piece of late 60s pop which I always liked; here with a slightly odd promotional film shot on a European railway.
  24. I never paid much attention to Joan Baez back in the day, but I 'discovered' her a few years ago and found I really liked most of her recorded output. An amazing voice.