Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. I walked up and down Drury Hill many times when I was a kid. It was one of the several possible exit routes out of Broad Marsh bus station.
  2. Same here; around 11.30 the rain against the windows was like someone aiming a very powerful hosepipe. I don't think I've ever heard/seen such an intense downpour, even if it was only for a few minutes.
  3. Nobody saw this one coming.
  4. Maybe we could start a new thread titled 'Brief Encounters I have known' but I suspect it would be monopolised by Ben and no-one else would be able to get a word in.
  5. Nice to see you still looking in carni ! A real blast from the past
  6. In the car this afternoon, the outside temperature gauge on the dashboard was saying 15c.
  7. I remember that. Memories of the Light Programme in the early 60s.
  8. Several websites today have mentioned a feature which was visible in the sky yesterday evening. I took this looking out of the window. Apparently they're known as Nacreous/Rainbow Clouds and are quite rare.
  9. Looks like it will be ok for a long time.
  10. I always think that as well. I don't mind the colder days this time of the year, but I hate the early darkness.
  11. I only ever went to a few Forest matches in the mid-60s, and it's interesting to see the players who were in the team in those days. And it's almost comical to see that Frank Wignall was signed in 1963 for £20,000. There are players now who earn that in a few minutes.
  12. I've increasingly found that happening to me in recent years.
  13. According to a Portugese newspaper.......
  14. Very easy....not that I've done it. It depends entirely on the passenger's honesty; you have to buy a ticket from a machine on the platform before you start your journey (unless you are very old). I suspect that a large number of younger passengers never buy a ticket; they assume/hope they won't get caught.....and probably have a 90+% success rate. I've seen people hop on and off within a couple of stops using it as an alternative to walking; I'll bet they don't have a ticket. The percentage who don't pay must be well into double figures.
  15. I'm fascinated and slightly confused by the way the Forest fans are apparently still fully supporting Cooper, even though he's almost certainly going to take them back down again.
  16. Margie, I'm certain part of your explanation is also appropriate in some cases.
  17. I think the problem a lot of the time is that they find Nottstalgia by chance/accident, and they decide to make a post about something. Then a few days later they remember they posted something somewhere, but they can't remember the name of the site or find it again.
  18. In the last couple of months four people have joined Nottstalgia and made their first post(s). So far none of them has returned since their
  19. One of the money-saving options which the Council were reported to be considering was stopping bus passes being used on trams.
  20. The Shopping Centre (as opposed to the Market) seems to be just about managing to survive. When the Market has gone, I suspect the rest will follow not long after. The whole situation is like Broad Marsh Centre around 15 years ago. And look how that ended up.
  21. It will come as no surprise that the Council have finally decided to pull the plug on Victoria Market. It's been shrinking for years.
  22. She wasn't local, but she's the actress who played Albert Finney's love interest in the film Saturday Night Sunday Morning.
  23. Strangely nostalgic, because if you tried to do that today it would be difficult to find any busy shopping centres.
  24. @OztalgianNice to see you're back here again. You've got a few football reports to catch up on !