Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. Spoilsports.
  2. The problem with Kamikaze island wasn't so much trees, it was the fact that the island/roundabout itself was very small diameter with a very wide road area all around it. This meant that it didn't look like a roundabout, and if you were going north-south or east-west you could drive across in a straight line without following the normal curves of a traditional roundabout. So people just went blasting straight across without looking for traffic coming from the left or right.
  3. Not quite naming roundabouts, but sponsoring them by local companies, such as an insurance broker at Maid Marian Way.,-1.155217,3a,15y,341.05h,77.83t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sGBCz2Q7Ojk5cFFUiMXFWIQ!2e0?hl=en
  4. Exactly the same for me on the same stretch of line; except that in my case, from the window in the back bedroom of our house you could also see the trains on that line over a mile away - they appeared for a few seconds in a gap between houses and trees. During the day, being so far away, you could only see it as a dark shape of a train with the steam coming from the chimney on the engine; but at night when it was a passenger train you could see the string of lights from the carriages moving across the horizon. That same stretch of former line is now being used for the new tram extension; so
  5. I know this topic has been quiet for over a year, but earlier today whilst looking for something else I accidentally discovered the answer to Tannis' original question. Victoria Villas still exist, and the building is still labelled, and thanks to Streetview I can prove it. Zoom out of Streetview to get a wider perspective of Sneinton Dale.
  6. In the ultra-protected world we live in, does Health & Safety allow such things now? Back in the 50s and 60s were kids kids all over the country trying to discover how to blow up their parents or their school or themselves? I bet the death toll wasn't actually that great.
  7. Do you know the name of the road Riseholme was on?
  8. Now you've mentioned it, I remember the map at the bus stop; that was the stop where we got off the bus coming back from Nottingham.
  9. Where - and when - exactly was that ? We lived at that end of Clifton and I'm trying to remember the location of a map at the bottom end of Farnborough.
  10. Even in the early 1900s, number 67 was obviously a significant figure. Does the rectangle indicate the cricket pitch?
  11. Small world. This is the corner of St Peter's Street where Skills garage used to be (replaced by new student blocks on the right). For several years my sister and her family lived in one of the houses on the left, and the houses still exist. The debtor's prison - where Bing's photo was taken - was a bit further up on the left, opposite the student blocks.
  12. I hope you don't mean that you are actually eating turkey which has been lying around since christmas. It might've gone off a bit by now.
  13. Impressive. That must've taken some time to research. What did anoraks do before the internet was invented?
  14. Nowt to do with the Dungeon, but yes I remember Bates' off licence, I didn't know John - probably a bit older than me - but I was always amazed by his dad's name. It was on the metal plate above the shop door saying "Licensed to sell alcohol on the premises etc etc" and it was Alva Ballard Bates. Never known anybody else called Alva or Ballard.
  15. Were they similar to the "Passport photo" booths which you still see around today?
  16. Here's an alternative which is fully zoomable; if you also take look around the rest of the site, you could be there for hours.
  17. Is this the same thing? Are you sure you still want one?
  18. And if yer say it proper, is a hard one for non-locals to understand.
  19. My parents got married in the late 1940s. They couldn't afford to buy anywhere to live, and presumably there wasn't much available in the way of rented accommodation. So for the first 4-5 years of their marriage they lived at my grandma's house (my mum's parents); that house in Radford was big enough for them to have the spare bedroom so at least they had some privacy. Eventually they got a newly-built council house on Clifton and the rest is history. But I guess in those days it wasn't unusual to get married and then continue to live at your parents' house for several years. Does it still
  20. If you look at some of the other photos on my link to "Britain from Above" you'll see that Colleymore Leys Lane is visible in a semi-constructed state.
  21. If you are just quoting from the thread you are in, 1. Click on "Quote" in the post you want to quote from. The bit you are quoting will appear in your reply box. 2. Move your cursor down so that it isn't in the same quoted box, and start writing your own comment. To quote from one thread into another, use the "Multiquote" button. 1. Go to the thread you want to quote from, and click on the "Multiquote" button. You'll see a black box appear in the bottom right corner. 2. Go away from that thread and go to the thread you want to put the quote into. The black box will still be there. 3. I
  22. "Britain from Above" have added a few new photos from the early 1950s showing Clifton Estate in the process of being built. Only the bottom end of the estate had been started at this stage and the pattern of building seems a bit random; several roads are laid out with houses built, but there are gaps where further houses would come later. I think several Nottstalgians will recognise the area in the photos. And its amazing to see the area beyond Rivergreen - towards Green Lane - which is still fields and farm land. If you Reg
  23. How come this is waiting to be moderated?
  24. It was actually between St Ann's Well Road and Turner Street, crossing Plantagenet Street.
  25. Might be useful if you told us a bit of your history in Carlton, such as the road you lived on, the school you went to, names of people you knew in your days there. It will ring a few bells for people reading this and somebody might actually remember you. You say you lived in Carlton from 1940 to 57 - does that mean you are now somewhere else?