Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. ....and if that doesn't make you want to unsubscribe, nothing will.
  2. That's pretty impressive stuff! For most of those scenes, it's very obvious where the location is.
  3. ModelTman - if you are still reading this - as others have also said, it would be interesting if you could tell us exactly what you mean by 'disjointed'. As no-one else has ever said that before, you might have noticed something which everyone else had missed. I agree that some of the people who contribute might seem a bit disjointed but that is because they reflect all types of Nottinghamians past and present.
  4. The NEP website have done another of those "ten photos from ......" again. This time they are from the 1950s and some of them I'd not seen before.
  5. This is one I didn't get, and I don't remember ever seeing it before, even when smoking was fashionable.,
  6. I got 17. Does that make me a youngster?
  7. Ferreting about on PTP, there appears to be a hut beneath the "finger" road sign on the left of the photo. Possibly for the person operating tram/trolleybus points?;EQUALS;NTGM002524&prevUrl=
  8. Who would have thought that we'd all be here remembering the things we did 50+ years ago? Who would have thought the technology would exist to enable that? Who would have thought we'd all still have (most) of our marbles to be able to remember?
  9. There are so many of them springing up all the time, I wouldn't be surprised if Bubblewrap's wasn't another new one in Beeston.
  10. When you look at what Aldi or Lidl or Pound-whatever can charge for various items, I don't know how Sainsbury's or the others dare show their faces.
  11. Another.
  12. I'm guessing and hoping this is the one you're referring to.;EQUALS;NCCC002523&prevUrl=
  13. Three more I found from the same date in 1999. This is the Suburban Railway flying junction/bridge where it crossed Trent Lane. This is looking away from Nottingham, so trains would be coming towards you on the single line. (the opposite direction to the anorak shot) And this is the opposite direction to the pub photo - this is what was facing the pub, the (blocked up) entrance to a tunnel. It is now massively overgrown and looks nothing like this. Another view of the GN crossing the Midland at Meadow Lane.
  14. Came across a few photos I took around 1999/2000 of the former railway land near Sneinton and Meadow Lane. Although they are not very old, most of these scenes are fairly different now. The goods shed, before some of its later fires. The Low Level station in the process of being converted into a health club. The former pub on Colwick Road at the location where the Suburban Railway used to cross Colwick Road; I was surprised to find this site is now occupied by flats. The GN crossing the Midland at Trent Lane. Not sure how much of this scene remains now. The flats in the distance are
  15. There are two topics under discussion here, and I'll reiterate what I said earlier...... I have no problem at all with surveys and questionnaires; I have completed several of them on various sites and am quite happy to continue doing so. My initial comment was directed at the fact that we were being asked to access a link which might not have been authentic. A bit more background information would have helped. Exactly. Someone registered on Nottstalgia, never been here before with no established history or credibility, and in that first post is asking people to click on a link which could
  16. So the only way to discover the OP is a Trent University student is to click on the link. I am not in the habit of clicking on links which I am unsure of. I actually do visit and post on a number of other forums, so I am not a naive internet beginner. I have filled in questionnaires before, and have no problem with doing so again, provided I have enough prior information about the site I'm linking to. Nor am I a moron.
  17. I think most people will be suspicious about being asked to click on what could be a dodgy link. It might be useful if you could explain who you are, where you are, and why this has any connection with Nottingham.
  18. I know we'd figured it was a power station, but I've finally found written proof. Re: the word "Lodge" above the 'Car park'. It's this:
  19. This. Originally a cinema, but turned to bingo a long time ago. Probably been bingo longer than a cinema.
  20. I've not been around for a few days so I've only just caught up on this thread. On the subject of the water towers, they don't seem to have been there in the 1880s...... ...but they were there by the 1920s....
  21. Take a look at the map in this old thread for the answer.
  22. Looks like it. It seems to be Felton Road, which is/was near Mundella,-1.142381,3a,75y,276.37h,89.31t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sKTLfnEbr8wurIpJrT0kW1g!2e0?hl=en
  23. This is a decent - and free - programme for photo adjustments. It is almost a stripped-down, basic version of Photoshop, using the same commands and techniques.
  24. Demonstrated by the famous stone mason's spelling mistake at the (now) Galleries of Justice where he changed his mind. You can see the O and the A.
  25. And I'd forgotten it's just visible on Britain from Above. Zooming in on that view, you get this.